Police to act on web shops


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Commissioner Ellison Greenslade said yesterday that officers will begin to shut down web shops in the next few days that are found operating outside the legal framework of the new gaming regulations that came into force on November 24.

Mr Greenslade explained that the crackdown would involve the arrest of patrons found in web shops during police raids and the confiscation of gaming equipment. He added that those patrons would also face charges before the court.

However, Mr Greenslade did not say when the planned operations would begin.

“We will follow the letter of the law,” Mr Greenslade said, “which is crystal clear.

“The commissioner does not have to dance around anybody or anything because we did not have the ability to do what we needed to do. We will in fact go in (and) arrest those people that we find illegally gambling. We are going to take the equipment ... and we will confiscate the equipment.

“We are going to take them before the courts as per the law. So we are asking anyone out there who has not lined up correctly to please shut those doors because we are definitely going to come and have a look.”

This is the first time since the new Gaming Act took effect that a government official has gone into detail about what is expected to happen with illegal gaming operations.

Mr Greenslade said police had not acted immediately after the legislation was enacted because they were, for the past few weeks, awaiting the needed documents, which outlined operations that have complied with the law.

“I accepted the documents that were filed indicating the number of businesses that were filed as per law that intend to remain open and those locations that will remain open now. With that in my possession I will be pinpointing every single one of those that have been properly laid out. Anything that does not fall within those categories of legitimacy is going to become targets of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

“You can actually see something happening with the police in the next few days. The issue is we had to wait for the process and the process is a huge bundle of documents that would list the actual location and name of the business that is authorised to be open.”

He said officers were now in the process of entering information into a database so that police are aware of the locations of web shops and whether they are legitimately operating.

Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe, who has responsibility for gaming, told The Tribune two weeks ago that while the new regulations took effect on November 24, the entire process would be finalised in another four or five months. He said that the first licences for gaming house operators would be given between late March and May, 2015.

The deadline for web shop operators to hand in signed affidavits disclosing whether they intend to remain open to the industry’s transitional period passed on Monday.

Mr Wilchombe told The Tribune on Tuesday that 11 web shops have already submitted affidavits, adding that 12 have fully paid their tax arrears totalling over $5m.

He said that eight web shops have already closed and 587 stores are currently open around the country.

The new law states that web shop licences may be applied for “only in response to a formal invitation to apply” by the Gaming Board and advertised “in the prescribed manner in the gazette.”

According to the Gaming House Operator Regulations, web shops will be taxed at a rate of 11 per cent of the taxable revenue or 25 per cent of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation depending on which one is greater.


ThisIsOurs says...

Absolutely criminal. I wonder how they will find all these webshops that they couldn't locate for two years, after all, "*the presence of a spinning wheel was not evidence of illegal activity*". People demonstrating about being cheated of winnings was not evidence of illegal activity, exactly what has changed? A payment of 5 million. That's it, someone got paid. Now release the strong arm of the police.

587 webshops in operation and not one could be found in two years, no wonder crime is out of control, and I don't blame the commissioner, he like Wendy Craig is apparently doing as they're told.

Posted 12 December 2014, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

TalkingSense says...

Totally agree. Pure BS they are feeding the people. The preached that they didn't have the resources to close the web shops thus regulation was necessary. All of a sudden they can now police the web shops? Wow!!!!!!!

Posted 12 December 2014, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

My sentiments exactly! No wonder they call us a darned Banana Republic!

Posted 12 December 2014, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Go find out who set that fire at the BEC plant. Drag Paul Maynard in for questioning, he is on record threatening sabotage

Posted 12 December 2014, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

This webshop fiasco will soom mushroom into a social timebomb ............... just like VAT

Posted 12 December 2014, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

How the hell he going to arrest patrons. Web gambling is now legal so unless there is a sign that says this web shop is not legal how are the patrons going to know they are gambling illegally? I see lawsuit. These idiots still ain't get it right WOW

Posted 12 December 2014, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Exactly what I thinking how could you arrest me if I don't know!!!! pure BS!!!!. I guess I'll stay away from all web shops until this mess is cleared up (if ever)

Posted 12 December 2014, 8:07 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

That’s one impressive call to action bunch freshly pressed khaki uniforms.
How dare these Comrade "rouge" numbers man's dare to continue they's operations. Don't they knows the PLP has expelled them from any association as "numbers affiliates" da cabinet? After all, while the cabinet may have low standards, it ain't means they would dare openly "tarnish" their body's stellar reputation any further by risking be seen associating "rouge" numbers men's. Tell these now reclassified as 'rouge numbers men's, go's find ya's own political party to finance party's candidates run seats da House of Assembly. Hopefully, some makes it all way be's seated around "people's" all powerful cabinet table.

