AG confident death penalty will be upheld by appeal courts


Tribune Staff Reporter

ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard Gibson is confident appellate courts will uphold the death penalty in accordance with the law despite recent suggestions from the Court of Appeal that capital punishment is over.

Mrs Maynard-Gibson stressed that the death penalty “is still on the books”. Her statement came a week after Constitutional Commission Chairman Sean McWeeny, QC, said that because of the Privy Council’s “philosophical opposition” to capital punishment, hangings are unlikely to ever be upheld unless substantial changes are made to this country’s legal and judicial system through constitutional amendments.

He was speaking after Court of Appeal justices said “hanging is over” during back and forth discourse with prosecutors at a hearing last week where they squashed the death sentence of Anthony Clarke Sr, who was convicted last year of a contract killing.

Offering her view on the matter yesterday, Mrs Maynard-Gibson said: “When you review the text, the Court of Appeal did not say that hanging is over. The comments were made as back and forth between the bench and bar and not as part of an official announcement or position on the matter. Therefore it is wrong to say the court has made that determination. The death penalty is on the books. We are aware that we live in a changing world but so long as we feel the matter is one that warrants the death penalty, should the jury and judge agree, we will pursue it.”

When asked for his perspective on the matter yesterday, prominent attorney Wayne Munroe lamented that criticism is levied at the Privy Council on the matter, saying that Bahamian politicians knowingly let the “voiceless” London-based institution take blame for an issue they “can, but do not want” to address.

“The Privy Council tells us that we can do it,” Mr Munroe said, adding: “When I talk about us being the singularly dumbest people, what I mean is we are not reinventing the wheel. Other people are imposing and carrying out the death penalty and the Privy Council is a part of their system.”

Mr Munroe disagreed with Mr McWeeney’s position that constitutional changes should be made to tie the hands of appellate courts by defining what crimes constitute the “worst of the worst” and should therefore be punishable by death.

The solution, he said, is to not allow judges to rely on their judgement about whether the death penalty is merited.  Such issues, he said, should be decided upon by a jury.

“When someone is convicted of murder, for instance, you should have a sentencing trial where a judge would direct a jury on whether the offense may be considered the worst of the worst or the convict is beyond redemption,” he said. “When a jury is empanelled, they hear evidence from the prosecution and the convict and come to determination on the death penalty. If they don’t recommend the death penalty or conclude that the crime constitutes the worst of the worst, the person cannot be sentenced to death. But the point is you have a jury say how they arrived at their conclusions and in some jurisdictions, the judge must then sentence the convict to death if the jury reaches that conclusion. No appellant court would set aside a finding in such an instance.”

He added: “The Privy Council has said over and over again, you can execute people. We like every other jurisdiction can carry it out. If parliament has failed to do what is necessary then don’t sit back and blame the Privy Council. But maybe (parliamentarians) don’t want to do what is necessary because they don’t want to meet the children whose parent they executed and have to live with that.”

In 2011, after a ruling from the Privy Council, the Ingraham administration amended the Penal Code to specify the “worst of the worst” murders which would warrant execution.

Mr Munroe blasted the amendment, however, saying: “When the (government) did act, it did so in an inadequate manner. The FNM passed nonsense that they didn’t talk to anybody about. These guys who never saw the insides of a court or consulted the private bar did something that was ineffective.

“No politician who talks about hanging people is serious about it, especially if they accuse the courts about standing in the way,” Mr Munroe contended. “And you don’t have to mess with the Constitution to fix this issue either. Most of what needs to be done can be done by ordinary legislation.”


empathy says...

Criminal prosecution as practiced in our country is largely a failure: prolonged wait, in most instances for many years before cases make their way to court, witnesses and victims not showing up to court, evidence being judged inadequate or contaminated, alleged police brutality, prosecutors constantly out-foxed by highly paid/experienced/ superior defense attorneys.

I understand the frustration about crime and the lack of faith in our judicial system, not to mention the deterioration in our socialization and child rearing prowess. However why Mrs. AG waste time and limited resources perusing a death penalty that's not going to happen, despite what Mr. Munroe espouses?! Remember his', and his ilk benefit with every court appearance. Evidence, in the form of many peer reviewed studies, has shown that the death penalty is not a deterrent for the type of murders we see here in Nassau. It is morally reprehensible and archaic.

I for one will be most happy once we accept its ultimate demise!

Posted 4 December 2014, 10:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

You are free to keep that attitude - but the death penalty will remain in full force on the streets.

Posted 5 December 2014, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Oh, and what do the churches say about that "child rearing prowess" you mentioned????????????? Nothing. They say nothing. If anything, they say make more babies as fast as you can, cause you know I adding a wing on my church and I need more bodies to fill the pews. Feed them Ramen noodles - they will be alive and they can "thank God for life" - while I drive my BMW.

Posted 5 December 2014, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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Posted 4 December 2014, 11:33 p.m. Suggest removal

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Posted 4 December 2014, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

If Perry wants to get public support ......... please have a constitutional referendum to make the Court of Appeal the final appellate court for ALL criminal matters in The Bahamas and leave the civil/diplomatic side to the Privy Council ............ he will get a YES vote now!!!!!!!!!

Posted 5 December 2014, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

NewJersey says...

It's been restored in Pakistan and now come on Bahamas!!!!Jordan has executed 11 men convicted of murder, ending an eight-year moratorium on the death penalty in the country.

The interior ministry said the men, convicted in different cases, had been hanged at dawn on Sunday.

Jordanian authorities gave no reason for the lifting of the 2006 moratorium on capital punishment.…

Posted 21 December 2014, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

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