
EDITOR, The Tribune.

In politics today we want leaders and not managers. Unfortunately all we have today are managers.

To become an effective Leader, here are some of the traits one must show:

(a) He or she must be honest. Sometimes, this might be difficult as it makes you vulnerable, reveals who we are and discloses our mistakes. It also gives others the opportunity to criticise or reject openly. In the end, it develops character and builds credibility, and gives you a foundation to evoke confidence and respect.

(b) He or she must always show compassion. Wanting to do something to alleviate the suffering. To take a course of action that would be of greatest benefit to all involved. Some may see compassion as a weakness, but it is a characteristic that converts knowledge to wisdom.

(c) He or she should be confident. Having faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper or effective way. Confidence in one self as well as in their ability to lead. Possessing this quality,inspires others which would spark the motivation to get others on board, and get the job done.

(d) He or she must be flexible. You must understand the give and take aspects of politics, and the ability to find the common ground. Listen to all sides, not only to hear their argument, but especially to learn what it will take to reach a consensus of all parties concerned. This characteristic allows Leaders to recognise setbacks and criticism, to learn from them and move forward.

(e) Finally, to become a great political leader one must have all these qualities, aspire to respect different views, analyse problems and identify the best solutions.

This should not be based on loyalty to party, but what is good and right and in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

This probably is like the proverbial “finding a needle in a haystack.”



May 22, 2014.