Gray 'will not ease up' on Mayaguana developers


Tribune Staff Reporter

MICAL MP V Alfred Gray charged that he would not “ease up” on Mayaguana developers over the lack of progress on the island, almost three years after they signed an agreement with government.

Mr Gray said he was saddened but remained optimistic that the I-Group Management Company would fulfill its obligation to stimulate the island’s economy through the development of 3,000 acres of land conveyed by the government.

Speaking at a tour of the redeveloped airport runway, which is close to completion, Mr Gray said: “The economics of Mayaguana is tied with the agreement that the government signed with the I-Group. It is expected that the I-Group, having had 3,000 acres of land given to them for development, that they would get on with it.

“The agreement was signed almost two and a half years ago for the development of Mayaguana and having to convey 3,000 acres of land by the former administration and nothing happening to date saddens me. It disappoints me.”

He said: “I expect them to do it, the agreement is signed and whatever the government’s obligation is under that agreement, I would want the government to do it, as I would want the I-Group to do the same thing.

“I want to encourage them to stick to the agreement as far as that it is practical and if they do that the people of Mayaguana should see some economic relief in the not too distant tomorrow. I’m going to keep my eyes on it as long as the cords of my political life should lengthen and so I don’t intend to ease up. This is the beginning of what I conceive to be the rest of the future for Mayaguana.”

Mr Gray said once the development is complete, work on the “main component” of the agreement will begin: “It is my hope though that once this development is finished we will see the I-Group getting involved in what the main component of their agreement will be, to have some hotels, be it boutique or otherwise, the redevelopment of Mayaguana, that’s the remit as I understand it.”

The new runway, which was toured by officials over the weekend, is 7,300 feet long, and 100 feet wide, and is expected to be completed within the next two weeks.

Its completion comes 10 months after last April’s accident when three people in a truck were killed while attempting to light the un-lit runway with the vehicle’s headlights. An emergency flight clipped the truck with its wing as it touched down to pick up a patient bound for hospital in Nassau.

In Mayaguana this weekend, Minister of Transport and Aviation Glenys Hanna-Martin said she was satisfied with the progress made to the runway, which will provide increased economic opportunity for the island’s population of 300 - whom she said had been isolated by limited airlift.

Ms Hanna-Martin said: “People want to come home, limited airlift has stifled the vitality of the island. There are people from Mayaguana that live in Nassau, the people can’t come home, getting a doctor here has been challenging, airlift is critical.”


sheeprunner12 says...

At least he can boast about a "developer". It seems that this government or the previous government cannot find a "developer" for Long Island. The PLP ran the last major developer out of Long Island over thirty years ago.

I challenge well to do Long Islanders to return and invest like a handful of them are doing.
Invest in tourism, farming, small industry, crafts, sandmining, deepsea fishing, island tours etc.

BTW we need an international airport as well. We have a 4000 foot airstrip.

Posted 17 February 2014, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

kg89 says...

@Sheeprunner12 The FNM hasn't been doing anything for you all neither.

Posted 17 February 2014, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

kg89 FYI ............. the FNM had to put in basic infrastructure as we had none after 25 years of PLP rule 1967-1992

Thanks to the FNM............. we have some semblance of modernity .

Thats why we are so resilient.......thanks to the PLP. ..................LOL

Posted 17 February 2014, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

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