Requesting the PM's resignation

An Open Letter To Mr Perry G Christie, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I write to the Rt Hon Prime Minister; Perry G Christie in this open letter humbly requesting his resignation. Sir, I don’t know you on a personal nor professional capacity, and for that fact, I express no inner hate, malice or disrespect toward you. However, as a born and raised stakeholder of this country, and for the sake of unknown generations of Bahamians that follow, I ask that you submit your resignation to the Governor General immediately.

Indeed, I greatly appreciate your service to the growth and development of this beautiful democracy; it’s a debt the people of the nation can never pay to you and your family. Still, however, I ask that you blow out your candle that fades in the wind to preserve the legend dignity that can still be salvaged.

The signs are there; the writings are written clearly on the wall, you don’t have what it takes to move this country forward, and therefore, it is time for you to withdraw from this great responsibility of leadership to enter the land of retirement to rest. If you do this and do it now, when the history of your life is written, words of kindness can be appreciated rather than continuous shame, scandal and slander.

Right now, The Bahamas is sadly bowing before its wall of shame and its economy doesn’t seem to be progressing forward. It seems the country is rather transfixed into a season of where its citizens and the outside world prefer to live and visit anywhere, but here. It seems the country is being held hostage by a group of pirates and barbarians with a thirst for blood, whom seem to be killing simply for the fun of it, and because they could.

The Privy Council is an organisation that force their demands on nations such as ours; manipulating the laws and how we should govern our country, which takes away from our democracy.

If it is “Inhumane” for us to put laws on our books that will prevent others from kicking in the doors of our people and murdering them as they sleep and preventing our streets from continuously being washed by the blood of our people, then it is also “inhumane” for them to recruit young men and boys of their country to go out to be slaughtered on the battlefield for them in wars.

Mr Prime Minister, I don’t want Britain to destroy this great country of ours. So I beg you, sir, blow out you candle so that a strong team of people can be elected into higher office with the strength and backbone to stand up and fight for our people. Speak up and speak out against this ridiculous law of demand so that we can save our people from slaughter.

But outside the spectrum of crime Mr Prime Minister, which undoubtedly is at an all-time high, we are also faced with another mountain of despair that is called “Poverty”. Most of our people are living, “hand to mouth”. There are countless without jobs and are losing their homes daily. Without anywhere to go, the streets and beaches are running out of room to sleep them at night.

Those who can struggle to keep their homes are forced to live without basic necessities such as light, water or educating their children so that they can manage to maintain food on their tables.

In other spheres, the figures are equally alarming. The number of young men and boys that are housed in, as well as those that are making their way to the prison system is staggering for such a small country. Three out of every five high school students are entering society each and every year in this country with either an elementary education or without even a basic education.

A number of others are dropping out of school, turning to the streets and participating in criminal activities, which also includes violent crimes.

Teenage pregnancy is also an all-time high, and most of these young mothers don’t have an education or the capacity to sustain themselves and their responsibilities, which cause them to depend and burden down an already sinking system. But this is where we are as a nation. The question is; where do we go from here?

First, Mr Prime Minister, you must immediately blow out your candle and evacuate office so that another who is more skilled and intellectually savvy to take on this modern generation of issues and responsibilities can light theirs. Our Bahamian people must no longer be ashamed of this nation, politically speaking. They must no longer be ashamed of being poor, black, uneducated and in distress. We must stand up amidst a system that still oppresses us and develop an unassailable and majestic sense of value.

We, the people, must massively assert our dignity and worth. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for decades that they are, “Nobody” is not easy. It takes one of great motivation, skills, a sense of trust, and fire shut up into their bones with a fresh mindset to accomplish that. These qualities, Mr Prime Minister, you do not have, and as a result, have failed this modern Bahamas, miserably.

In closing, Mr Prime Minister, I must say that to continue to perpetuate this false sense of hope that our nation will get better under your failing leadership and mistrust, is flat out wrong. Certainly you don’t know have, or know what it will take or even how to get solutions to combat the issues such as crime and breadbasket matters we the people face in this country.

The tendency to ignore the reality and what are facts in attempts to blind the people with crafty speeches of intellectual words is as old as throwing message bottles into the ocean hoping for it to get to its destination, and as contemporary as your morning coffee. In the name of Jesus, Mr Prime Minister, I beg you, please liberate your people. Bid us farewell and resign your office immediately!



August 29, 2014.


birdiestrachan says...

Mr: Ellis I am very happy you were able to get all that off your chest. I trust you are feeling better now. All of that stuff must have been a very heavy burden of bitterness to bear.

Posted 1 September 2014, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Wow!! I couldn't have said it much better.

I too Mr. Christie call on your resignation. It is vital that our country start moving forward as soon as possible. We cannot wait a few more years for you to be removed.

Once your full PM pension kicks in please step down... as you had already promised. If you let us know now that you will be stepping down in _?_ months then we can begin to plan a road to recovery. Until you leave, or advise us of same, we will have no hope of a better, safer future.

Please consider these requests.

Posted 2 September 2014, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

I we were to start a petition for Mr. Christie's resignation, head in the sand fowls like fanatical Birdie might be shocked at the response. The heaviest burden Bahamians have to bear at the moment is trying to live with the consequences of Mr. Christie and his governments mismanagement of our affairs.

Posted 2 September 2014, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

well said....the nations is an embarrassment, lost in direction, riddled with corruption, excess and crime....thank you for continuing and contributing to the heritage of oppression, ignorance and foolishness mr. get the hell out of town...

Posted 2 September 2014, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

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