Union backs hotline - but wants protection for bus drivers


Tribune Staff Reporter


HEAD of the Public Transport Association of the Bahamas Rueben Rahming said yesterday he supports the new public transportation complaints hot line, but hopes the government protects the bus drivers as well as members of the public.

Mr Rahming’s comments came after Minister of Transport Glennys Hanna Martin announced the creation of the hot line aimed “to facilitate complaints involving public service transport and the jitney service in particular”.

In a press statement Mrs Hanna Martin said: “If you see a jitney being driven in a dangerous or reckless manner or if you have any complaint about your riding experience call the road traffic hot line at 322-7623 - 322 ROAD. Help us to ensure that the jitney system consistantly meets the highest standards in our country.”

While acknowledging that some bus drivers have given the public service “a bad name”, Mr Rahming said he hopes the hot line is not “abused” by the public and the rights of bus drivers are protected.

“The Minister and the Minister of State understand the rights of the individual and the public and of course they want to protect the public and operate with their best interest. But who will protect the interest of the bus drivers?,” Mr Rahming said. “I am confident that the Minister and those who man the lines will operate fairly and effectively but I also hope they understand the nature of the situation bus drivers face.

“The truth about the current situation is some of the roads are narrow and some have a poor struture. I hope the end result is to bring about change to the public service. The problem is just not with the driver, some of the problem rests with the passengers as well. Some people don’t know how to catch the bus and worse are some of the things the drivers go through. I feel the hotline will prove itself and whatever can be done to ensure that persons are not malicious and ignorant. I hope will be done. This is the livelihood of people we are talking about. This is a very serious matter. But I will give it an opportunity to see if it works.”

Earlier this month, Mrs Hanna Martin engaged stakeholders in a heated discussion at a public transportation workshop to sensitise bus operators to public concerns.

“This dialogue,” said Mrs Martin, “indicates how complex the issue is. There are issues involving infrastructure, new highways with no bus stops, the issue involving a fragmented public transportation system with hundreds of individual franchise holders and their drivers and a highly negatively competitive situation. The problem was raised about education for some of these bus drivers on what the law is, as well as the public. There are concerns about passengers, sometimes passengers don’t want to pay their fares and that is an offence. There are safety issues.”


proudloudandfnm says...

What kind of weird drugs this dude taking? Time to send a message to jitney drivers. You are all criminals, those that do wrong and those that allow wrong doing. You have EARNED NO RESPECT from us. Get in line or go to jail. That should be the message...

Posted 18 February 2014, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Betcha a dollar when you call that number in 2 months time nobody answers.

Posted 18 February 2014, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

you give it 2 months?

Posted 18 February 2014, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

No one bothers to answer 919...so why a Jitney hotline?

Posted 18 February 2014, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

I tried the VAT hotline several times, no one answered.

Posted 19 February 2014, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

ROTFL...but crying at the same time...

Posted 19 February 2014, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Don't really understand what is complex about that. There are rules that bind everybody. So what's complicated? The Bahamas is the only country on the planet where every 2nd citizen is in public transportation (cab or jitney). Why? So the government can cash in some license fees and the drivers get a break on the duty. Ridiculous. And if a government does the wrong thing, it gets voted out by all the cab drivers. Jitneys and Cabs are filthy, old and I betcha the breaks don't work. Wonder whether tourist are accepting this as part of the Bahamian tourist experience.

Posted 18 February 2014, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Perry needs to accept the fact that this is his last term as PM and just do what needs to be done. Get jitney's in line or lock them up. Limit the amount of cars that can be imported to Nassau. Everything that needs to be done but are not because of fear of losing votes. Just do it. Perry you really want to leave a positive legacy? Do the necessary. You'd be a hero if you got those things done. A real honest to God hero....

Posted 18 February 2014, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

All dem taxi and jitney fellas is Perry stalwart counsellors!!!!!!!!!!!!

U expect him to fire dem???????????????


Posted 18 February 2014, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Rueben is one of the good guys. He has been trying to clean up the jitneys with PTAB. He has given them uniforms and radios. He has been opposed by those who want to keep the status quo.

Posted 19 February 2014, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

OK, take out Ruben Rahming.... who are the "status quo" jitney owners?????

Posted 19 February 2014, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Mostly individual popo owners and the UTC guys who are mostly PLP.

Posted 19 February 2014, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

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