Concerns grow following disappearance of Jamaicans


Tribune Staff Reporter

QUESTIONS are mounting over the disappearance of two Jamaican men who were believed to be among a group of people attempting an illegal entry into the United States.
According to Denise McKeon, a family spokesperson of one of the men, 35-year-old Dwayne Campbell and Andre Laroi Bignall, 34, were last heard from on December 18.

The men told relatives they were leaving at some point during that day from Freeport, Grand Bahama and would be heading to Miami. While neither of the men have yet to be found, their passports were left behind in a house where they stayed, she said.

When the two men arrived in the Bahamas on December 5, Ms McKeon, who spoke to The Tribune from England, said they met with a Bahamian woman whom they paid to assist them in getting to the US. But because of bad weather, their travel plans were rescheduled, and the woman took both men to a hotel. Once there, the woman demanded that the men give her an additional $850 to cover room and board.

When neither could fulfil the request, the men reached out to relatives in Jamaica who sent the funds to Western Union. But, McKeon said Andre was arrested by authorities after trying to claim the funds because he had overstayed the permitted time in the country.

It is unclear how and under what circumstances Andre was released.

“Nelly (see story page 1) was in a house in the Bahamas on the 18th of December,” she said. “I am looking for two Jamaicans who have also gone missing. I have reported Dwayne and Andre to Sergeant Ewing of the Bahamas police. Their passports were left at the house. They were moved from a hotel to this house in Freeport, because of bad weather the boat was delayed. A Venezuelan man and Nelly were with Dwayne and Andre.”

When The Tribune spoke with Sergeant Ewing, with whom a friend of Nelly Alva also claimed to have filed a missing person’s report, he declined to answer any questions. He would only admit that authorities were investigating several missing persons cases.

The Tribune further asked for his full name and title, but Ewing said this newspaper should refer to him by surname only.

This situation comes after two Turkish men, twenty-one months ago paid money to be smuggled into Miami.

Veysi Oral and Huseyin Oskan were working illegally in Grand Bahama before trying to illegally enter the US.

Their families have offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who can offer information leading to their safe return.


B_I_D___ says...

I hate to sound callous...but a number of these stories are coming up lately where people are inquiring about the whereabouts of people they know who were transiting through the Bahamas, most likely illegally, trying to gain access into the US by illegal means...and we are being held accountable for these people and their whereabouts? Their entire intent of being in the Bahamas is to conduct an illegal operation...not even to stay here, just to use us as a jumping do something illegal. Sorry, don't have much time for it.

Posted 7 January 2014, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

People do desperate things to have a basic life..opportunity to work, reason to get up every day and feel u can support yourself and family... you dont have time for it because fortunately you were born in the right place..

Posted 10 January 2014, 4:53 a.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

The real question is...who is this woman that's running this operation?! How haven't they caught her yet? It sounds like it's the same woman and FPO is only so big...the police more than likely tried to cover this up but the families are starting to get antsy and are contacting the papers...

Find this mystery woman and the truth will come out.

Posted 7 January 2014, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

Maybe they dont have satellites in Bahamas!!! Niyef Gumas gave telephone recordings of smugglers to the police.. They still couldnt/didnt trace them??

Posted 10 January 2014, 4:58 a.m. Suggest removal

JPryce says...

We believe these people are being captured and used for organ trafficking which I have surprising learned is a huge business. They are being killed for their kidneys and we believe the Bahamas does not want the truth to hit the media. Before Niyef's family disappeared he was approached by a smuggler named Kevin Higgins who asked him to consider letting his family sell their kidneys. Niyef was alarmed and told the man NO! The man replied saying 'I will get them another way'. Days later Niyef's family went missing after they were trying to get to the United States. All this info was given to the police in more extensive detail and still no arrests were made to even CHECK into this story. Nothing is being done! We are very aware that our families were involved into illegal activities trying to get to the United States but does that mean their lives don't count?

Posted 18 March 2014, 12:14 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

What do you mean it is unclear under what circumstances Andre was released? It's your job to find out. How can someone be arrested on an immigration violation and then be let go to continue to roam the country...what kind of report is this? Does Andre exist? Or could Todd's friend be creating a cover story? I dunno, but those are questions I'd be asking. Did you verify the money transfers and the hotel stays independently? Have you checked with the Jamaican government to see when these people left the country or whether or not they are in

Posted 7 January 2014, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

Andre and Dwayne were not detained by the police on the 13th December and WERE NOT in the Bahamas illegally.. Reporter got that wrong. When they went to Western Union to pick up $500 Police ask for prove of identity.. took 3 hours as they had left documents in house.. Eventually resolved, hence they go back to house and leave on a boat on the 18th Dec

Posted 10 January 2014, 5:01 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

That seems like a reasonable accounting and it supports the point I was making. What kind of reporting is this? Not much serious investigation or vetting of details seems to have been done. It's no better than standing on the blocks, talking with the guys about what was in the
Punch this week then running down to the Tribune and printing up what they said word for word. Our reporters need to do better. No doubt they'd do a better job than I could but they really need some technical improvement. They're the ones who light the sparks for major change and if they can't get small details correct..where are we?

