PM disappointed with lack of shanty town programme


Tribune Chief Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday said he was disappointed that a programme had not yet been established to effectively address the issue of shanty towns.

Mr Christie acknowledged that successive governments had been slow to act on the proliferation of illegal communities; however, he said his administration has outlined strategies for limiting growth and removing structures.

He said: “No [no programme], that is one of my disappointments. A year ago I did a tour of shanty towns and as we went around with the press I spoke about the need to collaborate with the Christian community, with the immigrant community, with a view to their understanding that the government cannot allow these [shanty towns] to exist and cannot allow them to grow.

“We must find the formula to move them, and we must not compromise on that,” Mr Christie said.

He spoke on the sidelines of an Urban Renewal donation in Elizabeth Estates; where the organisation has announced it will open a new technical centre.

Mr Christie said: “The government cannot abdicate its responsibility to take the hard decisions and the hard decisions that I admit to right now, one of them is being able to address the shanty towns that exist because governments have failed to do so and I’ve resolved, and my government has resolved to deal, with all of the difficult situations confronting our country.

He said: “All governments have been slow to act on this, we have now moved on it, we have identified what we have to do, we have discussed what we have to do. The Minister of the Environment has indicated a programme of what we have to do, so you are going to see a lot of progress being made on that.”


ThisIsOurs says...

Who cares about "all" governments today in this minute and this conversation? It's your responsibility NOW. Chickungunya? Telling us about all governments is abdicating your responsibility. How can you talk about being disappointed a year later??? You're in charge. If the person you asked to take care of this a "month" ago hasn't taken any steps MOVE THEM. One year, smt. But you seem to want to allow everything to get out of control then wail about how bad it is and what other people didn't do. Do you drive outside of Cable Beach? Do you look up when you pass Saunders Beach? Are you satisfied with how this country looks? Have you seen the main post office building? Have you noted the general duttyness of this town, east, west, north and south? Who did you leave to take care of these things? Have you asked them for an accounting? What could they possibly be doing with the money you budgeted for them? Giving it away for free...?

Posted 9 August 2014, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Keeping the money in their pockets is the answer you are looking for!!

Posted 11 August 2014, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Both governments in the country has a accountability issue. If a proper system was in place alot of these slow acting government implementations would be reduced. But the sad thing is if i attempt to erect a structure the government will come out of know where and stop me. So why both governments allow this nasty shit to happen in this country? The world may never know.

Posted 9 August 2014, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...



Posted 9 August 2014, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, if we have no reason not to take the PM at his own word, it leaves all we's to suspect that on July 3, 2013, Honourable Minister Kenred Dorsett Minister of the Environment and Housing and a member of 'good standing' in the cabinet of PM Christie, did not wish to 'share' much less keep the PM 'abreast' of the following communication? Good Lord Almighty the Minister says he got's pictures and all?

Shanty Town Report dated July 3, 2013
Authored by:
Minister Kenred Dorsett M.P.
Ministry of the Environment and Housing

"In December of 2012, I announced that I was establishing a special unit within the Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) to deal with the environmental issues of Shanty Towns. This unit is headed by Assistant Director of DEHS Lennard Miller. He and his team have produced a report detailing the concerns that need to be addressed within these makeshift communities from an environmental and sanitation standpoint. DEHS has inspected these towns/communities and have included pictures in the report that depict the conditions in which the residents of these communities are living. I wish to 'share' this information with the general public. 
As I mentioned in my recent budget communication, these communities (Shanty Towns) operate outside of the requirements for proper sanitation, without regard to the building code and in violation of safety requirements for electricity. I also mentioned the possibility of diseases such as cholera being born because of the unsanitary disposal of human and other forms of waste within these communities. 

I would like the general public to know that the government of The Bahamas is committed to bringing resolution to this age old issue. Not only are these towns unsightly and unsanitary but as you will see in the photos provided they are not fit for human dwelling. I assure you that work is being done and will continue to be done to address this issue for the benefit of those living in this unsanitary conditions and Bahamas generally. 

I will keep 'the public abreast' of all further progress as regards this initiative." 

Thank you

Da Minister of Soon be No More Stinky Shanty Towns


Posted 9 August 2014, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Yep ....... so true K4C................. and Centreville has been a shanty town before PGC became its MP. He just talking to hear himself ................ poor soul

Posted 9 August 2014, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

These shanty towns existed when the FNM was in power too! As a matter of fact, Hubert Ingraham precipitated this "shanty town problem" when he suspended the Haitian deportation process in the wake of the Haitian earthquake. Rather than confine them to the Detention Center for processing, he released them amongst the general Bahamian population!! So why aren't we criticizing him???

Posted 9 August 2014, 7:19 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Haitians have been coming here by the THOUSANDS since Papa Doc in the 1950s ............. one humanitarian pause by HAI didnt create the 36 documented shanty towns by Branville and God knows how many now. Did the Abaco shanty towns just spring up??????? Ask Edison Key ...... ... SMDH

Posted 9 August 2014, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Humanitarian pause??? C'mon sheeprunner. This so called "humanitarian pause" established a consensus amongst Haitian nationals that the rewards for entering the Bahamas illegally are well worth the risk. We need a strong deterrent of unprecedented proportions to combat this illegal immigration problem.... not practices and policies that encourage it. Truth be told; PLP nor FNM has shown the "balls" it's going to take to eradicate this problem!

