'On target' for 2016 health plan


Tribune Staff Reporter


NON-BAHAMIANS with legal status to reside and work in the Bahamas will be eligible for the government’s proposed National Health Insurance plan, Health Minister Dr Perry Gomez revealed yesterday.

Dr Gomez confirmed that efforts were on target for the 2016 launch of universal health coverage for all legal residents in the Bahamas, however, details on financing and management of the scheme are still being considered.

He added that the report by Costa Rican consultants Sanigest Internacional, which is expected to reveal projected implementation costs, will be submitted at the end of the month.

Dr Gomez spoke at a special workshop jointly organised by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and related governmental agencies to engage in national consultation with stakeholders.

The social and economic benefits of equitable access to quality health care are widespread, according to the health minister, who cited anecdotal country reports of crime reduction post-implementation of a national scheme. 

Less than 40 per cent of the population have health insurance, he said. 

Dr Gomez said: “The difference with private health care is that they are in the business for profit. You see very often for people who’ve reached retirement (age), the premiums that (insurance companies) charge they can’t afford. So they have to make the choice between how they pay for their food or how they pay for their health. That’s the difficulty with private health care, so many people have no choice. They can’t afford it so we need another form of insurance and that is where this comes in.”

He added: “Universal health care is the access to quality health services but the definition goes beyond that, it’s access to a healthy living environment, and services which promote the health of the entire population.”

The workshop split health professionals into focus groups to provide strategies and suggestions on health governance; systems and services; financing; and social determinants.

Outcomes will be used to strengthen proposed regional strategies and presented at PAHO’s annual meeting in Washington, DC, later this year, Dr Gomez said.

National Health Insurance was first developed as a policy priority under the first Christie administration. A 15-member Blue Ribbon Commission was appointed to review the feasibility of a National Health Insurance Plan and the National Health Insurance Act 2006 was brought to Parliament in November 2006. However, the plan was never implemented.

Under the former plan, Dr Gomez said payment was set at five per cent of salary. Yesterday he added that it had not been determined whether or not the 2016 scheme would be state-run or privately managed.

Yesterday, Dr Gerry Eijkemans, PAHO’s country representative for the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos, explained that countries that already provide high coverage for health services often experience difficulty transitioning to universal care.

She said greater scrutiny must be given to ensure high quality and cost efficiency.

Dr Eijkemans said: “It’s unacceptable that people still die because they do not have access to health services. It is an epidemic, and universal health coverage can bring equity at a much higher level.

“We need to expand priority health services, secondly, we need to include more people, and thirdly, we need to reduce the out of pocket payments of people who will access health services.”

She added: “What’s happening here also goes back up to Washington, and goes back up to Geneva. The topic of universal health coverage is so important that there is discussion going on that this might be the overarching health goal for the post-2015 development agenda.”


TheMadHatter says...

Wow - more free stuff for the Haitians.

Why doesn't government make a list of all Bahamians who have lived here and have family heritage here for 3 generations or more - a list with names a photos and instruct the defense force and police to just go around in 24 hours and KILL ALL OF US and give our homes, land, and possessions to the Haitians.

i mean just get it over with. That's what's going to happen anyway in the end.


Posted 16 July 2014, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

@ TheMadHatter.....Amen! Haitians have totally corrupted our country in every way imaginable.

Haitians do not get free education and health care in their own country but the PLP & FNM give it to them free in the Bahamas and tax the hell out of Bahamians to pay for it????????

WTF is that about ! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Go to hell PLP & FNM and take your dam Haitians with you!

Posted 16 July 2014, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Soooooooooo, we see what goes on in Britain, Canada, France and US. What will Gomezcare look like??????????? Hope it een as shaky as he speaks and acts.............LOL

Posted 16 July 2014, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Constitutional reform?????????????, Webshop gambling?????????, Landfill dump?????????? University of The Bahamas???????, Bahamar???????????, Carnival????????? Oil company drilling??????????, Illegal immigrant regularisation??????? BTC 2% control?????? UR2.0???????????? BAMSI????????????? New Parliament??????? Shanty towns??????????? Stem cell tourism??????????? Swift Justice??????? Low crime?????? VAT???????? Defence Force upgrades??????? Double education budget?????? etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,

NOW THIS?????????????? DREAMS DREAMS DREAMS.....................DREAMMMMMMMS

Posted 16 July 2014, 8:05 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

On point but more like rusted gold dust! This govt. is the worse and ain trying to improve, its still an 'all-for-me' baby club only thing is ya have ta be a part of the club or the inner circle to reap the benefits!

Posted 17 July 2014, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

And none of the above are being handled properly, nor will they run properly,
but the Politicians will still profit, and ride on the backs of suppressed Bahamians.
I do not want the Government in charge of my healthcare,
we shall see the Miller/BEC cut off rules applied!

Posted 17 July 2014, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

So, those that have private medical insurance now will have to pay this new NHI plan just because you can find me because I contribute to NIB thru my job.
Then you say it might be paying 5% of my salary towards this NHI. Keep in mind I do not get an annually raise from my job (private sector) every year to offset the increase of cost of living raise.
Plus I have to deal with the day to day increase of cost of living due to the Government increase of business license (yes, if you did not know the cost is handed down to the consumer).
Then I have to pay more money on VAT 7.5% on most of everything in the country too. Question, if the whole middle class was to drop their private medical insurance (which more than likely would happen)
Can PMH/clinics handle the majority of people living in this Country illegal or not?. Let’s be real you speak of person dying from not having the means to pay for good insurance but people die just waiting to be serve
In A&E at PMH for God’s sake. Man, you’ll talking foolishness with burden the poor and the middle working class in the country for NHI. Why in the hell should I pay for others to use the service of PMH especially the ILLEGAL.
I cannot go in another man’s country and ask him to take care of me and when he says “HELL NO” I then say what is wrong with him. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YINNA IN PARILMENT?!. I flicking SICK of this country!

Posted 17 July 2014, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

When last has Gomez been to the emergency room at the PMH, more Haitians there than Bahamians and the wait is forever and a day. You want me to pay Government, which has never done ANYTHING right (except waste taxpayer money and make the country look bad) for healthcare that I will not be able to access? Sir, let me put it to you straight and plain, I CAN NOT AFFORD YOUR SHITTY PLAN!

Posted 17 July 2014, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal


the status on everything in the Bahamas is PENDING!!!

Posted 17 July 2014, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Ya ga that right, every damn thing, smdt!!

Posted 17 July 2014, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

Question?. If I was to drop my private medical for NHI, what other medical facility can I use other then PMH/GOV. CLINIC Dr. Gomez?.

Posted 22 July 2014, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

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