Senior PLP says Wells ‘ill advised’ to sign letter


Tribune Staff Reporter

A FORMER Progressive Liberal Party Cabinet minister said Ministry of Works Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells was “ill advised” before he made the “mistake” of signing a letter of intent with Stellar Waste to Energy Bahamas to build a $650 million facility at the city dump.

George Smith, who served in several ministerial posts and was a parliamentary secretary in the Pindling administration, further suggested yesterday that someone in Mr Wells’ position would have taken orders from his minister to handle tasks upon request.

However, he said, if Prime Minister Perry Christie finds it necessary to demand a resignation from Mr Wells it would be a true sign of strength in leadership.

Mr Smith explained that Mr Wells’ signature was nonbinding, noting that even the Minister of Works Philip “Brave’ Davis would have needed approval from the Tender Board and Cabinet on such a large-scale project.

“Based on my experience as a parliamentary secretary and a minister, I don’t think the signature means a thing,” Mr Smith said. “The noise and outrage everyone is making is a testament to the lack of understanding of the Cabinet system that we have in place. A parliamentary secretary in the Westminster system is to do specific things as the minister instructs him, to do things he doesn’t have time to do. But a parliamentary secretary is extremely limited in what he or she can do.”

Mr Smith explained that under the country’s system of governance, a Cabinet minister can only sign off on deals up to $50,000 and anything more would have to be taken before the Tender Board and Cabinet for consideration.

“So in the case of Mr Wells, he must have been seriously ill-advised causing him to make what I call a mistake,” Mr Smith said.

On Monday, it was reported in The Nassau Guardian that Mr Wells, who is also the Bamboo Town MP, had been asked by Mr Christie to resign from his post because he signed the letter of intent.

The Free National Movement has criticised Mr Christie over the issue, saying that he does not have full control over his team. FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis has asserted that Mr Wells was the “fall guy” in a situation that goes deeper than it appears.  

“Renward Wells did not sign (the letter of intent) without some higher authority speaking to him,” Dr Minnis said on Monday. “The investor from Stellar Waste Management has said he has the support of the prime minister. That opens a lot of questions that need to be answered, whether he was acting alone or under the direction of someone.”

Mr Davis suggested on Monday that if Mr Wells does resign from his post, it will not be a blight on the Christie administration.

“Our party and a government is always larger than any one individual and so the conduct and act of one, though it may have some consequences, ought not to reflect on the party or the government,” he said.

Mr Davis added that he is open to meeting with Mr Wells again about the controversy.


TalRussell says...

Taxpayers definitely demand the firing of Renard but his ass is not the only one that should be mowed like grass. Comrade George should have cut direct to the chase by labeling this so outlandish action by the Parliamentary Secretary for exactly what it is; the Chrstie government's continued commitment at cutting out all shades of transparency when it comes to committing (Georgie tis no damn mistake) $600 million of taxpayers hard-earned monies. Comrades the loud talk on the streets has it Renard is no stupid man, so who do you think it was with such heavy duty political-pull to have originated putting such a thing in Renard's normally intelligent head to go ahead with affixing his signature to this "Letter of Intent?" The taxpayers must now demand all copies, minutes, appointment calenders, telephone calls, correspondence and of course emails - to and from government officials and Stellar Waste and their agents? PM appoint a retired Justice of the Supreme to head a Royal Commission of Inquiry to expose the chief culprits of the taxpayers $600 million, regardless as to high-up the cabinet ladder it reaches ..... and Comrade taxpayers done have a pretty damn good idea where and with whom is the daddy of this $600 million baby?

Posted 23 July 2014, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Ask our ding bat PM if firing Wells will take Wells' sucking lips off the Public Treasury nipple, i.e.: "Will Wells be fired without pension benefits and allowances of any kind?" As for Georgie Porgie, of course he thinks Wells' signature is of no consequence; it's exactly the same thing Georgie Porgie thought when the Royal Commission of Inquiry thought he should not have taken that BMW given to him in the early 1980's by a major drug dealer!

Posted 23 July 2014, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

After all is said and done I do hope this matter is sorted out, Because I do wish Mr. wells well. He seems to be a Young Bahamian man with much promise, that is my view.. You all may cuss me if you wish... but I am standing firm in my belief.

Posted 23 July 2014, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

That's OK, Birdie. You have every right to be dumb as a sackful of rocks. In fact, you should run for office.

Posted 23 July 2014, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

If i were not such a staunch Comrade Citizen for a Republic Bahamaland it might be so hard me to distance myself from all we English Empire memories. Presenting a very young Comrade Princess Elizabeth, later to become we Bahamalander’s Queen, as she made her first public speech via a BBC radio broadcast on 13 October 1940, during a radio address to the children of the Commonwealth (to all we parents and grandparents), young Liz was joined at the end of the broadcast by her younger sister, Princess Margaret (Princess Margaret Hospital - better known now as Little Haiti’s Newborn Baby Center).


Posted 23 July 2014, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I am still standing in my belief. Now you know what they say it takes a dumb person to know another Dumb person. How about it are you keeping company with us dummies? welcome. Now the truth is Wells does have promise as a young Bahamian male, he is an engineer. remember Brent symonette's giving himself the Air port contract, was so much worse. and he later became the DPM Well is a very exuberant person.

Posted 23 July 2014, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JayB says...

Whiles I agree with your first comment, as I do wish Mr. Wells well, I think its fatuous to bring Mr. Symmonette into this discourse when it comes to the public outcry over the actions of Mr. Renwood Wells, remember the FNM was voted out of power based on there "perceived" governance. So knowing that it will be regressing for us to allow more of the same or justify ones actions by comparing and relating them to his past predecessors. The bar must continue to be raised if we are to move forward and upward Bahamas. I am sick and tired of people saying still calling members of the Ingraham's administrations name to justify there folly or to provide smoke screens, when the fact is Bahamians sent the former administrations packing so if u dont want to be sent packing also u have to pull up your socks, shape up and fulfill your mandate

Posted 24 July 2014, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Mr. Wells is not the real issue here. A forensic review of Brave Davis's ongoing shenanigans is desperately needed!

Posted 23 July 2014, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Agreed, is it really possibly that such a huge player (650 million) could be incorporated by his law firm and he not be told about it? If it were my company, and I were on leave, I wouldn't care where the office fun day was held but I'd want to know about any major decisions being made...

Posted 23 July 2014, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

milkdud says...

Could someone please through the MACE Out the window!!!!

Posted 24 July 2014, 12:29 a.m. Suggest removal



Posted 24 July 2014, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Based on Brave Davis's shady dealings with the oil exploration issue and the New York Times questioning "Why would the Bahamas accept a 14% profit share when EVERYONE ELSE gets 40% profit share"?.

I wouldn't trust Brave Davis with an empty shoe box !

Posted 24 July 2014, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

@ Milkdud....The Mace is just fine where it is.......Throw Davis and Dorsett ass's out the window. These two pirates have worn out their welcome!

Posted 24 July 2014, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Brave and Dorsett have company in New York too:…

Let's see which country deal with corruption and which sweeps it under the table......Bets?

Posted 24 July 2014, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...


Posted 24 July 2014, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Wow!!!!!!!! ur on 2 sumting!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 24 July 2014, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal

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