Water park developer denies venture is a scam


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE purported developer of the first Bahamian-owned water theme park, Adventure World Discovering the Waters, yesterday defended his business from claims that it is not legitimate.

However, the company’s owner Patrick Ferguson told The Tribune that he was selling advance tickets for entry to the park to raise capital for the business, which is reportedly set to open in July. He would not reveal where the planned park will be located.

Concerns were raised to The Tribune last week by a woman who said she attended the company’s job fair at a location on Thompson Boulevard last week and was made to pay $15 for “registration and lunch”.

She said she responded to a newspaper ad for employment at Adventure World Discovering the Waters early last week and sent a copy of her resumé to the company.

The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, said during the job fair the group of about 60 job applicants were also told to return last week Thursday and pay $3 to take part in a clean up of the Englerston community.

She said the group was also urged to pay $400 by yesterday to take part in a “training” programme at a water park in Florida where they would learn skills for their future job.

“He kept asking if we believe in God and if we go to church; then he said that there is no guarantee that we will get the job,” she said of the developer.

The job applicant said the group was told that the park would open this summer.

Last week Minister of State for Investments Khaalis Rolle expressed concern about claims that job applicants have been asked to pay money when applying.

The minister said the government has issued no permits for the creation of the theme park, nor has any such permit application been made to the relevant bodies.

Speaking with The Tribune, Mr Rolle said people who have applied for jobs with the company have contacted him, adding that it is concerning when businesses ask prospective employees for money.

“It is unheard of, I don’t know of any business that charges prospective employees an application fee to apply for a job,” Mr Rolle said.

When contacted for comment yesterday Mr Ferguson, chairman/CEO of “Adventure World,” blamed criticism of its legitimacy on the notion that people refuse to “believe and support Bahamians.”

Mr Ferguson, whose company The Tribune has confirmed has a business license, said job applicants were asked to pay $15 for food and drinks because they were expected to be at the location for nearly seven hours.

“We are not powered up from financial standpoint,” he said. “To get everything we need we had to have them pay only for their food services. We had one hundred plus applicants and we were not in a position to do a one on one interview process so they were here for a long time.”

He claimed that the matter was “clarified with the Labour Board last week,” and added that at least eight people have already been hired by his company.

 He said the “training fee” of $400 represented a discount price for a trip to Disney World.

“Four hundred dollars allows us to put a group package together,” he said. “To pay yourself it’s about $1300, with airline alone about $330. Anyone trying to believe we are trying to take something from someone should realize this company is trying to help you.”

The trip to Florida, he said, was necessary so the staff “could see how parks operate.”

Responding to Mr Rolle’s statement that no approvals have been issued for the creation of his proposed theme park, he claimed that because his company is not dealing with foreign investors at this time, it is not required that he seek approval from the government.

Mr Ferguson had hoped that the capital needed for the project would come by selling 100,000 advance tickets for the theme park. He is currently selling advance tickets on his company’s website.

He admitted that his project has not been backed by investors and said that only between 50 to 80 tickets have been sold thus far, something he blamed on the negative publicity surrounding his project.

“If we did not have any negativity in our way, we would not have a problem ensuring that everything would be opened on day one,” he said.

He declined to say how his company will secure the funds needed to create the theme park.

He also could not confirm the location for the park, saying that several sites are being assessed.

 “I’m not going to disclose the secret of the company on how we are going to fund this development,” he said, adding that he would need $2 million for the first phase of the project.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson said last week said that residents’ concerns over the legitimacy of the project are being looked into.

“We have that information and we are looking at that. It’s not illegal if you want to give somebody your money, the problem comes in if I make you believe that something I am doing is legit and it turns out it is not, in order to defraud people out of money,” he said.

According to Mr Ferguson’s Linkedin profile, he is “seeking International investors for a gold opportunity.”

“If you ever wanted to invest trust me this is the best time. I am also interested in selling 45 per cent shares for $120 million. This will make you a co-founder. The property stand to make more than $600 million a year,” the profile says.

According to the company’s website the first phase of the park will be launched on July 10 and will seek to employ 564 Bahamians during the first and second phases.


bahamian242 says...

