Tempers rise in wake of alleged attack


Tribune Staff Reporter


TEMPERS are running high at Bimini with residents threatening to take matters into their own hands following the alleged gang rape of a woman living on the island, The Tribune understands.

According to well-placed sources yesterday, the 23-year-old woman of North Bimini was seriously beaten and then raped by several men who were contract workers at Resorts World Bimini (RWB) on Sunday morning. It is claimed that the men were assisted by another woman, whom sources said held the victim down as she was being assaulted.

Initially when authorities began their investigations, ten people were arrested. However, this newspaper has learned that three of the suspects have since been released.

A resident on the island has insisted that Biminites are growing impatient with the level of urgency authorities have placed on the situation. They said it is only a matter of days before angry residents “deal with” the persons they believe are responsible.

In a statement from officials at RWB, officials admitted that an incident took place, but did not confirm any specifics involved.

“Resorts World Bimini,” the statement explained, “is aware that alleged illegal activities may have occurred involving non-Biminite Bahamian nationals who were contracted as construction workers.

“The incident took place in non-public areas of the resort and no employee or guests of Resorts World Bimini were involved. We are fully cooperating with authorities in the ongoing investigation.”

Despite confirmation that the incident occurred, police were tight-lipped yesterday and Sunday on whether there was an investigation underway.

Superintendent Stephen Dean claimed that he did not have any details. This reporter was then directed to Emrick Seymour, Assistant Commissioner of Police with responsibility for the Northern Bahamas.

Mr Seymour was then contacted but said he could not answer any questions because he was in a meeting. Several phone calls were later placed to him, but none of them were returned.

Authorities at a police station in Bimini refused to comment.  

Press liaison Terecita Pinder, who is stationed in Grand Bahama, said police were probing an incident, however she would not admit whether the incident was a gang rape or confirm the number of persons, if any, were in custody.

She later, before press time, sent a statement to The Tribune which said investigators were probing two sexual assault incidents.

It said: “Police in Bimini are investigating two sexual assault incidents. The first incident occurred at around 1:45 am on Sunday February 2, 2014. A female resident of North Bimini reported that she was sexually assaulted by several males at their residence without her consent.

“Police have in custody seven male suspects in connection with this matter.

“The second incident occurred on Sunday, 2, February around 5:10 pm. A female employee, while at work at a local resort in Bimini, reported that she was sexually assaulted by a male visitor at that resort.

“Police have in custody and are questioning a male visitor in connection with this matter.”


larry says...

a lot of times ex-cons are hired as cheap labor by sub contractors to cut cost and these persons are set lose on the locals the local police are not informed who these persons are this also cause a rise in crime on these islands

Posted 4 February 2014, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Yeap...almost without fail, wherever there is a construction site, there is a spike in crime in that neighbourhood...now in saying that, a gang rape is something COMPLETELY different and unique. Gang rape...I've always had a hard time wrapping my mind around that one...you have to be one sick individual to commit rape in the first place, even more sick to be #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, whatever following in line. Hate to sound gross, but I ain't sticking anything near something that's already been stuck by some other person. Leads me to believe that the deviants that would take part in a gang rape must be closet queers that have some seriously pent up and twisted mentalities.

Posted 4 February 2014, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Please don't be a bigot and suggest that this is because they are 'closet queers'. If they were gay and into raping then it would have been a man they raped, not a woman.

Posted 5 February 2014, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...


Posted 4 February 2014, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

This is SICK! We are in such a sad state of affairs in this country!

Posted 4 February 2014, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

and there's a church on every corner. WHAT are they doing about it ?


Posted 4 February 2014, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

The churches are just there to line the pastors pocket and allow for a duty free loophole!! How do you think they can afford all the Bentleys and high roller cars...they are brought in and registered to the church and don't have to pay duty...think about it...a $300,000 Bentley or Rolls...after all the silly fees and duty, you are up over 80% on the value of that car...must be nice to...one...afford that type of car in the first place (thank you church members) and two...being able to snub your nose at the government because you didn't have to pay a dime in duty on the dang thing. Maybe that 300K could have been used elsewhere to help the needy...not the greedy pastor!! ...and that is only 1 example of the money that does NOT get redirected through the church to more needy projects...mansions...planes...other excesses. Living like they are kings and queens...and dare I say it thinking they are g*d themselves!!

Posted 4 February 2014, 7:04 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

Can you name any pastors that are actually driving $75,000.00+ vehicles?

Posted 4 February 2014, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

There's a lot of violence against women in general in this country, this was just an extreme case.

I've heard too many men, "educated" men, tell me in describing various situations, "she knew what she was getting into". NOOOO...no means no, even if she paraded naked in front of you. Regarding that little girl yesterday with the bus driver, I heard the same refrain again...for argument's sake **ONLY**, I give you that it's possible she was cutting up with the driver. at some point, she didn't want to go any further maybe that was after the first day or the second day or the third day...

I don't know, we just have a lot of force ripe men in this country who simply never learned what being a man is all about.

Posted 4 February 2014, 8:39 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

this is true

Posted 4 February 2014, 8:42 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiandud3242 says...

You know another woman help them rape her right? These Bahamian woman doing as much violence as the men now.

Posted 4 February 2014, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Says a man. Those evil Bahamian women again

Posted 4 February 2014, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You had 10 men, allegedly, Not one of whom said lets not do this. Not one of whom went to get help to stop it. Not one. I'm traditional, I believe the men are supposed to lead, women can be co-leaders, but men lead. I don't know what manner of "woman" this was, at minimum I can say they didn't act like men and she didn't act like a woman.

I have heard of isolated incidents of men being the victims of violence with women the perpetrators. I'd venture to say that the incidents of violence against women far surpasses those. Dr Patterson could probably speak to real numbers. It's just so pervasive in this society, it's almost like the men are excused for their behavior, because *they is man*. And I'm talking down to elected govt officials and their attitudes toward and misuse of female subordinate staff

Posted 5 February 2014, 2:11 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

we live in a country where the majority of people voted not to give women equal rights in 2002

Posted 5 February 2014, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

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