172 illegal immigrants apprehended

172 illegal immigrants were apprehended by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force off Rose Island this morning.

Of the group, 170 are believed to be of Haitian descent, with the remaining two believed to be nationals of the Dominican Republic.

Royal Bahamas Defence Force Senior Lieutenant Carlon Bethel told the press an unrelated operation was taking place near Rose Island when Defence Force officers received reports of a Haitian sloop in Bahamian waters and intercepted the vessel.

Lieutenant Bethel said authorities believe some immigrants may have lost their lives during the course of the journey.


TalRussell says...

Question is what severe charges will Bahamaland's authorities impose upon the Sloop's Owner, Captain and Crew? How in the hell do you cram 170 human beings, plus any that may have been ditched overboard dead or alive, into an undersized sloop while sailing to enter Bahamaland's waters? Yes, even this Comrade would turn a blind eye once found guilty by our courts, for guilty Captian and crew would make ideal candidates to star in one of Comrade Bran's very first flogg'in tourist photo tak'in opportunity events in Rawson Square.

Posted 26 February 2014, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

Unless we do something radical, these people have no intention of relenting. Our borders are too darned porous!!

Posted 26 February 2014, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

we have no air power, yet the Bahamas wants to own their own airspace. Air power and reconnaissance is needed. Maybe we can buy some outdated jets, and encourage more pilots to train to be defence force airmen. It will be a great addition and upgrade for our powers.

Posted 26 February 2014, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

How the hell they get all the way to Nassau. GREAT job RBDF

Posted 26 February 2014, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

They got there because people are working with them, The Bahamas is now part of Haiti. These people have no respect for our country, how much of them wanna be on this lil rock? This is a vexing issue for me and hearing their language on the radio, buses, hospital, schools, food stores, night clubs, work. Is this the Bahamas or Haiti?

Posted 26 February 2014, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Correct 100%. The strange thing is that Haitians do not realize that they cannot take over the Bahamas. They can only stand their feet here. Once enough of them come here (and breed here) the Bahamas will be just like Haiti. So they will have made a trip from point A to point A (right back where they started). What's the point of coming here to turn the Bahamas into Haiti? Don't they realize they will be living exactly the same?


Posted 26 February 2014, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The past four government administrations came to power only because of the Haitian block of votes and not even Comrade Bran is about to risk a change in not seeking that powerful Haitian block of votes, if he ever intends to become PM.

Posted 27 February 2014, 12:15 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

None of these people had the resources to pay their own way here....Haitians and Haitian Bahamians are financing passage for huge interest on their investment and finding jobs for these illegals as well.

While the PLP continues to "TINK" about enforcing laws against facilitators of this Haitian invasion, these disgusting parasites are inundating our country and social services....Which the PLP force US TO PAY FOR THROUGH INCREASED TAXATION!

Illegals pay NO TAX's and get all the benefits of tax paying Bahamians...This is is horse manure.

Solution........Get rid of the dam PLP, FNM, these Haitian parasites AND the facilitators!

Posted 27 February 2014, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

There have to be some very high up's involved in this. Once again a prime example of the Political class and their cronies destroying our country for their gain.

Posted 27 February 2014, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

VDSheep says...

Drones - use drones - drones! Its silly not to use drones people!
When will the people in government get it? Illegal immigrants come into to center of the Bahamas and authorities sit and wait to find them. How daft - its ridicules , silly embarrassing, stupid really! The technology is available now, today, cheap - it can be made to order; why are we not using it?! Drones, buy drones train the RBDF, RBPF and other intelligence agencies to use them! What is wrong with these government people?

Posted 27 February 2014, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

The Bahamas is destined to become the new Haiti, I give up with my rants on this topic, they with out breed and over run the Bahamian population.. Guess i better start learning creole so i can communicate on my visits to what use to be home.

Posted 27 February 2014, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

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