35 lose jobs as KFC branch closes down


Tribune Staff Reporter


THIRTY-FIVE employees at Kentucky’s Village Road location were made redundant yesterday, after the company announced the immediate closure of that store for “economical reasons.”

In a press release, the franchise holder of KFC in New Providence said the closure of its Village Road store is part of the company’s strategic plan to “efficiently manage population changes in the Nassau market, which has shifted over recent years”.

“We routinely assess all of our locations, both individually and as part of the entire store system, and conclude that closings are unfortunately necessary from time to time,” said Gabriel Sastre, VP & General Manager of Restaurants (Bahamas) Limited. “As a result of the company currently operating five KFC Nassau locations within less than two miles of each other, a position that is economically unsustainable, we made the strategic decision to close the Village Road store. This closing is consistent with our strategy to employ our resources in the most appropriate and beneficial locations, and we’re regularly assessing other potential sites to increase the availability and convenience of KFC in Nassau for our customers.”

Mr Sastre said making the decision to close the store was not easy, but the employees are welcome to apply for any positions that may become available.

Obie Ferguson, who represents some of the terminated members, said he is “horrified” that KFC would make the workers redundant without giving them or the union notice.

“They found out when they went to work,” he said. “They fired three of my members this morning without notifying the union or the Labour Board. Some three persons from my union and some 33 from another union are now gone, without notice. What kind of society are we living in? This can’t be a civil society. What is the purpose of having a union? The purpose is to deal with all employee related matters, but you have to work through the union. That is  why we are the bargaining agent. We represent the union members. You can’t go to them and write them a letter. But we have been so civil and educated, when you use big words and don’t cause no problems, but we are gonna cause some problems this week.

“They made them redundant this morning so you know they must have known prior to today that they were going to make them redundant at least they could have messaged the union, they found out when they went to work .That is the Bahamas we have today. We have been the bargaining agent there for 15 years, they used to tell us everything, now they are getting comfortable. There is a provision for redundancy in the agreement, but the agreement dictates that you must follow the agreement, but they are in breech of the agreement so now we are making determination for what we are going to do.”


CommonSense says...

Wowwww I can't imagine getting my black behind up one morning to go into work and find out that my position was made redundant.

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Hey...so long as they pay the employees as per their union contract 'agreement'...they can close the doors and pay the staff their just wages and be done with it. Chances are if they gave notice and remained open up to a specified date, that store would be pillaged of all food and goods that could justifiably be transferred to another KFC location for use. I don't blame the owners one bit...just so long as the staff get their full payments owed to them.

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Someone in da strategic department could have consultant the voters registry from the General Elections of 2012 for changing Village Road population data. Never been a fan of KFC's chicken even when they promoted old Colonial's original recipe but how do you immediately close and lay off THIRTY-FIVE employees at Kentucky’s Village Road location yesterday, after the company announced the immediate closure of that store for economical reasons....while the press release states it's part of company’s "strategic plan" to “efficiently manage population changes in the Nassau market, which has shifted over recent years”. so, I'm guessing your first "strategic" meeting was only held like a day ago? Some taking the employees into consideration under the company's strategic planning. Did the Village Road population suddenly change overnight? Time hold one them sudden strategic meetings to review, if maybe tis time hire new PR agency to write ya press releases cause a crab from Andros with two broken foots could do better writ'in.

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Get used to it........... private sector getting ready for VAT

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Hell yeah...businesses will be closing up shop right left and center instead of having to try to deal with VAT. PGC better have some GOOD ideas up his sleeve for employment. More than likely a lot of supermarkets and convenience stores and other everyday type of business will disappear. According to our brainiacs in the government seats, VAT will be rolled out come hell or high water come July 1st regardless of what ANYBODY says...they are not 'listening'...businesses only have a few months left to settle their business and close their doors...mark my words.

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

>private sector getting ready for VAT

Right on! I support the store on this. The union has no business telling anyone how to run the business. As long as the workers are paid their wages and paid severance, the business has the right open and close where ever they want. The sole purpose of a business is to make money.