Posted 10 August 2014, 1:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

And then to make matters worst; in an attempted to solicit Haitian votes, Hubert Ingraham engaged in a "grand-standing" performance with the Haitian Prime Minister during a 2012 FNM rally!! He thought by appealing to the Haitian populace he could sway more votes in favor of the FNM. But because he was so out of touch with the people, he was utterly shocked when Bahamians stood-up in staunch defiance towards he and his policies! Perry Christie may be a lousy Prime Minister and leader.... but Hubert Ingraham made it abundantly clear that he couldn't care-less about the plight of Bahamian people. Don't forget that.

Posted 9 August 2014, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hubert Ingraham, BAD. Worst PM ever. Remember Roadworks. Neglected his sworn duty. Perry PM today. Perry GOOD. Perry will show he is a better PM than Ingraham by taking action.

Posted 9 August 2014, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

BOL ......................... SERIOUSLY?????????////

Posted 9 August 2014, 10:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Ha! That's a good one, Thisisours! I almost choked on my breakfast after that one!! But seriously.... PGC is a horrible a leader as they come..... and the PLP is a corrupt a government as they come. But the problem is HAI has a greater affinity towards foreigners than he does the Bahamian people. How is it that a multi-million dollar road-works project can be conducted in our country, yet NO Bahamian hot-mix companies were contracted??? Plus... he and Dr Hubert Minnis threatened to have our nurses replaced with foreign, Cuban nurses during a work dispute. I'm no PGC fan... but at the same time I'll never forget the careless way in which Hubert Ingraham treated Bahamians. As a matter of fact... Hubert Ingraham is the sole reason that the PLP was voted back into power! But as Bahamians continue to realize; Perry Christie and the PLP isn't the answer either.

Posted 10 August 2014, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

Haitians have overtaken our airwaves, inciting/uniting “their people”. Their voices need to be shut down a.s.a.p., this is serious, and they need to carry their you-know-whats back to Haiti where they are sending every penny they make here,choosing to live like rats in shantytowns but enriching Haiti and Martelly and bringing disease by crapping up our soil by their filth, human waste in our water table - Chickungunya? Cock fighting and coal production still continuing?

Posted 10 August 2014, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade PLP_Catastrophe I do agree with you on that we do need to be concerned over Haitian programming takeing over the nation's airwaves, when Guardian Radio turns over their Monday - Friday 7;30 to 10:30 night programming time-slot to some Creole Talk Show, regardless of what the host says his show is all about. Surprisingly, you are the first blogger to have mentioned this abuse of airwaves. Why the station's owners think this is a smart advertisers move baffles hell out me?

Posted 10 August 2014, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Well when ZNS TV or CH38 doesnt work on the Out Islands and BTC internet is not working ................ many of the other 10% is not exposed to yall in Nassau having to listen to Highshuns cuss yall on air in Creole ....... thats some serious shit ................ thats TREASON

Posted 10 August 2014, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I just don't get it why Guarding Radio advertisers would want to advertise on the station's Monday -Fridays 5 days every damn week Creole programming time slots. What insane advertiser want to pay to restrict the exposure of their radio ads to only be aired to a select and smaller listening fringe audience group. And, since we're on the talk radio subject, am I allowed to even as as to where in hell did they go to 'dig up' their new talkie host Comrade Carlton from?

Posted 10 August 2014, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Bahamians need to boycott all of those companies who support and advertise any Haitian radio shows. If I recall correctly, Island FM (one of my favourite stations and the owners are good friends of mine) also have a Haitian show? When I hear it again I will be sure to call in and ask them to speak f'in english.

Posted 11 August 2014, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The bible says the poor will always be with us.

Posted 10 August 2014, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Maybe someone can list here all the advertisers on the Haitian show and we can boycott them?

Posted 10 August 2014, 11:12 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Boycott BTC? Never listened to the station but I'd take a wild guess they're one of the major cards are still big money

Posted 11 August 2014, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Well muddo sick!!! You guys are way behind the 8 ball. Didn't you all know that the Haitian community has its own radio station??? Only broadcasts in Creole of course... License complimentary of the present government, along with the 50 webshops that has sprung up all over the place!

Posted 11 August 2014, 12:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

What's the station called and what number on the dial???

Posted 11 August 2014, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

In the July 18th edition of The Nassau Guardian, (which I ain't tossed out yet) there's a HUGE advertisement by "THE KREYOL CONNECTION with LOUBY GEORGES" announcing their expansion to a nightly show - Mondays through Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. on Guardian Radio 96.9. I don't know whether it now airs on Fridays and the weekends as well, but one thing I can say, when I happened to turn on my radio one night last week and heard this Creole screaming over the airwaves, I turned it off, it was horrifying!. Although I coundl't understand a thing, he sounded angry and militant.

I heard it advertised also that they carry on a long show every Sunday.

Posted 11 August 2014, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

PM you are truly full of "SHIT" ..... I need to start building without a permit number too eh because other persons legal or not are doing it now in these shanty towns. Why in the hell should I pay tax ONLY towards construction a building cause ya'll just let people do whatever in my country.

Posted 11 August 2014, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

HolandObserver says...

just disgraceful! our PM needs to man up....

Posted 11 August 2014, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Is that some kind of meter box on that house? How could electricity, phone of water possibly get to these structures?

Posted 11 August 2014, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

They have all of those things because they paid a BRIBE, how else does ANYTHING happen in this most devilish of country's?

Posted 12 August 2014, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

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