Find the BEC bribe ‘traitor’


Tribune Chief Reporter

OUTRAGED over bribery claims, former Bahamas Electricity Corporation Chairman J Barrie Farrington yesterday called on the government to appoint a non-partisan commission to reveal the “traitor” that has stained the country’s reputation.

The claims that a French energy company Alstom (formerly ABB) paid more than $300,000 to a government official to secure the purchase of a slow diesel generator for the electricity company in 2000, should be “pursued  relentlessly”, according to Mr Farrington in a press statement sent yesterday.

His request for an independent investigation follows similar calls by Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts last week. Mr Roberts, former Minister of Works with responsibility for BEC, raised concerns about the Alstom contract while in office in 2003.

The bribery claims were unearthed in a $722m plea agreement between Alstom and the US Justice Department.

“There is a traitor in our midst,” Mr Farrington said, “who must be revealed and made to pay a price for this unforgivable transgression.”

The Plea Agreement between the US – through the Department of Justice Criminal Division – and Alstom Network Schweiz Ag makes it very clear that a Bahamian government official, in co-operation with a consultant referred to as “H”, a US citizen, used bribes to “obtain or retain business in connection with the power project”.

Mr Farrington said: “I am outraged that such ‘an official’ could criminally manipulate the system for personal gain. In the process this person brought shame upon our country and its people, as well as on the members of the Board who served faithfully during their time.”

Last week, Alstom pleaded guilty and agreed to pay a $772,290,000 fine to resolve charges related to a widespread scheme involving tens of millions of dollars in bribes in countries around the world, including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the Bahamas.

According to court documents obtained by Tribune Business, the Alstom plea bargain reveals how the French energy company hid payments to Bahamian officials, routing them through an unidentified American consultant, who was “a close personal friend” of one person able to “influence” the awarding of BEC contracts. None of those involved in the scheme are named in the court documents, which refer to the Bahamian bribe-taker as “Official 8” and the consultant as “Consultant I”.

Mr Farrington said: “This matter must be pursued relentlessly. l am today (Monday) writing to the Prime Minister to request an appointment of a non-partisan commission with all essential powers to fully investigate this matter and to make recommendations on how to bring conclusion to this unwanted stain on the country’s reputation.

He added: “I urge those with access to the press to refrain from rhetoric that is designed to place blame instead of advancing support for finding a way to root out this traitor who has brought us to the doorstep of shame.”

In his 2003 address to parliament, Mr Roberts disclosed that the then-BEC Board, chaired by Mr Farrington, had recommended that the contract to supply slow speed diesel generator DA 12 be given to the South Korean firm Hanjung. However, Mr Roberts explained that the unanimous verdict in favour of Hanjung was overturned by the then-Ingraham Cabinet and the contract awarded to ABB/Alstom.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson has maintained that he was unaware of any controversy surrounding the purchase of the generator in 2000, or the events that allegedly took place between 1999 and 2001 when he had ministerial oversight of the electricity corporation. While he welcomed an investigation, Mr Watson noted that he had no reason to distrust any member of his board and said that it was up to the present government to perform due diligence.

Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham declined to comment on the matter last week.


duppyVAT says...

There are many "traitors" to reveal in this country ............. BEC, BTC, webshops, BOB etc. Name and shame ...................... FOIA .............. 2015????????????

Posted 30 December 2014, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 30 December 2014, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

He cannot be that blind to think that kind of things is going on in the Bahamas. He knows nothing will ever come out of this so he is trying to save face and look innocent. On a side note whomever took that bribe was probably a first time offender at that particular time because $300,000 is peanuts to take for a contract of that size especially spread out over so many years.

Posted 30 December 2014, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

CDMortimer says...

1. “Who must be revealed and made to pay a price for this unforgivable transgression."
2. "I am outraged that such ‘an official’ could criminally manipulate the system for personal gain."
3. "pursued relentlessly.”

With all due respect to Bahamians home and far away...enough with the BS!

* First and foremost, when has revealing any "Transgressor(s)--i.e. Government Official" ever been top-priority for any of the recent Bahamian Governments?
*Secondly, when has a "Transgressor(s)--i.e. Government Official" ever PAID any PRICE for the multitude of transgressions they have committed?
*Thirdly, what is an "unforgivable transgression", for these "Government Officials"?
*Fourthly, most law-abiding Bahamian citizens have been outraged for decades, of the "criminal manipulating" tactics and self-serving antics of these Government Officials. However, the same can not be said for the Government Officials whom have not been caught with their hand--and sometimes hands in the proverbial "cookie Jar".
*Finally, when have we had a Government pursue ANY transgressionally deceitful or criminal activity perpetrated by a Government Official?

Really? Let us get real...Freedom Of Information Act, is something that our politicians will always run away from, because integrity is not something all of us have embedded in our souls.

Posted 30 December 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 30 December 2014, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Good luck with that They will circle the wagon on this one. the Ag full of shit. What happen to the request from the US government on them listening to our cell phone calls,didn't Fred "demanded" an explanation and he was suppose to let us know. Biggest bull sitters this side of the moon.

Posted 30 December 2014, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Mr Farrington said: “I am outraged that such ‘an official’ could criminally manipulate the system for personal gain. In the process this person brought shame upon our country and its people, as well as on the members of the Board who served faithfully during their time.”