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Wrong banker!! Sole purpose of a business is to support overpaid and overly useless union staff and management...what were you thinking!!

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

LOL! But a true attitude on this rock!

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Where thirty or more workers are gathered together at one time without jobs, dat is hardship on too damn many families. KFC generally seems be a good corporate citizen but this is no excuse you reds come on there with all these rules and great expectations of how a corporation's employees should behave while in their employ. What about some stronger consensus when it comes to how the Comrade business owners are expected to act? We live in a Bahamaland where even with two members of a household's family working full time they is still in a struggle to earn sufficiently to pay your general living expenses such as rent, food, car payment, school fees, gas, lights, telephone and ya insurance polices. Bahamalander's does love they KFC, so humble your chicken corporation to show even more love ya KFC workers.

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Business owners are supposed to treat their employees fairly, with respect and dignity. But you are assuming a level playing field. Knowing some people at the head office on Horseshoe Drive, I was astounded at how much money the corporation loses on a yearly basis due to employee tiefin', pilfering, cheating and embezzlement. It comes to employees' friends coming in and buying a two-piece, and leaving with a whole bag of chicken. Phone card vendors who receive phony money, come and cash it at the KFC wink wink. Toilet paper for the washrooms leaves in rolls, as does paper towels, napkins, salt -- you name it. Shrinkage and theft is unbelievable. Like someone else remarked, if they were given two weeks notice, the last two weeks would be a total money drain and nothing would be left but the bare walls.

I am afraid that my fellow Bahamians are not a very moral lot when it comes to their place of employment.

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

citpes33 says...

KFC is wrong in their actions! Under Labor Laws, KFC is required and mandated to give at least one week notice to employees that their positions are being made redundant and the store is closing. Also KFC is required to have the cheques / pay for these employees in their hands or on their bank accounts before they lave the premises. I wonder what is going on in the Bahamas these days? There has been too many business closing down and "clowning" the employees under this government and nothing happens! Somebody needs to seriously investigate!

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 28 January 2014, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

We miss the point. KFC has every right to close its stores. But I can't understand why they wouldn't tell the workers in advance not to come in to work. I think its really in poor taste and we should be more concerned when this happens to low income workers. We have really developed a nasty way of doing things in this country. Don't worry someone will soon go 'Postal,' on them. The unions are lost in this country and I have no feeling for them. But KFC should do better and treat people better than this.

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Owning a major company of a couple hundred employees and several million in 'stealable' stock and probably that again in office equipment and computers, you can bet your bottom dollar I would lock this place up tighter than a drum at 5pm and let people know the following morning after I am sure everything that can 'walk' is secured. 110% Sorry, but the merchandise, equipment, office setups are too dang valuable to just let wander out the door.

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Sorry for the loss of employees jobs but 5 KFC's within 2 miles of each other and as small as Nassau is seems a bit too much. Bring in another food franchise. Something different other than BK, Wendy's & McDonald's.

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker and ya pro corporation colleagues, when there are 30 or more out job workers gathered, tis no sign is an attack on VAT but more of an attack on paychecks feed they families.

Posted 28 January 2014, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

So long as they get their full paychecks, severance, notice, accrued vacation pay, etc...I have no problem at all with the rapid shutdown concept...but those paychecks better be in their hands by now...no playing around in that respect.

Posted 28 January 2014, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Actually, from talking to folks on a daily basis, it is my understanding that most folks can't afford to eat at KFC like they used to. It is just too expensive.

Growing up at our house, Sunday dinner was cooked by Mama, but we bought the sides at KFC -- corn, salad etc. Even that is not happening any longer.

There is no doubt that the Bahamian people are suffering, but businesses cannot be the ones to support the people. This lazy, good-for-nothing government is trying to get the last ounce out of blood from businesses to pay for their cronyism and kleptocracy. Smart business people, and that includes Rupert Roberts and George Meyers know how to strategically plan and they are getting ready for VAT.