Why would police be questioning about a western union pickup though? I've picked up money before and there are no police around....if you can't give the teller ID they simply don't give you the money until you can...again probably some reasonable missing details but those are the kinds of things that make people skeptical.

Posted 10 January 2014, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

HolandObserver says...

These missing person stories are suspect!

Posted 7 January 2014, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

baddaz says...

in response to the first comment that was made first of all you saw a really ridiculous it's as if you have never made a mistake in your life this is a true story these people are seriously missing I know one can give answers as for your question they were arrested in the Bahamas in your country you need to ask the government why were they released back into the countrybut on a serious note this s*** has got to stop like they need to find a person that's running this operation and she will be able to give all the answers these people are not back in Jamaica I know for a fact that Andre is not back in Jamaica andre is a real person because I know him and he is really missing

Posted 8 January 2014, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Stop blaming our government for this. They haven't done anything wrong **in this case**. You have people who went out of their way to circumvent the system. If they actually took this boat trip and were lost at sea what do you expect the government to do? There is no record of the voyage, who was on the voyage, their departure date, their charted course, expected arrival, nothing. All we have is "they spoke to a woman"

Posted 10 January 2014, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

Family and friends on here are not blaming anyone.!!! Just asking for help and prefer not to waste time with skeptical comments..

Posted 10 January 2014, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Well then you're in the wrong place, you should be at Foreign Affairs or the police station, either here or your home country. This social media group is a treasure trove of skeptical commenters. It's what we do. We don't know you personally, and this is the internet.

Posted 10 January 2014, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

baddaz says...

the police are obviously not doing anything in regards to finding these people if its like they have something to hide these people have been missing from December 18 we are now in January and up to now no answers can be found cuz first of all if they would do the proper investigation they would have already found the girl who's running this operation and she would be able to get them all the f****** answer this is ridiculous

Posted 8 January 2014, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

IF YOU COULD ALL POST THIS ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IT WOULD HELP. Facebook, twitter etc.. Just to highlight to people the dangers cus their are missing tourists in Bahamas as we speak on here..… check this link..... Tourist missing... and men lured to Nassau by a WOMEN!! 2012

Posted 10 January 2014, 5:07 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

As I've said previously, if they actually got on the boat and were lost at sea what can the police do?

If there is an illegal operation going on someone in the Peruvian, Jamaican or Haitian community knows about it. I don't seem them running to the police with information to help their countrymen. The Bahamian police needs help from these communities that's the only way I see this being solved. Outside of that the trail remains cold.

Posted 10 January 2014, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

JB says...

as for Andre this is a fact i do know for a fact that Dawyne is a real person and we are beginning to suspect fowl play something is not right is this lady working for the government the police or something for there to be no investigation ppl love ones are missing this is serious if any one know of any information on how we can contact the officials in Bahamas or the next check point any information will be appreciated

Posted 8 January 2014, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Fowl play?
Was it KFC or Christmas turkey that was playing with the guy?

Posted 8 January 2014, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

Why dont u go troll somewhere else with your play on words.. Do you not see how little respect it shows for family writing on here?

Posted 10 January 2014, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

If you're a foreign national you should contact your own embassy and they should be working through their Bahamas poco sulfate office. Throw the attacks at your embassy if they're not getting involved. The consulate then should be in contact with Bahamas Foreign Affairs and they in turn should hold the police's feet to the fire. At least that's how it should work.

I still find it strange that (actually exists) Andre should be released back into the country after being arrested for overstaying his visa, that simply makes no sense and I don't understand why Krishna did not follow that up or indicate that she is in process of following it up. It's just left as a hanging detail in the article.

Posted 8 January 2014, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

Reporter got it wrong.. He didnt overstay.. police lurking near western union cash points.. it take 3 hours for Dwayne and Andre to get the relevant documents to police..they return to house ..simple..

Posted 10 January 2014, 5:12 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Excuse me? Police"lurking", **in this instance, our police seem to have been doing what we expected them to do, checking for people coming into our country with illegal objectives**. It is rather Andre and Dwayne who were **lurking** in the shadows of the system waiting for an opportunity to carry out their plans.

Posted 10 January 2014, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Ever heard of a period... or coma? They're common tools used to convey written english.

Posted 8 January 2014, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

@ Cobalt ... It's a COMMA; though there is something called a coma ... many of our leaders are currently in it.

Posted 8 January 2014, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Dee says...

its Comma,,,,,,, actually.. Why dont you try and be smart with words you know on another site.. and have some respect for family on here who are writing. Period...