Has Barry Farrington been living somewhere far, far away these last 40 years? Corruption, payoffs, under the table deals and outright stealing is internationally known as common place in the Bahamas and to be expected. Officials are known to be easily bribe-able.

Case in point is the $5m that disappeared into a shell company owned by former a FNM Cabinet tourism Minister that both PLP of FNM parties now refuse to comment on.

Where is the outrage? Where is the Treasury investigation and what about the peoples missing money? Where are big mouth Bradley Roberts, Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie?

This whole so-called "outrage"thing is nonsense to distract fools. However, mark these words "there are far less fools today than yesterday"!

Posted 30 December 2014, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 30 December 2014, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 30 December 2014, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

What a farce! All politicians in the Bahamas belong to a club (The Bahamian Mafia), they will never expose one of their own! There will be a bunch of noise in the market but the price of fish will be exactly the same. The people will continue to be extorted by this club.

Posted 30 December 2014, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

All they have to do is ask the American's. Why would it be in their interest to withhold this information. While they are at it they can tell us who was involved with Carlos Leader and Normans Cay. They probably have so much information it would cause a revolution in this corrupt little country! So maybe on the other hand it is in their interest to withhold the information. The thing is Bahamians are getting fed up and very angry as it is so maybe open pandoras box before it gets out of hand.

Posted 30 December 2014, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

**EXACTLY** Don't waste our time going after one of Hydra's fingernails

Posted 30 December 2014, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

It's all total bs!

Posted 30 December 2014, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Stains upon stains,
Shame upon shame,
Looks like a mosaic!
This has been going on since the Queen relinquished the treasury!

Posted 30 December 2014, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Don't waste our money on any commission for the sole purpose of *goosing* your political rival. We Bahamian people want all of y'all thievin' politicians to GOOOO. Establish a commission to investigate BAMSI, BEC, NIB, Education, Labour, PHA, Environment, Immigration.

While your at it, can you please tell us what happened to the 5million in back taxes paid by the illegal gambling people

Posted 30 December 2014, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 30 December 2014, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Who says this country is corrupt? I guess you mean many of the citizens and residents of the country are corrupt. Are you too, corrupt? Neither am I.

Posted 30 December 2014, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

J. Barrie Farrington is a well known Uncle Tom who has spent his entire career in the hotel industry shafting the Bahamian people, much like Ed Fields and Robert "Sandy" Sands. His outrage over the recently disclosed bribery incident should have been exceeded by his outrage many years ago when the decision of the BEC Board that he chaired was over ridden by Frank Watson. But Barrie Farrington was only too content back then to remain silent, even though he must have known full well that money was changing hands at a "higher level" to over ride the decision of the BEC Board he chaired. To put it politely, Barrie has only himself to blame for the "silent" duplicitous role that he has ended up playing in the BEC bribery incident more than a decade ago that has since cost all Bahamians undue hardship in the exorbitant levels of their light bills received from BEC. Farrington should hang his head in shame and should himself be subject to a full blown investigation for not having spoken up at the time the decision of the BEC Board that he chaired was over ridden. QED!

Posted 30 December 2014, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Is there a particular reason that Tribune refuses to make clear to the public that Official 8, as the indictment states twice, was in fact a BEC Board member? Farrington's statement is clearly just to attempt to make it clear that Official 8 is not him, and the indictment indicates that is not him anyway, but I guess he still feels the need to put this "righteous indignation" statement out so as to drive home that point.

Posted 30 December 2014, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

The real issue is the overriding of a board decision by the then Cabinet.
Any board can make recommendations, ownership can veto.
Who was the political operative on the board, placed by the Ruling Cabinet/PM?

Posted 30 December 2014, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

If it is a man as indicated- then I think its pretty clear who it is. My vote is for the one who could use the money most-and received all kinds of board posts in the early 90s- but it could also be the other one- LOL. Whoever it is- I have to say- I actually think you are about to be exposed!

Posted 30 December 2014, 11:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

Nothing will come of this. It will just be added to the current list of unanswered questions. Well positioned people in this country do not get prosecuted or fined or go to jail...never have.

Posted 31 December 2014, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

Eventually all of this corruption will come to a head (as it has done in other parts of the world) Prepare yourselves, it may take a while but the worst is yet to come.

Posted 31 December 2014, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................................................ It Ain't Over - Till It's Over ..................................................**

The usual saber rattling, duck, dodge, smoke and mirror routine won't work this time & there's a lot more to come too!

Barry Farrington's response would have been **immediate** if it were genuine. It took them one whole week to discuss and decide how to begin damage control maneuvering out of this one.

All these pirates hands are tied. Realizing they are caught, they are unable to move, realizing the U.S. obviously have more intelligence & evidence from collaborating countries regarding "Consultancy" frauds across the political divide.

**.................................Hit There Crooked Ass's Again Uncle Sam ! ......................................**

Posted 31 December 2014, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

The media is crooked in this. The indictment says that Official 8 (a Board member) was appointed by J Barrie Farrington to oversee the tender process for the generator contract. So, in all that talking that Farrington did, why didn't the media ask him who was the person he appointed, since the indictment says that the appointee is Official 8? The media can also just go and get the Board meeting minutes to find that out. And secondly, why hasn't the media asked Frank Watson WHY the Cabinet overruled the decision of the Board in this matter? That Cabinet decision is key, but continues to be sidestepped.

Posted 31 December 2014, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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