Posted 28 January 2014, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Unfortunately for thousands growing up in today's Bahamaland, that Mama's Sunday dinner Comrade Banker be talk'in about, ain't financially in good position to put much in Mama's pot be cooking. The paychecks and meats, if they lucky to have meats cook, have grown slimmer and slimmer. There can be no excuse when a household with two adult full time working family members, still ain't earning sufficient meet their most basic monthly expenses. I have no clue where KFC's pay scale is at but there are those corporations who think by just paying the minimum wage they is being charitable towards their workers. Mama's Sunday pot and her paychecks is hurt'in, yet you come on here and badmouth workers. What right does anyone have to post on here, robbing them of the only thing they have left, their dignity.

Posted 28 January 2014, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

>robbing them of the only thing they have left, their dignity.

Lyndon Oscar Swindling robbed them of their dignity in 1973 when he sold this country to the Columbian cocaine cartels.

This country needs economic diversification and when the truly Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham tried to diversify it, the criminal PLP persuaded their retarded voters to kill that initiative, along with the equality of women referendum.

You or I don't get to write or re-write the history, but the sober second thought will show that the PLP was the worst thing that could have ever happened to the Bahamas. And in your heart of all hearts, you know that is true, but do not have the personal courage and integrity to admit it. We always make excuses even though we are not children and we know right from wrong.

Posted 28 January 2014, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Thank God someone can stand up and call a spade a spade! Unfortunately many Bahamians still live in la la land. They keep believing that once they keep pretending everything will be alright. But all the drug money of yesteryear has start to fade away and reality is now kickin in.

Posted 28 January 2014, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...




Posted 28 January 2014, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i live on a family island w/ no fast food and plenty obese people here ..A man in the US ate only at Macdonalds for a month and lost about 15lbs ,,b/c he didn,t make a big of himself , ,obesity is directly realted to how much of anything you put in your mouth ,,mammas cookin or fast food

Posted 28 January 2014, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Wow. If KFC is going down in the Bahamas the economy is lost. Goodbye and good night.

Posted 28 January 2014, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Das all dem chicken shack giving competition.

Posted 28 January 2014, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Like it or hate it my red Comrades, Pindling remains an important positive participant as you go about your daily lives. There have indeed been many accusations leveled at Pindling but to suggest it was the former PM who had swindled, robbed poor Bahamalander's of their dignity back in1973 when he sold this country out to the Colombian Cocaine Cartels, is to totally forget that few Bahamalander's are able to go about their daily lives, pretending Pindling had nothing to do with them holding down the well paid positions they hold today. That you can buy any piece of lot your bank account can afford in any subdivision across Bahamaland, INCLUDING FREEPORT. That we have another black PM in office and another one gone fishing up in Copper's Town, all because there once was a Bahamalander named Pindling. How in hell do you think it come to be when a Bahamalander, much less a black Comrade Governor-General Arthur can fall asleep in the big Royal Bed, once slept on by a Former King of England who also served as Governor-General we Bahamaland. Do you really believe you all are, who you have become in today's Bahamaland, as a result of one Comrade Sir Stafford?

Posted 28 January 2014, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Let's thank Blackbeard for giving us the opportunity to dress up as pirates at Junkanoo while we're at it....

Posted 28 January 2014, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Many fast food stores are going through challenges. One time ago this particular KFC use to have its drive thru backed up into Village Road. Haven't seen that happen for at least two years. Then KFC has made their portions smaller. They give you this big bag of fries to make the box feel heavy but when you open it, the chicken is so small you promise not to go back to KFC. The Wendy's in my area use to have a line in the mornings, now you can just drive right up to the window. Then a lot of people don't come out after dark anymore. They lock down.

Posted 29 January 2014, 5:36 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Hey citizen
u een get no Bahamasair either?????
Ppl bring it in from Nassau!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 29 January 2014, 7:01 a.m. Suggest removal

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