Pregnant woman among group of suspected illegal immigrants facing court


Tribune Freeport Reporter

FREEPORT – A pregnant woman was among seven suspected illegal immigrants arraigned in the Freeport Magistrate Court yesterday.

All were taken into custody in Grand Bahama over the weekend.

Jerome Eugene Hutcheson III, supervisor of enforcement for the Bahamas Department of Immigration, said six Haitians and one Jamaican were picked in the Freeport area on January 9 and 11.

Lesly Philippe, 31; Benson Nortelus, 31; Anous Exaltin, 33; Micko Joseph, 23; Mortel Samondy,35; and Nadeige Pierre, 31; all of Haiti; were charged with illegal entry.

They pleaded guilty to the charge and were each fined $300. Failure to pay the fine will mean they face one year in prison.

Rohan Anarzey Whyte, 25, of Jamaica, was charged with overstaying. He pleaded guilty and was fined $3,000. Failure to pay will result in his spending two years in prison.

Mr Hutcheson said the Haitian nationals paid their fines and were flown to New Providence, where they are being detained the Carmichael Road Detention Centre in the lead-up to their repatriation.

Whyte has not paid his fine. He is still detained in Freeport.


briwest1773 says...

So why did the Jamaican get more time and a greater fine!!?????

Posted 14 January 2014, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I can only guess it goes like this...the Haitians entered illegally...probably on one of the many boats/sloops...probably don't have 2 dimes to rub together. The Jamaican entered the country legally, obviously found work and was likely working illegally and has $$...but this is pure guesstimation at this point, could be way off base.

Posted 14 January 2014, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Yep. No surprise. Illegal women not even waiting to land here now before starting to breed. Haiti has declared war on the Bahamas. Without making it "official", it allows them an easy win - cause we won't even fight back.


Posted 14 January 2014, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

This country is over ran with Haitians!!! This is exactly why, pure nonsense!!!!

Posted 15 January 2014, 1:54 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

People always talk bout Bahamians don't like Haitians, things like this clearly shows it is different! The Jamaican has to pay $3,000 and the Haitians $300! Pure madness.

Posted 15 January 2014, 2:09 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

As bad as the Haitian invasion is, I have no real problem with their being a disparity in the fines. When I look at the various Caribbean islands out there, I could probably safely say that the Haitians are the worst off...way worse than any Jamaican. Heck...the Jamaican was here legally at first, whether it be as a tourist or on a temporary work permit, probably flew in on a relatively comfortable plane. Willing to bet most if not all the haitians in that batch came in riding on a cramped boat on the verge of sinking with 100+ of other people wallowing in their own feces. I do have a bit more sympathy with the Haitians and what they get fined...its a double standard I know, but I'll admit to it. In terms of desperate situations, they win.

Posted 15 January 2014, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

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