VAT coordinator ‘must pay back every red cent’

By Khrisna Virgil

Tribune Staff Reporter

AMID calls for VAT Coordinator Ishmael Lightbourne to be fired for failing to pay real property taxes over the past decade, the government will order that he return “every red cent owed,” The Big T can reveal.

Yesterday when asked by reporters how the government would handle the situation, Prime Minister Perry Christie declined to comment.

Mr Christie said he had not had the opportunity to speak with Mr Lightbourne over the accumulated arrears, but that he would say more once he knew the facts.

He was attending the signing of several agreements with contractors in North Andros for various phases of the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute.

It was revealed earlier this week that Mr Lightbourne owes the government more than $7,000 in back taxes, including interest.

He was quoted as saying: “I understand the hypocrisy. That has been a major source of my discomfort.”

However, a source said the government was slow to demand payment because Mr Lightbourne apparently fell on hard times and once worked very closely with Mr Christie.

The source said: “The man was an extremely good businessman who was doing well, but he made one mistake and it messed up his life. He fell on financially hard times. But he will be made to pay every red cent owed back, one way or the other. He will pay it back.”

On Thursday, Free National Movement Chairman Darron Cash claimed the revelation of Mr Lightbourne’s tax evasion was a ‘wilful’ refusal to pay.

He said: “This disclosure and admission are enough for Mr Lightbourne to tender his resignation as VAT Coordinator with immediate effect. This resignation should be non-negotiable and if he refuses to resign he must be fired in order for the Government to preserve what little integrity it has left on the issue of tax reform.”

Mr Cash questioned whether Mr Lightbourne felt as though he should be let off of the hook, when poor Bahamians were held accountable for their taxes every day.

“What is so special about him, other than his connection to the Prime Minister and this government?

“At a time when the Christie administration remains determined to force VAT down the throats of the Bahamian people, right-thinking, fair-minded citizens who want to pay their fair share have been pleading for consideration of alternatives and for the government to collect the taxes that are already on the books,” Mr Cash said.


Honestman says...

Who in government says he will lay back every last cent? Why was this arrears situation allowed to develop in the first place? This delinquency amongst the politically connected (PLP and FNM) is an absolute disgrace. This country has never grown up after 40 years of independence. When will Bahamians say "enough is enough" - we are tired of corruption and persons in authority taking advantage of their position? Until that time occurs, The Bahamas will continue to be an afflicted nation.

Posted 22 February 2014, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

Thats why they play a blind eye to the Freedom of Information Act because it will expose too many of the government's dishonest and selfish dealings. They cannot push for the right thing, if none of them are doing right thing, thats why there is always a stall on obviously important decisions. That act right now will expose both FNM & PLP and many so called 'foreign' and 'lucrative' businesses as well as these scandalous financial institutions (BoB, coughh). It will allow the people to actually make 'good, decisive' decisions rather than buying and voting for some propaganda campaign that only tells us what we want to hear but doesnt show us any proof.

Posted 23 February 2014, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Maybe he was chosen with the purpose to dismantle the VAT. Notice that he was always at odds in the media with the financial secretary.

in the bahamas, only the poor or the unfortunate pay taxes. he was unfortunate.

but the Guardian quoted him as saying "I did not receive a bill for 3 years", a typical excuse of non-paying bahamians when they ishplain themselves at bec and batelco. (Sort of like saying, yeah i killed the fella, but i did not know murder was a crime)

Well, i supposed he stopped receiving bills when the plp regained power.

Posted 22 February 2014, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

So big ol Brad coming to the defense...says Ishmael is not the only effectively it is OK...and oh...he's a fine upstanding Christian really, we shouldn't be holding him accountable for his taxes...this country is truly screwed in the head.

Posted 22 February 2014, 8:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

PM Christie and party Chairman "Big Bad" sticking together for the poor sweet Comrade Ishmal, is embarrassingly defenseless. A poor reflection on the PM and his party Chairman and their entire PLP party to defend this tax dodger. If these two men knew of his existing money problems in advance of his being appointed as the government's VAT coordinator (spokesman), then why in the hell was he ever given such a high profile appointment? PM do you not remember all that happened under your government from 2002 -2007, or is it simply that you don't care a hoot? PM you have yet again rolled to give your political opponents fresh ammunition to attack your leadership. And, even as a PM Christie supporter, I cant say I'd fault them.

