Police probe theft at PM's house


Tribune Staff Reporter


ACTING Commissioner of Police Quinn McCartney confirmed yesterday that police are investigating an incident that occurred at the Prime Minister’s residence on Tuesday.

According to sources, the Prime Minister’s housekeeper reported that some time between 3pm on Tuesday and 8am on Wednesday someone stole or removed a 36-inch flat screen television from the pool room at the Prime Minister’s Cable Beach compound.

An officer attached to the Internal Security Division, responsible for protecting Mr Christie, was arrested at his residence a short time later and taken into custody.

The television was also recovered.

Mr McCartney said police are investigating.

He said: “There was an incident, involving an officer, that occurred at the Prime Minister’s residence, we are looking at the details now but no decision has been made as to how it will be handled.”

PM Perry Christie was out of the country at the second summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Havana, Cuba. He was expected to return last night.


proudloudandfnm says...

Ok so for the PM's security detail the officer's should be the best of the best. What happened here? How far up does the corruption go? How did a crooked cop end up on the PM's security detail? Who picked him? What was Ellison's role?

If a crooked cop can be picked for PM security man we are in deep doo doo.

Time to go thru our national security forces with a fine tooth comb and weed out the trash...

Ellison you are failing miserably ....

Posted 30 January 2014, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

..would be an excellent time for a test run of that (dumb) survey, they could find out why crime is so rampant among cabinet ministers and police officers

Posted 30 January 2014, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

I have yet to meet a cop that isnt crooked in the Bahamas.

Posted 30 January 2014, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

We keep going on about corrupt politicians ,corrupt cops etc ,,They didn,t come from mars ,they are us ,born of Bahamians and raised by us ,,I say you would be hard pressed to have a 2000 member police force w/ out at least 40% being crooked ..Single mothers /absentee fathers is the major cause of both crime and poverty ,talking about anything else is just a waste of time ,,

Posted 30 January 2014, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

something doesnt sound right at all about this "incident". this doesnt appear to be what they are saying it is

Posted 30 January 2014, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Who cares????? This is news????

Posted 30 January 2014, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades up-them-stairs over a Deveaux and Shirley Streets give ya is loyal readers some long overdue, serious news reporting stuff Grandpa Dupuch was once capable of. I can't begin to imagine the Tribune's even bolder headline, if it had been a TV gone miss'in from some American resident's house. Might have called for an even higher alert level being issued to all Americans on our shores.

Posted 30 January 2014, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Boy ya'll outta ya mind but this aint news. Our PM was robbed by a police officer and this isn't news?

Not only is this news but it is extremely important news. Unless yinna forget we are in the middle of a crime wave. A crime wave our police are having no impact on. This guy was on the PM's security detail he must have a long record on the force and must have been chosen to protect the PM for a reason. If someone this high up is crooked maybe then we see why the force can't fight crime?

PM's house being robbed is news. Whether you like it or not...

Posted 30 January 2014, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

CoralHarbour says...

He wanted to watch the SuperBowl this weekend..

Posted 30 January 2014, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade ProudLoud and most definitely Red ain't go'in fool all us when you and the reds media friends be classifying this a "robbery" at the PM's home, cause we think'in to be a robbery whomever takes the TV would have to have committed an act or an instance of unlawfully thieving the PM's TV through the use of violence or intimidation.

Posted 30 January 2014, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Tal. Or sneaking in and taking it. So you're saying that when my home was broken into and my things taken from me last year it was not robbed?

You wanna re-think that statement?

Posted 30 January 2014, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

A police officer steals a TV out of the PM's house and you don't think this is news Tal? Seriously?

You don't think this is a scathing indictment on our police force? Seriously?

You mussee crazy....

Posted 30 January 2014, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I ain't one mak'in up my own criminal law. Exactly my point. Can be classified as a theft by reason of employment but not the media's Hollywooding it as robbery at the PM"S residence. Even when the Governor-General's Throne chair was taken it wasn't classified as no robbery by the media. Now, whats worth more coin, some old TV of a PM or da Royal Throne Chair belong'in her Majesty Queen Liz's Bahamaland's highest office holder?

Posted 30 January 2014, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

*Police Probe **Theft** At Pm's House*

"The media" (I'm assuming that's a reference to "The Tribune"), seems to have classified it as *theft* according to this headline.,.

Posted 30 January 2014, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade ThisIsOurRed, I'm not about fast-track a change to my red media thinking. Do i have to spell out in any more simple language when it comes to the media's subliminal, secret messages. Tis not something they only do sometimes reds bias intentionally, sometimes not, with but one main objecting in their target, make life as miserable as hell for PM Christie as ink print possible. Since when does some TV gone missing become headline news but not a single world on Minnis running to cover Papa's weakening position on the sale of the 51% ownership in BTC to foreigners. Not a damn word.

Posted 30 January 2014, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I prefer to be called
ThisIsOursThePLPAppearsToHaveAMuchGreaterPercentageOFCorruptOfficialsButOtherwiseImForAStandardOfEthicsJusticeAndFairness (though life generally isn't fair)

But I get what you're saying they called it a theft but right thinking people can read between the lines to see it was just an evil mind trick to make us think robbery

Posted 30 January 2014, 9:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

There is corruption and dishonesty in the police force. Many businesses that have requested police escort service has gotten robbed shortly after engaging that service. And no the best and the brightest are not the ones put to watch the PM's house. This is considered a low and boring detail and many officers try to duck and avoid being assigned to guard detail at a private residence. But this officer must be the dumb of the dumbest to try pull of this one after what just happened at the dpm's house. Everyone is still on alert. somewhat.

Posted 30 January 2014, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Bottom line a cop on the PM's security detail robbed the PM's house. It is a national embarrassment, period. DPM gets held in own house and a few weeks later the PM's house is robbed by a cop. This is a national embarrassment. Period. It shows the world that the Bahamas is nothing but thugs. Shows tourists that NO ONE is safe in this country. Not ever our PM....

Posted 31 January 2014, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I'm waiting one you reds say PM Chrisitie thief he own TV. Take notice international world, TV gone a missing in Bahamaland. Comrade hardy rises to the level to become an embarrassment when an employee removes a TV from his bosses pool house. Comrade it's a damn TV.

Posted 31 January 2014, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

My Mama used to say *a thief is a murderer*... I get part of her her point...deal with the small infractions

Posted 31 January 2014, 8:06 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

These "corrupt cops" must take care of the many baby mamas/sweethearts/girlfriends that they have, so they do all kinds of things to make ends meet:

1. They beg (take bribes, whiffffffff)
2. They steal (ala the PM TV)
3. They borrow (from the commissary, co-op, bank, comrades)
4. They gamble (????????????)
5. They duck........ bills LOL
6. They deal.....................what????????????
7. They blackmail........
8. They moonlight.............
9. They pass on details of cases to crooks........ destroy evidence

WE CAN GO ON AND ON....................... I feel for the COP

Posted 31 January 2014, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

Those officers who guard the prime Minister are hand picked PLP SUPPORTERS so talk that

Posted 31 January 2014, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

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