Posted 12 December 2014, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

This dude don't know that playing numbers is legal? It just like if you operate a shop without a license and I go buy from you! The Police cant lock me up from buying from your unlicensed shop. . . buying from that shop is not illegal man!! BUYING NUMBERS IS LEGAL IN THE BAHAMAS NOW MR COP!!! I know this is typical PLP thinking. . .or non-thinking I should say. . .BUT THE COP SUPPOSED TO BE A SMART DUDE!!! NEWS FLASH MR COP. . .YOU CANT LOCK-UP A DAMN SOUL FOR BUYING ANYTHING FROM A LEGALLY SANCTIONED ENTERPRISE IF THE VENDOR FAILED TO GET THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION TO OPERATE WITHIN THAT ENTERPRISE!!! The government does not require that I have a license to buy numbers. . .it makes it a legal "norm" for me to do so!!! Any Bahamian is free from all legal prohibitions in their allowances to buy numbers. HOW CAN I BE SANCTIONED IF A "VENDOR" DO NOT HAVE THE APPROPRIATE APPROVALS TO PROVIDE THAT SERVICES? THE POLICE KNOW WHERE THE ILLEGAL VENDORS ARE. . . ARE WE GOING DEMAND THAT THE COP BE ARRESTED TOO FOR NOT SHUTTING DOWN ILLEGAL VENDORS IN AN ENTERPRISE THAT THEY ARE NOT SANCTIONED TO TAKE PART IN?


Posted 12 December 2014, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

The police better be careful, the majority of customers in those web shops are police officers. They may very well find that they arresting their own. A great point you bough up licks, and its true. U cant arrest a man for buying wears in an unlicense establishment, you only could charge the business owner. Usually matters of this nature is to proceed by summons. I haven't viewed the laws pertaining to the webshops but generally when it comes to shop license it a process where the police get a name and the address and then summomed them to court, No one is arrested except after the summons is served they fail to appear in court.

Posted 12 December 2014, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The Commish says he is armed map and all "rouge" locations. Funny how policeman's and they equipment going enforce who stays and who doesn't stay selling they's numbers?. How will his policeman's know who is "regularized" and who is 'unregularized" when none have been issued a license to date?
Comrades how is the swiftness getting rid of all the now declared "unregularized rogue" numbers houses not to prove that the policeman's had power all along to have targeted the now "regularized" when they too were rouges. Is this an admission da policemna's hands were tied behind they backs until cabinet gave green light?
Whenever policeman's enter an establishment suspected conducting business illegally, they ask see they business license. NO, not one numbers house got's no damn license hanging on they wall be selling no damn numbers.
Things like this why country is in mess it is. The whole country gave Commish authority in a referendum to shut down ALL numbers selling but he never bothered listened peoples instructions? Question now is, who voices listening to now?

Posted 12 December 2014, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

It really is laughable that we can now talk about shutting down web shops when prior to November 24th 2014 they operated outside the law. It really makes one wonder how the powers that be view the Bahamian people. Lord help us all.

Posted 12 December 2014, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Could this possibly have been we own Comrade Commish Policeman's secretly being filmed dancing while on policeman’s business in London?
“The commissioner does not have to dance around anybody or anything because we did not have the ability to do what we needed to do. We will in fact go in (and) arrest those people that we find illegally gambling. We are going to take the equipment ... and we will confiscate the equipment."


Posted 12 December 2014, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

EditorAtLarge says...

...um, shouldn't they all be closed, if at least temporarily? If I understand correctly no licenses have been issues or even applied for....as the "invitations" to apply have not yet been issued by the Minister....nothing has changed legally...they're all still as illegal as they ever were. Who has determined who is sheep and who is goat? A friggin' mess. The commissioner may as well run for office cause this is just POLITICS!! Can you say LAW SUIT???

Posted 12 December 2014, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Say what you want about former PM Hubert.
Comrade let me tell you the kind of days we're living in.
Had any other living soul other than Prime Minister Christie told you that he not only had held discussions with his Minister of Financial Services, prior to Comrade Ryan's resignation being made public but he had to have known so much about the negotiations between the bank and his minister, that he himself as nation's PM would go public, calling the banks offer to his minister - "mind-blowing? I could not in my wildest imagination conceive of one of Comrade Hubert's ministers, possession the balls walk into PM's office hold such chats with the former PM,.while still a crown minister in his government. No bloody damn way.

Posted 12 December 2014, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Hope he remembers to check with the AG's office first - LOL.

Posted 12 December 2014, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Typical PLP MODUS OPERANDI ,trying to keep black Bahamians ignorant and not respecting
our intellect.Since he has the list,all he has to do is make it public and we won't patronize
those web shops , since they all pay the same and we won't want them to close on us and we
can't get our money,should we win.Mr. Commissioner i say to you ,"inform us who we can patronize legally and you can use your officers to fight REAL CRIME , as we would close them down for you by not supporting them"!

Posted 12 December 2014, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...


Posted 15 December 2014, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

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