Threat of a riot if police officers in shooting are not removed


Tribune Staff Reporter

FRIENDS OF Wesley Pierre, the man who was shot and killed by police in Exuma on Sunday, have threatened to “riot” if police officers involved in the shooting are not immediately removed.

Pierre was shot in the shoulder by police, moments after he reportedly stabbed an officer in the eye while trying to escape custody.

Speaking with The Tribune, Brian Lloyd, Pierre’s co-worker and friend, said Pierre was a good “Christian man” who was devoted to his son and wife. He said if the officers responsible are not taken off the island, there will be a riot.

“He was a hard worker, I worked with him here at Stocking Island as well as a few other jobs and he is a great man and a great father. No one believes what the police is saying happened. We believe those officers did something to him, then set it up like he attacked them. We are all fed up, that man was a good man who went to church with his son every day,” Mr Lloyd said.

“If something is not done we will riot because this don’t make no sense. We know this man, I work with him everyday. He prayed all day everyday. Something will happen if they don’t take these officers off the island. We want justice for this man, he did not deserve to die like that. He did not even rob anyone, what happened was he was at church and had the holy spirit and went for a swim. He ended up swimming by a resort and saw a family in the water and started talking to one of the boys that was swimming. They called the police and that is why he got locked up. He did not steal anything like the police are claiming.”

Assistant Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson denied any foul play was involved, but said the matter has been forwarded to the Coroner’s Court.

According to reports, Pierre asked to use the station bathroom around 11pm Sunday in George Town, Exuma. While being escorted to the bathroom, he reportedly attacked the officer and attempted to escape.

During the struggle, Pierre stabbed the officer in his eye and nose with a pen before running out of the station in an easterly direction.

Officers chased him and caught up with him in the area of John Marshall Liquor Store. When officers tried to arrest him, he struck one of the officers in the face with a large rock and a struggle began.

The officer withdrew his weapon and shot Pierre in the shoulder. Pierre died at the scene.


Bahamianpride says...

He felt the holy spirit went swimming by himself & started talking to strange boy making people uncomfortable enough to call police, hmmm. Did this same spirit tell him to stab officer & escape? Does not same like holy spirit inspired acts, more like demonic possession...

Posted 10 April 2014, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

God as my witness, something like this happened to me as a child. Went on the beach with my Dad and baby sister and this guy came out of nowhere talking to us - befriending us...asking us to show us how we swim. We were seven and five. That man touched me as I was pretending to swim. I know what fingers feel like. In this story, the parents had every right to express their concern about a stranger out of nowhere addressing their son in the water. It happened to me and I was too scared to tell my Dad what happened. I just told him I was feeling so sick and needed to go home NOW NOW NOW... We have to make "wise" choices. If it were my child, I would have called the cops too.

Posted 10 April 2014, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

so when will your book hit the stores?

Posted 10 April 2014, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Mr. Lyold, Thanks for telling police your plans now they can arrest u for inciting a riot, your solution is not christian, I don't think Jesus would support your position. U destroy your own credibility & the credibility of your friend with these statements & your quick resort to violence & destruction

Posted 10 April 2014, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Usually when someone is having a meltdown (gone out of their head), they go into a spiritual realm, where they talk about the holy spirit or talk to beings that do not exist. Some do see demons or monsters. Sometimes it can be brought on by a patient not taking medication or some being too exposed to sunlight. Their personalities can change rapidly and they can become violent and a danger to themselves or to other persons. The fact is that these people are sick and in need of medical attention. Police will not shoot a person who has lost a leg, or lost an arm, and so they should not kill a man who has lost his mind. Many young persons in Nassau and other islands 'trip out' because of taking drugs or abusing some other substance and some are just under heavy mental stress. One time ago you could call the ambulance for persons suffering from mental illness, but recently the ambulance is not allowed to transport the patient without a police escort. Sometimes it can take hours to get both the ambulance and police to the patient and this can be very critical time. So it may now be necessary to have police trained to handle such matters. They can come and restrain the patient until the ambulance arrives and the family can be confident that excessive force will not be used not the ailing person will not be abused Persons on the family islands can call for advice from Nassau, so as to keep the patient and everyone else safe and secure until the patient gets medical attention. No family wants to live through the experience of knowing that a family member was taken into police custody because he was 'acting up' and the person ends up dead.

Posted 10 April 2014, 7:04 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

I find it funny that the repeated reason for his "goodness" is going to to church.

If that's all that it takes to be a good man then shit, let me get my goodness going.

The only real question is, is our police force equipped with the training to handle potential cases of mental instability in Exuma. Assuming no foul play, of course.

Posted 11 April 2014, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This is certainly a case for a coroner's inquest and COP tribunal inquest.................. if what is reported is true. Something is definitely wrong here with the police handling of this man

Posted 12 April 2014, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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