FNM chairman blasts Deputy PM for claiming crime is overplayed


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM chairman Darron Cash blasted Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday for suggesting the crime issue is being overplayed.

Mr Davis told a newspaper on Monday that the Bahamas “is not as dangerous as it is made out to be,” adding: “We do have pockets of young men who have lost their way and are wreaking havoc, but I think it is all confined within what I call groupings.”

Calling Mr Davis’ comments “reckless,” Mr Cash said: “The Deputy Prime Minister is out of his cotton picking mind. He must be living on another planet for him to be saying things like that.

“Those kinds of comments are so reckless and irresponsible it is almost enough to disqualify him from office. The people who are the victims of drive-by shootings, who had to scurry as they assembled for peace meetings or run to safety in parks, yes, they are a part of a grouping – a grouping called victims!

“How can we take his comments seriously? He is trying to underplay the enormity of the problem, but Bahamians aren’t fool. They live with crime everyday and this is the same Deputy Prime Minister who was himself a victim of crime twice.”

During a campaign rally in 2012, while defending the PLP’s decision to erect billboards highlighting the murder rate under the former FNM administration, Mr Davis said: “I do not know why they would take the signs with the murder count on them. That’s a fact. The fact is there were more than 490 murders in this country. We can not run away from that. We cannot hide the truth and we cannot suppress the facts, we have to address the issues of crime”

Asked if he believed the government would support a bill Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis intends to table in the House of Assembly which would, among other things, remove impediments to capital punishment, Mr Cash said: “The Christie administration has made it clear that they have no interest in genuinely reaching out to the FNM in serious co-operation even as they say we all need to work together. That schizophrenic approach that they have shown is not surprising since the Prime Minister is off on one tangent ducking behind the police and expressing no confidence in the commissioner (of police) while the National Security Minister is expressing confidence in him.”


ThisIsOurs says...

Brave Davis should give a public apology for his statement. This is the same man who had a 5 car police escort the night after he was robbed at his home, was given 24hr security from that date to now, but for the rest of us lowly sheep he tells us there's nothing to worry about and crime reports are overblown. If that is the case, give up your security detail. The PM should too ..oh what was that, you're considering security for all high level officials. We'll cancel that as well because there's nothing to see here.

Which *grouping* did Mr Davis consider himself in when he said ~"no one is safe"

Posted 9 January 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

And this from the second-in-command who could possibly become the Prime Minister... God help us all!!!

Posted 9 January 2014, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I challenge any of the politicians to walk through the tougher neighbourhoods, in the dark hours, without security details...oh yeah, while you are at it, you may as well wear your thousands of dollars of jewellery and watches and other fine personal effects. See how far your get...then report back on the state of crime. I'm nervous walking down bay street at night with empty pockets!!

Posted 9 January 2014, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Hate admit but Comrade Darron and i agree, except not exactly. Those kinds of comments made by his dear leader Bran in his New Year's address to the nation (a joke in itself he'd be given media coverage) and on the Darold Miller Talk Show are so reckless and irresponsible it is "enough" to disqualify Darron's dear leader from even visiting the PM's office, much less occupying it as we PM.

Posted 9 January 2014, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Does anyone realize that there is no such thing in the Bahamas Constitution as a Deputy Prime Minister???????????

Just think of the three or four last holders of the phony position.

After these comments by Lil Brave, I can see why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope Lil Brave is not even being given a stiped as DPM.

Posted 9 January 2014, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Huh??? What do you mean, "nobody with common sense listens to a word he says"?
Darron Cash has a valid argument in this case. I respect Brave Davis to a certain degree, but his comments were selfish, idiotic and inflammatory to all Bahamians. Anyone and everyone with common sense should echo the sentiments of Mr. Cash.

Posted 10 January 2014, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

CommonSense says...

You sound ignorantly upset. Maybe you should just leave The Bahamas entirely, no?

Posted 13 January 2014, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Well it's easy to sit back and criticize the government, as well as the opposition. But it's more difficult to devise solutions and establish practical means of alleviating the current problems that exist in this country.
You're almost right about one thing though! Both the PLP and FNM are equally responsible for the state of our nation. But you're missing the most critical component of all which is "we the people". WE are the ones who place them in power. WE give them free reign to make every idiotic decision that they've ever made simply by walking into our individual polling divisions an doing nonsense. All of us know full well that the PLP and FNM are full of crap, yet every five years we get intoxicated by our emotions and ride the winds of propaganda to the point where we are not thinking critically. As a result, we do stupidness only to sober-up in the end and find these very same politicians laughing at us while smoking their cigar. So I ask you... who's the fool? The people... or the politicians who benefit from our stupidity? I think the answer is obvious.

Posted 10 January 2014, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Who, me??? Not me.
I'm not foolish enough to vote for the FNM or PLP.
Only desperate Bahamians who rely on the government for sustenance go to the polls and vote for them. These deceitful politicians use and abuse the citizens of the this country thru bribery and hollow promises simply to align their own pockets. Every Bahamian knows that, yet they continue to endorse these crooks. These so called politicians give the people just enough to stay alive long enough to come back begging for more; like drug addicts. Think about it. The entire country is designed to strip it's citizens from controlling their own destiny by having them rely on the government for everything. I thank God that I don't directly fall under this category simply because I'm employed outside of the country. But on the other hand, I'm outraged by the fact that I cannot sensibly and prudently invest in my own country because thieves, idiots, liars and crooks are running it. So I don't blame you for giving up a long time ago.

Posted 11 January 2014, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Yup. And the sad thing is... they seem to be the majority.

Posted 11 January 2014, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Who the heck is, and where the hell was this Darron Cashs' voice when the "little emperor" Hubert Ingraham was running wild and stupid for 5 long years like a blind bull in a china shop?


You had NO BALLS back then and we don't give two pinches of turtle poop what you and Minus Minnis think now!

Posted 11 January 2014, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Mrs Cash never blasted Hubert Ingraham for gross fiscal stupidity....


Posted 11 January 2014, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Darron best you be's careful when talk'in about them cotton pick'in days, cause some them UBP cotton pick'in land owners could still be at the center of ya reds campaign money influence. What red Chairman Darron won't tell you is; what size of low hanging bullocks do you have to be walking around with to make you actually think it's possible for him to influence the polices of a vast majority elected prime minister but unable to persuade his own red party's membership that he as their party Chairman, should even be kept around to do their pre-2017 General Elections bidding? What Comrades Bran and Darron need to do is shut down their respective party's "puppy mill press releases writing office and leave Bahamalanders the damn well alone. Maybe the DNA and reds can merge their media offices, cause they sure read alike.

Posted 12 January 2014, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...


Please be a bit more constructive in your comments.

Your above contributions are as pathetic as the subject in question (Cash vs DPM)

Give the country something worth reading please.............

This is the Tribune .............. read its motto

Posted 12 January 2014, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The Tribune's "motto" 'Being Bound to Swear to the Dogmas of No Master' may be seen by many a Bahamalander as having become no more than a "slogan" used to sell the reelection of the reds to control the powerful instruments of Bahamaland's government. Even your comments make it out to sound as if the Tribune's long-standing motto may be in need of a rewrite, considering it has become no more thanTHE daily political bias instrument at peddling the reds stale loaf bread.To the Tribune, Minnis and Loretta are seen as obstacles to victory in 2017. Both being about effective as two "cutout cardboard leaders." That both them are so leadership stale they could be used bake two them large pans tasty meat loaf.

Comrade I know theses things to be the truth!

Posted 12 January 2014, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...



Posted 13 January 2014, 9:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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