Two Haitians fined and one deported for insulting the Bahamian flag


Tribune Freeport Reporter

THREE people of Haitian descent - two men and one woman - were charged in the Magistrate’s Court in Abaco yesterday with insulting the Bahamian flag.

Andrew Doute, 57, Rezlien Doute, 27, and Maryanke Augustine, 44, appeared before Magistrate Ancella Evans, pleaded guilty and were fined $500 each or three months in prison. They were also fined $50 each for damage to the flag.

Ms Augustine, who has no status in the Bahamas, was ordered to be deported to Haiti.

Sometime after 8pm on Saturday, police responded to information received that persons had insulted the national flag at their home in Sands Bank, Abaco, and arrested the trio.


lucaya says...

Amen, these lowly people really need to head on back where they belong,how dare they come here and insult our National Flag like that?We must continue to bring forth these wicked rats to bear the brunt of our laws,thank you the people of Abaco for your patriotic duty,and to the officer/s involved,may Almighty Jehovah bring Blessing on you all for such a honorable thing.

Posted 31 July 2014, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Well this is where you should have done something. Trust me if I had seen this display of disregard and disrespect for the Bahamas there would have an accident right there and then!

Posted 31 July 2014, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Their PM did say that they are not in the Bahamas because they do not love Haiti They love Haiti. but they are looking for a better way of life. No love lost for the Bahamas. that is just the way it is.

Posted 31 July 2014, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

abacogrouper says...

Anyone desecrating a country's flag while illegally or legally living in that particular country should really be put to death. I am sick an tired of others coming here for a better way of life, yet still 'taking a dump' on my country. Bahamians wake up!!!!

Posted 31 July 2014, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I don't know about putting to death, but any permits should have been revoked and they should be sent home.

Posted 31 July 2014, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Funny how we adopt the U.S. traditions around our Bahamian flag,
but never stop to think how we desecrate and disgrace it daily ourselves.
There can be no pride without shame,
no good without evil.
And what does our flag represent?
pray tell.......

Posted 31 July 2014, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

For me the flag represents an ideal, it doesn't represent Pindling, Ingraham, or Christie, it doesn't represent 40 years of corrupt parliamentarians, it doesn't represent a corrupt police force or acceptance of corruption in the general populace. it represents what men of old thought we could be, the heights that we could reach. The fact that we have fallen far short of those ideals doesn't matter, "to me" anyway, it's a standard that flies high to remind us to keep trying. If it was a deliberate act meant to debase the flag, all three people should be deported. If it's just slovenliness then the fine is ok. How to prove the difference, search me....

Posted 1 August 2014, 6:04 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Haitians are proud and fiercely loyal to their 200 + year old culture, history and country ............. whether we like this aspect of them or not ................ it is very instructive for us as a 41 year old country to emulate. However, they cannot be tolerated if they disrespect our Flag.

Posted 31 July 2014, 9:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

No country and I say NO country will allow any one legal or illegal to desecrate its flag. That is an outright disrespect to the country and its people. Hey, I say if you want boast about another country you have never been to and for sure I know you do not want to go to....your ASS need to be ship there. Should not be a big deal cause you love that place over the one you’re living in and that is my 5ct. Example, if I'm putting the USA over my own country then I should not have a problem if some one tell me take my ass to live there since I'm not happy living here. WAP!

Posted 1 August 2014, 8:01 a.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Amen ta dat!

Posted 1 August 2014, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

The sad thing about this is that Bahamians don't even seem to respect their own flag. If you drive around you could see the flag all dirty and raggy hanging from some a dese houses. These people obviously don't have a clue about the proper procedures for handling the flag. The Bahamian flag should be raised between the times when the sun rises and sets. There has to be proper lighting if it is to be flown at night

Posted 1 August 2014, 8:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

Let’s be real, a lot of Bahamians are not EDUCATED on things of this nature. Should not be an excuse but this is the reality.

Posted 5 August 2014, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Well we have a long time now until May 18th (Haitian Flag Day) - but I predict the same will happen again next time. Bahamian flags will be dragged behind cars and made dirty while Haitian flags are flown above the cars.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some Bahamians along with their flags are dragged behind cars by Haitians. And if that happened, what would the police do? Well, nothing of course.

If you have a Haitian passport in this country, you outrank the Governor General.


Posted 5 August 2014, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ccthemusicman says...

How could they come in our country and disrespect our flag like that? It makes me sick just hearing about it. Send all of them back home to Haiti where they belong. This is a English speaking country and if I was the Prime Minister today all birth by illegal immigrants will not qualify for permanent residence and will be refused Bahamian citizenship in the future and will be sent back to their country of origins and is not allowed back in the Bahamas for 10 years. This is a small country and we Bahamians must protect our culture.

Posted 20 August 2014, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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