PM says cutting off schools for unpaid bills was 'unchristian'


Tribune Freeport Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie expressed his strong discontent yesterday with the Grand Bahama Power Company for disconnecting electricity last week at all the public schools in Grand Bahama, calling the action “unchristian and uncharitable.”

He also criticised the timing of the disconnection, noting that Report Day is one of the most important times in the school year for students, and said the lack of power had caused a major disturbance. Last Wednesday, power company officials turned off the electricity supply to some 18 schools, which did not have access to power for three days, after the government had failed to pay its bills.

“I am always exceedingly disappointed when a major corporate citizen of the country demonstrates unchristian and uncharitable actions – meaning that the least offensive of all the government agencies and the most important would be the schools where there are children, and to no fault of their own something happens,” Mr Christie said.

“In this instance, GBPC said they weren’t paid. What do they cut off? They cut off electricity for school children in the last moments of the school year when report cards are being issued and there was major disruption.”

Mr Christie said he has spoken with the principals of the company. “It does not make sense to me based on the discussions I had with the chairman and the lady who is the CEO here – it makes no sense to me,” he said.

“It is inconsistent with the kind of relationship we ought to have between ourselves, and it motivates the government to look at the big picture in our country as how to go about ensuring that our country avoid this kind of instance.”

Power was reconnected at the schools late on Friday. Grand Bahama Minister Dr Michael Darville said the government made a payment of over $1 million to the company the same day.

Dr Darville also expressed disappointment with the Power Company and felt that actions taken were a bit drastic and unnecessary. He also said that while there is sometimes a delay in payment, the government always pays its bill.

The Power Company also came under fire by two local civic organisations over the issue.

Pastor Eddie Victor of the Coalition for Concerned Citizens said the company’s action was not only “disrespectful” to the government, but to the entire community of Grand Bahama. Rev Glenroy Bethel, of Families For Justice, called it an insult to the government and the people of Grand Bahama. Both said the power supply should not have been turned off.


B_I_D___ says...

So because the government hasn't paid their bills I need to be Christian and Charitable and just let it slide?? K.M.F.A!! The Government above all others should be paying their bills on time.

Posted 1 July 2014, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Leave God out of this. Actually no bring him in...paying your bills, *render unto Caesar*, is Christian. Pay your light, water and phone bill. In today's economy they are necessities, they come before elaborate independence celebrations at the consulate in Washington, elaborate independence celebrations at home, before setting up a consulate for the Vatican, before hiring a new employee, before another trip to Dubai, those bills come before ALL of those things.

Posted 1 July 2014, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

Being christian or unchristian has nothing to do with it. It is a matter of paying the bills to ensure nothing like this happens. For that matter GBPC and BEC turn off electricity every day where there are children in homes and they don't care. The kids in the school can go home to electricity, those without it at home have none until it is turned back on.

Posted 1 July 2014, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

These people who are allegedly the government are beyond revolting, and I say allegedly because their is not a single shred of proof that they are governing anything other than stealing and living high off the public purse. You dont pay your bills for over a year but that is supposed to be fine, and companies are supposed to run just fine without their customers paying their bills. Christie and his government are a stench to this country.

Posted 1 July 2014, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This tells ALL of us how accountable and efficient our government bureaucracy is at this time ............... just like the educational system ......................... "D" and when you take out the private schools .......... "F".

Perry should be ashamed to say something like this ........... then turn around and send a coded threat to GBPC ????????????? SHAMEFUL

Posted 1 July 2014, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

What does the prime minister call not paying your electricity bill since last September ( as verified by the director of education Mr. Lionel Sands)? How unchristian! Our politicians are hypocrites of the highest order. How about paying your bills, and stop vilifying private companies that simply want to be paid for a service used a long time ago.

Posted 1 July 2014, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Religion has no part in this, Mr. Christie. The government should pay its bills. No excuse. Period.

And the government should govern. But I see no evidence of this -- just hot air and increased spending. And let's not discuss the "all for me, baby" mentality.

Posted 1 July 2014, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Christie's sense of Christianity and charitableness are very much warped like most things in his brain dead head!

Posted 1 July 2014, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Cronies vs. Cronies. I like it. Fight of the Titans: "Grand Bahama Godzillas vs. New Providence King Kongs".

Posted 1 July 2014, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

What did Jesus say?

Render unto Ceasar what is his?


Posted 1 July 2014, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Again.......... just like with BEC, each Ministry has a Permanent Secretary who is responsible for the day to day running of the Ministry. Lionel Sands is the technocrat responsible for running the Department of Education................... but not a grunt from the PS .

What do we pay these frigging lousy senior civil servants for???????????

Why are Fits and Lionel speaking while the PS who should know whats going on with the physical plant is silent??????? Then worst of all the PM spews crap about "christian charity"..........and Fits slow dancing with the enemy............................................ SMDH

Posted 1 July 2014, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

This is why we are in debt now. No one is higher than anyone. If I have to pay my bills the government must do so as well. Shut them off until it gets paid. Point. Blank. Period.

Posted 1 July 2014, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

What is unchristian is not paying your bills and having no intention of ever paying them!! The government had not made a payment since last September. Almost a whole year and yet they are shocked. If the GB power company had not cut them off they would never pay.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Posted 1 July 2014, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I absolutely hate when people call God's name to give legitimacy to whatever action they perform.