Posted 22 February 2014, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Tal, not paying your taxes or import duties is not considered fraud or dodging,
It is a Bahamian obligation!
Hence why it wasn't apparently a problem for them.

Posted 22 February 2014, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

A bank account has been setup at the bank of the bahamas to collect donations to pay mr. lightbourne arrears.

also there will a cookout at the plp headquarters.

the 30 million vat fund to assist the nouveau poor has not been established yet.

Posted 22 February 2014, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

1. His house was extremely under valued. By who? Why did government accept such a low value on a waterfront home?

2. His bill (as a result of the incredibly friendly valuation) was a measly $534.00 a year or $44.50 a month.

He can afford it. He is lying. Government lied to us about the value of his home.

No VAT until we clean up first.....

Posted 23 February 2014, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

No one in this country should pay further real property tax until this situation is dealt with as it would be for any other person, namely revalue property according to current Appraisal, impose Surcharges and Interest going back not 12 years, as should be the law, but rather 20 as the Real Property Tax Department has been doing on advise from the Attorney General's Office for many years now. The new Assessment should be published in "The Tribune", along with the Recepit evidencing payment, failing which the property should be auctioned under the Department's power of sale and the proceeds used to pay the bill and the balance, if any, given to Mr. lLightbourne, who from all accounts could probably use the money to pay other bills, including forthcoming VAT on whatever financial service advise he offers. Bearing in mind there are currently NO Amensety periods in place, no one, including non-Bahamainas should pay real property tax until verifiable evidence of this matter having been dealt with to the satisfaction of the Bahamian people.

Posted 23 February 2014, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I'm all for NOT paying it...heck...mine's probably 5-10 times that amount a year!! Think I'll you think they will mind me not paying or read me the riot act and threaten me with legal action?

Posted 23 February 2014, 7:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Liberty says...

I just hope Mr. Cash pays his property tax bill. I also hope that those who are required and able to pay are also paying theirs; else there should be no complaints about Mr. Lightbourne from those persons.

Posted 23 February 2014, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

getrightbahamas says...

real property tax. im sorry, i dont know anyone that pays theirs. but it is what it is. you pay the government for what you already own.. Priceless!!!

Posted 24 February 2014, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> real property tax. im sorry, i dont
> know anyone that pays theirs

And that is another bromide of bill duckers.
Once my neighbour was at the tax office arguing over her property tax bill.
Grasping for straws, she declared she did not have to pay the bill because I had not paid mine.
She then called me at work and put the civil servant on the phone.
I told him that, I first received a lump bill late from the treasury--the reason for the bill under the law was explained to me by a person whom I named-- but that i had paid it off and then kept current for several years. He checked and confirmed that I had no outstanding bill.
I took the opportunity to tell him: don't believe the witch, she never pays her hoa fees.

Anyhow, she owes water and sewage thousands of dollars, she said they took her to court and nothing happened. Mine is current.

From time to time Water and Sewage issues summonses and the bill duckers send the policeman to me. I just tell them i am not named in the summonses, that the HOA does not collect funds to HOA bills and that they are all dishonest bill duckers.

People have no shame. If you say someone does not pay their bills, they are not ashamed.
Buy, if you call them poor or stupid, big fight in bain town.

Posted 24 February 2014, 8:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Stupidity at its best by the government. Another bungled policy initiative that has sparked considerable public outrage. I will say once more the PM should hand over the reigns sooner rather than later. Christie = liability, liability, liability.

Posted 24 February 2014, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

What it did succeed in doing though is bringing the attention to the forefront on what taxes already exist out there that are NOT being collected...get what is owed collected FIRST before any new taxes are imposed!!

Posted 24 February 2014, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Can you imagine if they rat out a small fry political hanger-on like Ishmael Lightbourne??
What about the PM, GG, Cabinet, FNM leaders, former politicians/diplomats, church leaders etc who owe taxes to the government?????????????

Expose all a dem who tellin the average JOE to pay and een paying ... leaders set example

Posted 25 February 2014, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

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