Bahamian stranded in Atlanta snow for more than 27 hours

ATLANTA, Georgia – A Bahamian who was stranded for more than 27 hours in the chaos following the snow storm that crippled Atlanta last week used social media to thank the staff of the Bahamas Consulate “for checking on me during my ordeal”.

During the storm, the Atlanta Consulate’s social media team was monitoring its local contact list and Consul General Randy Rolle issued an advisory to Bahamians about the state of emergency issued by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal.

While many Bahamians living in the Atlanta area were able to get home within eight hours of the pandemonium that brought the city’s traffic to a standstill, a stranded Melissa Bevans, a senior accountant at Milner Inc, logged on the Atlanta Consulate’s Facebook page at around 3am and within minutes, was in touch with a member of the Consulate’s social media team and personally contacted by Consul General Rolle.

Ms Bevans ended up taking temporary shelter at a gas station and after 27 hours of being stuck, she finally arrived home, where she said she warmed up some frozen pea soup and dumplings made by her mother during a visit.

On Thursday, January 30, she posted the following in a “Bahamians In Group” on Facebook: “Thanks to my Bahamian representatives for checking on me during my ordeal. Proud to have that Bahamian blood in my veins. They were my National Guard.”

With the city on gridlock, hundreds of children ended up spending the night at school, sleeping in libraries, classrooms and on gymnasium floors separated from their families.

Thousands of Atlantans were forced to spend the freezing night in their vehicles which were unable to move on highways.

Others were lucky to find shelter in stores, pharmacies, gas stations and even the homes of strangers.


Tarzan says...

According to one Tribune contributor, that was not snow, but ground up Styrofoam. One supposes part of a CIA plot.

Posted 4 February 2014, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiandud3242 says...

Most Bahamians are not proud to be Bahamian, they wish they were (some even think they are) American, white preferably. Why you think all of them in Atlanta? They don't want to live over here lol.

Look at how the ones over here mimic and copy American culture.

When they go abroad and get their "education", they stay there and don't come back in most cases. The country that helped fund their education (in many cases) and got them where they were they betray. The knowledge they obtain, they use it to enrich the foreign nation and themselves, not their home. They begin to scorn their home and become ashamed of it. I ain't going back to them "dumb niggers" becomes their attitude. Some even lose the Bahamian accent, and speak totally in an American accent.

Many of the ones that live in the Bahamas are always blaming foreigners for their problems, yet they worship anything foreign and call anything Bahamian, inferior or stupid. Which in many cases is true, because a lot of Bahamians choose to be stupid. If Bahamians would have some pride and confidence in themselves, and get over their slavery Stockholm Syndrome we will be 1st world super power status real fast. It doesn't matter in we are small.

Yet many Bahamians prefer to be nice obedient slaves, bowing to the Queen and Uncle Sam.

The "ROYAL" Bahamas Police Force.

The "ROYAL" Bahamas Defense Force.

Greensalde, Inghram and Perry still saying God save the Queen.

The Statue of the Queen still up, she just sent Harry last year to make sure the peasant slaves are still brainwashed.

I thought we were a free and Independent nation, why are we still saving and bowing to the Queen?

Why hasn't the names of the Police and Defense force been changed?

We are a colony of Britain, doesn't matter what rhetoric a lot of media spew.

Why isn't the MSM asking these kinds of IMPORTANT questions? Why does the MSM keep the Bahamian people dumb?

Yall know what i say true, don't like it? Thats because you like being a slave, a good obedient stool groomer.

Posted 4 February 2014, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiandud3242 says...

True, but with the knowledge and skill they have they don't need to "work for someone". Why do Bahamians always think they need to "work for someone"? It might be hard but they need to start their own businesses. However, you have the problem of the government blocking them because they only want foreigners to own businesses (Hotels/Casinos for example). I know a lot of Bahamians who don't come back because they scorn the Bahamas though, I call them traitors and they get mad. The problem cannot be solved by running away. Look at Haiti, all the Haitians do is run away, that's why Haiti will never change. We need to handle our business and get some real Bahamians into the government and vote out the fake loser slavery Stockholm syndrome patients that are their now. But you are right a lot of dirty Ghettos are around because Bahamians have no pride, look at East Street. The whole of East Street is like a shanty town, disgusting. Fixing this problem, is at least 10 to 20 years of work, doubt it can happen over night, the people are to stupid, theses ones will have to die off and the youth will have to be better educated.

Posted 4 February 2014, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

You all are a bunch of stupid animals...there...I said it...with humungous chips on your shoulders...whitey this and whitey that and bow to the queen and blah blah blah. We have a staff of nearly 200 employees...100% Bahamian...we need to baby sit people filling out applications because they cannot read or write...or want to take the application home to some other more educated person to fill out on their behalf. Our workplace REQUIRES reading skills...guess we better start there with 'SKILLED' labour. Wake up all are dragging yourselves down to the depths where there may be no return!!

Posted 4 February 2014, 10:55 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

I agree B_ I_D__. Education is the main element needed in order to progress anywhere you go. If someone cannot read or write and spell, or even speak correct English how can they excel in a business world. Listen to some of the government employees, even the PM, news anchors, ZNS especially, clergy and others who are in the public eye where public speaking is a must. They stumble over their words, mispronounce and use "UMM" quite frequently. A good speaker knows exactly how to speak fluently. I could name a few and I'm sure you could also. Check out the newspapers where one can find numerous errors because no one bothers to proofread and therefore, makes the editors and reporters look unintelligent.

Posted 5 February 2014, 1:12 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

...or even worse...just turn on the Parliamentary Channel and listen to our 'educated' politicians!! I last about 10 seconds on that channel as I am surfing and my skin is crawling and I need to change the channel.

Posted 5 February 2014, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

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