Posted 1 July 2014, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

So do I

Posted 1 July 2014, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

But God will why should the government attempt to do so?

Posted 1 July 2014, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yeah. Many Bahamians who "claim him" forget that God created them above every living creature on the earth. Two hands, two feet, ability to walk upright, opposing thumbs. Look at all the things you can do with the work of your hands or feet...and for those without hands and feet he gave you a brain...for those without brains, he does promise them help....snap I just sunk my own argument...God will provide PGC.

Posted 1 July 2014, 9:50 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

I thought the power company was pretty much gracious for leaving the power on from September. They turn it off after the children were home. The government should be applauding the company for the patience not chastising them.

Posted 1 July 2014, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

242smt says...

Christie is such a pompous ass. He is only upset because the power cut off shines light on how inept he and his government is. Why these politicians have no shame.

Posted 1 July 2014, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

What's next the power is shut-off during surgery at the Hospital? Comrades I will not defend the government's non payment of its bills but this should in no way excuse away the turning off of the schools power supply, after all these are your own peoples red, gold and green shirts children we are talking about. The shutting off school lights, even if they haven't paid their bills, without first giving advance notice to ensure the saftey of school children is sickening and presented a high saftey risk of endangerment to students. Power companies should be prohibited by law of doing anything that would present a serious personal saftey risk to the occupants of ANY building.

Posted 2 July 2014, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Seriously Tal? the lights go out in a classroom...during daylight hours...oh my, my personal safety is at risk...I might trip over a pencil and hurt myself. Funny...GB Power I am sure tried over and over again to secure payment, and nothing happens...they cut the power off and whamoo, the government jumps into action and cuts a check for a million dollars. GB Power or ANY power company is not to blame in this regard. Now, with respect to hospitals, you need to be a bit more careful there obviously. With that being said though, hospitals are 'MEANT' to have back up generators and the life saving equipment used in surgeries and such are 'MEANT' to be on backup batteries to buffer the time it takes for the generator to kick in, so you can have a power failure in a hospital and the ER and OR's and medical equipment in the rooms and wards will keep on working. Back to the issue of schools though...having not paid since the start of the school year September 2013, and the kids are now breaking for summer almost 10 months later...heck no, power should have been cut off MONTHS ago.

Posted 2 July 2014, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade there can be no excuse for shutting-off the power to some 12 schools. In fact, I will take the seriousness of this shut-off thing much deeper. The power, water, gas and telephone to the homes of the sick and or anyone over the age of 65, should not be disconnected for lack of bill payments, provided the occupant(s) have so informed the utility companies of who are the principal occupants of the homes.

Posted 2 July 2014, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Now THAT is funny right there...some people are beyond clueless. Tal, pretty certain you were there anyways, that just confirmed it.

Posted 2 July 2014, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Fitmiss says...

Please don't do it. I am a Christian and an educator, and I say the electricity should have been off months ago. I live on an island where electricity is constantly off due to problems with the powerlines and such. We manage to survive quite well. Also school would have been closed at the time this situation occurred. I applaud the company for waiting until the kids were home, which they didn't have to do. Min. of Education claims they didn't receive a bill, even if this is so, the bill was not paid from September. Ministry of Education should keep their house in order and be abreast of their bills. This is highly inept and the PM's response is disgusting. I do not care who is in power (no pun intended) if the bill is not paid, disconnect it. Can you imagine how much government owes BEC, BTC and the water company? Perhaps we should practice paying the utilities to alleviate the constant need for borrowing or creating new taxes. Furthermore probably if government paid BEC we would be able to upgrade the facilities and alleviate the high energy bill. If I am wrong and government is exempted from paying utilities then I apologize. Think on it, The Freeport Power Company just had the nerve to stand up to big bad government, there are so many other companies who wouldn't dare. I just pray that the government is paying the light bill for the hospitals and clinics.... Let us teach our kids to pay their bills and that when they do something wrong to admit it and own up to it. No wonder so many of my students blame someone else for their wrongs and mistakes.

Posted 2 July 2014, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

The power company let it slide until school was closed. What children is perry talking about? How bout keep the bill up to date and then there is no problem.

Posted 2 July 2014, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade what more can you expect to be coming out of a "Sovereign Foreigner Country, Within a Country?" Comrades Wallace Groves and Stafford Sands are long dead and so should their old out-of-touch, long ago outdated Hawksbill Creek Agreement signed in the inks of under-the-table-corruption back in 1955

Posted 2 July 2014, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

...and that pertains to the government not paying a power bill for 10 months how?

Posted 2 July 2014, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

My Dear Comrades soon come the time for Grand Bahamians to be rolling Comrades Wallace and Stafford over in they graves on they's stomachs, cause you gotta know's, they don't ever want to see the day come, when a Bahamaland government will actually possess enough bullocks to overthrow that Foreigner Freeport (Lands) Corporation, returning Freeport and all her lands, back to the People's Republic of Bahamaland.

Posted 2 July 2014, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

again...and that pertains to the government not paying a power bill for 10 months how?

Posted 2 July 2014, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Tal is an apologist for this incompetent PLP government ................. I suppose she would use the same excuse when her bill is not paid................ "Leslie, I owe BEC $3000 but God will bless you if you turn my power back on" ................................. SMT

Posted 2 July 2014, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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