Bahamas Commonwealth Games cyclists 'escorted off busy motorway'

Members of the Bahamas Commonwealth Games cycling team have reportedly been escorted off a Scottish motorway by the police during rush hour.

Scotland's STV news website is reporting that the four cyclists were spotted on the M80 at around 8.30am local time on Thursday.

Police are said to have been alerted by concerned drivers, before they escorted the cyclists to a safer route.


B_I_D___ says...

Brilliant!! LOL

Posted 24 July 2014, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Tommy77 says...

Whoa!! :)<img src="…" style="display:none">

Posted 24 July 2014, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

I agree. I have driven the M80 in Scotland, it is no place for bicycles anytime, especially rush hour. Scotland has thousands of miles of beautiful back-country roads, why bike on the M80? Pure stupid.

Posted 24 July 2014, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Cause they don't know the country/got lost/missed a turnoff? If it's as dangerous as you indicate I don't they they took the route knowingly.

Posted 25 July 2014, 12:45 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I get that, we don't have bike, walker or runner friendly infrastructure. They're all nuisances to car traffic, not to mention the new hip bad boy/girl trend of crossing the street right in the path of moving cars. I don't get it, a boy did that to me yesterday and I thought how stupid, yeah I would have had some inconvenience if I had hit him, but he would have been **dead** whether he was bad or not. I wish the police would start handing pedestrians tickets for that, I believe it's called jaywalking and it's DANGEROUS to pedestrian and everyone riding in the car and the cars they veer in to (Sorry I digress).

But that's what "we" do **here**, I'm pretty certain when they hit unknown territory in other countries they behave themselves. Traffic speeds are greater, they don't know the lay of the land, it's 100x more dangerous. I was positive when I first read the story that they were absolutely terrified,they confirmed it in the follow up story on Friday

Posted 26 July 2014, 3:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Purcell says...

Maybe they can now move the venue to the railway tracks. What a bunch of morons.

Posted 24 July 2014, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

They probably got lost. They're over there wearing the Bahamian flag after years of training for this moment. They were probably scared as hell when those cars stated whizzing by, but what were they to do? I don't know the lay of the highway so don't know if there were other smart options for them. Thankfully the locals realized they were tourists and as tourist-usual, exactly where they shouldn't be and no one got hurt

Posted 25 July 2014, 5:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Sooo. it's okay for Bahamian tourists in Scotland to be lost and confused and break the law because they don't know the layout of the highway where there are clearly marked signs all over the place. But on the other hand, a tourist, who happens to be a lawyer is presumed guilty of bribery because he simply tried to prove to officials that he had enough money to meet immigration requirements. Okay maybe these two comparisons are a bit far fetched. But why are we so eager to give Bahamians carte blanche whenever they do something contrary to the laws abroad and chastise foreigners when they do the same here?

Posted 25 July 2014, 8:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Oh come on Emac. **anywhere** you go in the WORLD, the most dumb person knows you don't pull out thousand of dollars to hand to an office of the law.

Directions are completely different. Anyone can get lost and getting lost can in no way be considered a possible crime. if you read today's story you would have seen that they had a **local** escort who got lost! But there's no mention of the local escort presenting $5000 to the officer to let him go without a ticket.

Posted 25 July 2014, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

If this were a story about a Bahamian who was locked up in another country for presenting 5000 to an officer of the law, I would have said * how dumb can he be? Doesn't he realize that could be misconstrued as a bribe?*

But since this is only a story about directions I can say, *they did the tourist-usual I'm where I shouldn't be thing*

Posted 26 July 2014, 3:52 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Yinna could put them anywhere in da world. . .just keep they backside from off west bay street when I am going to and from home!! They just pile up in the raod like they flipping crazy!!! And by the way. . .while yinna at it. . .carry them buncha damn fools who does come off the sidewalks and run in da damn road two and three a-breast. . .getting in the way of my driving! We needta import some of they Scottish police dudes them ta run dem fools from off west bay before they get knock down.

Posted 24 July 2014, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

So were they lost?

Posted 24 July 2014, 11:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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