Tribune Poll almost tied on national ID card question

In the closest Tribune poll yet, there was just one vote between those in favour of a national ID card and those against.

50.2% (125 voters) said they would back such a scheme in the fight against illegal immigration.

And the issue sparked some lively debate in the comments section.

'Pat242' said: "If the government implements a national ID i would fully support it. The Bahamas has a very small population and is honestly easily taken over by foreigners. Keep in mind if someone holds a Bahamian passport you are a Bahamian citizen regardless where you come from. A national ID would give you a better understanding who does and does not belong in your country."

'B_I_D' raised other concerns: "What they NEED to do is weed out the corruption in the police force and immigration and have them do their jobs...I have dealt with LEGAL Haitians for a while, they tell me every day that some of their friends that are not legal get stopped regularly by the police and immigration, and it is a shake down, the police and immigration will let them go it they happen to have $50 or $100 in their pocket."

'Thinker' added: "It's the public's fault for the inevitable VAT (Not government incompetency and corruptions). And it's the public being held responsible for the ineptitude of border patrol officers. Fact.”

Don't forget to vote in the new poll:


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