Posted 10 January 2014, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

It is alarming to hear about these cases of missing people in Freeport. I hope that they are found to be safe but were simply unable to communicate with family. No one wants to have their loved ones go missing whatever the circumstance.

That said, we need to get a serious grip on trafficking in the country. These smugglers need to be punished harshly. There is also a need for people to understand that they risk their safety and lives when they engage in these acts of illegal migration. True, the government should get a better control of these smuggling rings. But people should be aware that when they are committing illegal acts to gain entry into the Bahamas and the US they do so at their own risk. Why should either government spend money and resources when for all we know these folks could be in the US laying low? I think its unfair to criticize the Bahamian Police. They may verywell be investigating it. But if there are no leads what do you want them to do?

Posted 8 January 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Check the webshops. Unregulated Money transfers for God knows what, all sanctioned by PC

Posted 10 January 2014, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

jeb says...

Please if anyone has any information to this person whereabouts please don't be afraid to share with the authorities. This person has family and children with great concerns. Any little piece of info can be a big help in this investigation.

Posted 8 January 2014, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

@justthefactsplease. Thank you. Point well taken.

Posted 8 January 2014, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

JB says...

Good morning Khrisna the story fell flat is there any more investigation going on we need a leg to stand on we don't know what to do next

Posted 17 January 2014, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Krishna is not an investigator as you can tell by the article, your best bet is to continuously agitate with the police and Foreign Affairs both here and in your home country.

Posted 17 January 2014, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

JB says...

Just asking because as reported the were some falsified information she reported I tried reaching out to her to see we're she got this info from and she did not respond

Posted 30 January 2014, 6:17 p.m. Suggest removal

JB says...

But still not found

Posted 30 January 2014, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

JPryce says...

My brother has been missing in the Bahamas for 2 years now. He went missing on the same night as the 2 Turkish men along with 7 men from the Dominican Republic and approximately 10 other Jamaican men. This is a large group of people and they have seemingly disappeared into thin air. I am not here to lay blame on the Bahamian government as it is not their fault for their geographic location... which makes access to the United States SEEM easy. However, these are real people who are going missing one after the other and nothing is being done about it. Niyef Gumas gave the police a considerable amount of evidence of phone recordings, receipts, exact names and locations of the smugglers involved yet no one have been arrested or questioned. He can be contacted at 416-731-3133. We believe these missing person stories are connected somehow and we are willing to share any information with anyone interested in helping.

Posted 17 March 2014, 10:51 p.m. Suggest removal

JPryce says...

We believe these people are being captured and used for organ trafficking which I have surprising learned is a huge business. They are being killed for their kidneys and we believe the Bahamas does not want the truth to hit the media. Before Niyef's family disappeared he was approached by a smuggler named Kevin Higgins who asked him to consider letting his family sell their kidneys. Niyef was alarmed and told the man NO! The man replied saying 'I will get them another way'. Days later Niyef's family went missing after they were trying to get to the United States. All this info was given to the police in more extensive detail and still no arrests were made to even CHECK into this story. Nothing is being done! We are very aware that our families were involved into illegal activities trying to get to the United States but does that mean their lives don't count?

Posted 18 March 2014, midnight Suggest removal

JPryce says...

Niyef Gumas is in Canada and can be reached at 1-416-731-3133. Any help is greatly appreciated. We answers. We need closure. Its been 2 whole years now. These disappearances are astonishing!

Posted 18 March 2014, 12:17 a.m. Suggest removal

jordyn says...

Hi andre is my dad im shamoniqe bignall. all these bad comments really hrts and it emotional for me to do this. as I type this im crying. so I know my dad is not the perfect man and he has made a lot of mistakes bt those mistakes were for me and wherever he is I jst want him to know I love him and thank him for risking his life to better my life. it hrts when I have to sit down and read these comments. to his good friend giresh yo have done nothing bt try to help and I wanna thank yo for that. don't beat over it. my dad makes his own mistakes and so he will probably learn from it. for all the people who reached ot to try and help thanks a lot. its nice to know im not alone on this.…

Posted 3 May 2015, 10:51 p.m. Suggest removal

jeb says...

Hi jordyn i'm very pleased to know that after all this time there is still some one out there hoping to find their loved one just the same as myself the man in the pic is my children father and we pray everyday for his return no matter where he show up just a call will release the pain it is a everyday struggle not knowing where he is or if he is ok and your right some of the comments on here are cruel and disgusting because unless you experience what we have then they wouldnt say those things no matter what chose they decided to make you know and i know why they made them no what any body have to say Dwayne Campbell was a good man good father with a genuine heart and only trying to come home to his children and family so i know how you feel and even though i dont know you i will keep you in my prayers

Posted 9 July 2015, 12:23 a.m. Suggest removal

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