Pinder: My union will not join strike


Tribune Staff Reporter

JOHN Pinder, Bahamas Public Service Union president, said yesterday his union will not take part in the “massive strike” planned by the Trade Union Congress because he cannot support “a handful of greedy people” who think they should get more money than other civil servants.

Mr Pinder said his focus is not on attempting to “shut the country down” but to get the government to delay or stop Value Added Tax.

His comments came after TUC president Obie Ferguson said on Friday that he is “rallying the troops” for a massive strike in the country in response to the government’s alleged mistreatment of workers.

“I am not dissatisfied with the government at the moment. My focus is to change their mind on VAT and that is what Mr Ferguson should be focused on as well, not a strike,” Mr Pinder told The Tribune

“I do not see the need for a strike, I will not support something like that to satisfy a handful of greedy members. It has to be a national issue for a strike and I don’t think satisfying a handful of greedy people who think they should be making more money than others is a national issue. I will not support a handful of people wanting more from the government because Peter is no better than Paul.”

Mr Pinder also defended his decision to accept an annual increase of $800 for the minimum wage of government workers after Mr Ferguson said the “so-called increase is ungodly and unreasonable.”

He said: “My members were making $10,700, now they are making $11,500, in addition to a $400 increment that takes them up to nearly $12,000. Tell him (Mr Ferguson) that he may not like it but the people who are getting the money added to their base salaries are satisfied. I am doing my best to move the salaries up but you have to also keep in mind the economic situation we are in. It may not be a lot to him, but it is a step in the right direction.

“He represents the higher middle class, the nurses and customs and immigration and the air traffic controllers, they make the bulk of the money. It is unfortunate that he wants to be mischievous, but I am satisfied,” Mr Pinder added.

Last week Mr Ferguson said it seems as though union leaders are working in their own best interests instead of the members.

He said: “What could $800 do? You divide $800 by 52 weeks and you get $13, maybe $14, maybe $15. I get upset about things like that.”

The TUC represents 26 unions and has a collective membership of about 15,000 workers.

Mr Ferguson has been threatening to lead workers on a three-day strike for months.


jujutreeclub says...

John done get buy out. Sign that contract and did not come to the members to find out how they feel about it. Shame on him.

Posted 22 July 2014, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I am glad to see at least one set of unions have some common sense and are not just going to fall in line with the other nut jobs!!

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

UNIONS! Every country that has unions end up with a strangle hold on their necks, a sue these thieves are feeding off the monies/fears of their members just to support their own high living and wants/desires.....

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

UNIONS! Every country that has unions end up with a strangle hold on their necks, as these thieves are feeding off the monies/fears/compliance of their members just to support their own high living and wants/desires.....

Posted 22 July 2014, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Why I listenin to these comments again? Unions are created and maintained by persons' thinking like some of yinna here. . .while yall talk goat nanny. . .the small man gatta link-up and put foots them upin yinna azz to get they due for their labour!! And for dat dude who een know how to count. . .them peoples dem is get paid monthly. . .dats $66.66 more added to they take home and $800 more dat can serve a dept-service-ratio!

Posted 22 July 2014, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Both unions are missing the point, on all levels with exception of politicians who take bribery, salaries are off base with cost of living. If we want to live up to the standard of a 1st world nation and charge first world prices for housing, food, transportation, medical care etc, the average salaries in general are out of touch with reality. Unfortunately for us we have never been a ownership society where people are encouraged to be Entrepreneurs to escape these peasant wages. Instead we provide poor education to the masses, poor family planning and systematically keep people dumb and government dependent. We put financial hurdles in front of people with high start up cost and outrages fees, taxes and interest charges on borrowed money. In essence people are trapped fighting over government job scraps while the foreigners and a group of Bahamian families prosper. People need to tell the truth, and the truth is with the inflated cost of living in the Bahamas, the new proposed higher taxes and fees, social issues including crime, and the rapid pace which our leaders have sold us out to foreigners have all lead us to the path of 3rd class status in our own country. So their is no victory, just bullshit and stagnation. Yall keep fighting amongst each other for scraps, you'll still wake up poor.

Posted 23 July 2014, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

So Bahamianpride, what are you going to do about it? Vote the same idiots in??

The problem is the electorate!! For a few dollars, a free t-shirt, and free food and drinks, they are willing to be bought to re-elect the same idiots who are keeping them down. Obviously you don't want any better. You can't keep doing the same things and expect a different result.

Bahamians need to become more vocal and be prepared to stand up for what you believe in. Why aren't there thousands of Bahamians on Rawson Square right now demonstrating against the VAT? Because they are lazy and stuck in mediocrity.

People need to stop complaining and DO something!!

Posted 23 July 2014, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Jicandu, I have tons of solutions, but neither u nor I can fix ignorance. If u try to suggest change u r looked at with suspicion even with your own family. The politicians like it that way. I was very hopeful until i saw a bunch of morons marching in the streets on a hot sunny day in support of Nygard owning more Bahamian land for his own personal use. Our country has screwed up horribly with education, we both know educated intelligent people don't behave like colonial slaves. Unfortunately with 2 generations of ignorance that make up the majority of the voting block change would have to come from better educating the young people and hopefully provide a more intelligent group of individuals but we both know that's not going to happen in large enough numbers.

Posted 23 July 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Tommy77 says...

More should be done.<img src="…" style="display:none">

Posted 23 July 2014, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

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