The lot of the Commissioner

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Clearly finally Bahamians are understanding that to have Law and Order it is difficult, but when you reform the Police and equip them, send two excellently qualified candidates for Commissioner away for a year with the Royal Canadian Police and eventually choose who you consider the better of the two and he gets to work fighting this cancer in our communities, if the Police side is working and the court side is letting everyone down, please stop blaming the Police.

I think most sensible Bahamians finally understand that the problem is at the courts.

The FNM brought in all kinds of experts, but didn’t crime continue to climb and climb?

There is no doubt Commissioner Greenslade and his management team of Bahamians are doing a commendable job under the circumstances of revolving doors at the courts.

The police strategy is working – be fair an incident happens today and within 36 hours usually we hear so-and-so has been arrested and charged matter resolved – can the brightest and bravest on NYPD do the same?

Mr Prime Minister, Law Enforcement is okay, what you need to fix is the courts.



December 18, 2014.


moncurcool says...

The people in the courts would tell you that so and so may get arrested, but usually the police have botched their investigations which is why many go free. So don't be so quick to jump up and say the police are doing their job. Just because you arrest someone in 36 hours doesn't mean that you have the right person, which in many instances is the case. Furthermore, if a person is able to use loopholes in the law to get off, how can the court be blamed for that? That is an issue for parliament. Courts do not make laws, they only enforce them.

Posted 24 December 2014, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

eagles12 says...

It's a simple solution. Hang them!

Posted 25 December 2014, 10:12 p.m. Suggest removal

CDMortimer says...

@ moncurcool....actually Courts (Judiciary) interpret the laws, the Police (Law Enforcement) enforces the law and Government (Legislative) writes the law. But trust me your point for the reason why the system is failing is correct. Dedication as well as determination is required to correct this predicament....where self-serving behavior and finger-pointing has to stop.

Posted 30 December 2014, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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