Sounds to me to be a complete scam! Where is Ferguson's Church? Many of these Churches are scams, and use God's name for their scam! The sad part about it is that the Government allows this to go on! The only time I know the Government stopped some gimmick that a pastor had going on, was the bottled water from a water company saying it was Holy Water! So I guess this water park will be filled with Holy Water?

Posted 3 June 2014, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

If it looks like sh!t, and smells like sh!t, it probably is........

Posted 3 June 2014, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

SCAM!! Invest and you are a fool!

Posted 3 June 2014, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Guy says...

This is such a joke. Just as night follows day it is clear that something about this just seems fishy!

Posted 3 June 2014, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Levant used to pay bills
Now he is taking you to Disneyworld

Posted 3 June 2014, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

This is hilarious. It opens July 10th but still searching for investors and 50 tickets (I take that to mean 2) sold. Wait, what's this story about? VAT?

Posted 3 June 2014, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

How can a water park open in a month when there are no specifics given to the public? A water park is an amusement park consisting of water sports, games, rides, etc. Why would he collect money from persons after they arrive at a job fair for lunch? What does not being able to do a one on one interview have to do with job seekers paying for lunch? Why take $400 from them to go and let them see how parks are run in Florida before anything is even finalized or in place in Nassau? They may have decided they don't want the job if they had seen where they'd be working and wouldn't have thrown away hard earned money. Anyone who gave this man their money is a fool.

Posted 3 June 2014, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

I'm tired of the PLP & FNM "Amusement Shenanigans".....Mickey & Goofy dem would be welcomed change!

Where are we supposed to send the checks?

Posted 3 June 2014, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Draw them out to me care of the Tribune please. I'll pick up the 45% interest for 150mil tomorrow. Oh and there's a beach cleanup next week at a charge of 20 per head.

Posted 3 June 2014, 9:49 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

With few foreigners to scam,
Only Bahamians left!
Crazy scheme......

Posted 3 June 2014, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Did he say water park or water pik..? cause if the water park opening next month and you don't know where it is to be located you need to wash your brain with a water pik!@

Posted 3 June 2014, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

This man is obviously crazy...but it is kinda funny.

Posted 4 June 2014, 7:10 a.m. Suggest removal

LLFFBB says...

Back in the day Sidney Poitier wanted the land in big pond where the national insurance building is to put the first bahamian water park. But government denied him and they never saw him again. Now they name the bridge after him like he forgot, he still dont mess with bahamian government

Posted 4 June 2014, 7:21 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryBlack says...

I admire the ambition of this man, but it appears he is lacking the proper experience and prudent advice necessary for the success of this kind of venture.

Posted 4 June 2014, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

denni21 says...

I am so fed up with my own Bahamian People...We claim to be so irritated and upset over Foreigners coming into our Country and "Taking Over", But the minute one of our own decides that they want to do something POSITIVE for our Us and our Future everyone so quick to be judgmental. Statements made about paying $15 for "Registration and Food" Is not true....Just how the applicants weren't forced to apply and attend, they weren't obligated to purchase food or drinks... Again, statements giving about the $3 were for bus transportation to and from Englerston. You were given the option to drive behind the bus or don't attend this exercise..Finally you were given an opportunity to attend trip to a selected amount of Theme Parks to get the experience and be exposed to working at theme park.. Again it was stressed that the trip was not MANDATORY and you DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND but if you want the training and obtain a certificate then you can sign up and make the required payment and receive a proof of payment signed and stamped by the company. I for one support this Company 100% and it's positive endeavors . Bahamians need to learn the power of discernment and stop being so simple-minded and idiotic. We need to defeat this "Black Crab Syndrome" and come together to support our brothers and sisters..

Posted 4 June 2014, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

Drea1 says...

It's okay Patrick...the black crabs will get it together one day, hopefully not too long after you find a location for the water park you're opening in a month or so.

When you have the time, please explain to me how you managed to get a group discount for $400 which would cover airfare, accommodations and entry to several theme parks in Florida. That's truly amazing. That alone is enough to make me believe that you are able to erect a water park with absolutely no approvals from any government ministry, because you are not a foreigner. (Bahamians can't even do that to build a house, but a water park? No approvals necessary, right?)

Posted 4 June 2014, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

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