Cash silent on reports of wife being fired by bank


Tribune Staff Reporter

ANNETTE Cash, wife of FNM Chairman Darron Cash, was reportedly fired from Bank of the Bahamas, The Tribune understands.

According to well-placed sources, Mrs Cash, who worked in the Human Resources Department, was terminated on Monday after

being placed on administrative leave for several weeks.

In May, Mrs Cash was suspended pending the outcome of an investigation into the alleged leak of confidential information from BOB.

When contacted for comment, BOB’s Managing Director Paul McWeeney said it was not the bank’s policy to speak about “those type of matters.”

Mr Cash also refused to speak on the matter when contacted by The Tribune yesterday.

However in a statement released on Monday, Mr Cash denied his wife had any involvement in the leaks of the bank’s confidential information. Mr Cash said his wife does not have and never had direct or indirect access to clients’ credit information.

“And to be clear she has never received nor passed on any information for publication in The Punch newspaper or anyone else,” Mr Cash said in his statement.

“My wife is a human resources management professional who worked with Bank of The Bahamas for almost 10 years. As a certified HR practitioner, she is a consummate professional and she is committed to her craft. She believes in decency and order, best practices, consistency in the application of policies and procedures, and she has been one who has demonstrated skill in balancing the roles of member of the management team and an advocate for employees.

“As an employee advocate, she is not shy about speaking truth to power. She is not a politician. I am. The fact that the bank has chosen to wage a war against her about my public utterances is regrettable,” the statement said.

“My wife has never disclosed any confidential information to me about BOB. It goes without saying that I would never put her in the position of having to defend herself against any reasonable connection between information she had access to or controlled by virtue of her position and any statement made by me.

“In the course of my comments regarding BOB she has on occasions expressed her unease about the fact that members of the public might erroneously conclude that she is the source of information I address. I am satisfied that any meaningful review of the records of my public comments would dispel that myth. While acknowledging my wife’s uneasiness, I assured my wife that while I was fully cognizant of the possible ramifications that could befall us, I was confident that the greater good would be served by speaking about the allegations regarding BOB.”

Last month, police officers seized two laptops and a smartphone belonging to Mr Cash during a search of his home. The search was reportedly in connection with an investigation into the alleged leak of files from the bank.

Mr Cash’s lawyer Carl Bethel later filed a motion in the Supreme Court arguing that his client’s rights had been violated. A week after, Mr Bethel said the parties involved reached an “amicable” agreement on the matter.

Mr Cash received his seized items a few days later. The FNM has called the search and seizure a political witch hunt.

Mr Cash has been outspoken over the past few months about his concerns over management practices at the bank.


Reality_Check says...

OK Mr. Cash. Why don't you try help all of us understand the following simple facts, as you would have us believe them:

Your rights got trampled on in a search and seizure raid by the police FOR NO REASON;

Your good name and the good name of your wife got smeared in the press FOR NO REASON;

Your wife found it necessary to leave a good paying job at BOB FOR NO REASON;

You found it necessary to strike a deal with BOB through the Courts FOR NO REASON;

Notwithstanding these simple facts, you (and your wife) are content to let bygones be bygones and do nothing to seek redress.


Perhaps more importantly though, it has not escaped the public's attention that since your deal through the Courts with BOB everyone in the FNM from Minnis on down has stopped pressing for the corruption at BOB exposed by the Punch to be properly investigated. It would seem your wings have been clipped but good Mr. Cash, and that you are now a serious political liability for the FNM that must be addressed in short order or the party's funding come general election time will feel the pinch.

Posted 5 June 2014, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Thank you Mr Cash for telling the Bahamas how their money was being funneled from NIB to BOB and **stolen**. Now that the board has STARTED the investigations and BEGUN handing out punishments, we can expect that the next step is the removal of the management team with oversight for loans, police escort of loan officers to delinquent account holders homes and places of work to start towing cars and furniture, like they do for all other Bahamians.

Posted 5 June 2014, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Papa Hubert is being told via daily communications being dispatched to Cooper's Town from Marsh Harbour by desperate reds shirts - to please think it over one more time - cause it's no longer funny the way his once proud red party is fast being turned into a laughing stock all over Bahamaland, that would even put Super Wash Washes and Presses You Clean Miss Dais's comedy to shame.

Abaco's Edison Key sings "THINK IT OVER ONE MORE TIME" to Papa Hubert


Posted 5 June 2014, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If this so and Mrs. Cash was fired for telling hard working Bahamian people what was going on with their money at BoB, (basically that their money was getting t'ief), then Bahamian people need to stand up, PLP, FNM, DNA, Independent against this government. Put party politics aside and stand up for democracy and what is right. Those responsible are not worthy and should be kicked out of government... They tie'fin and askin Bahamians to pay more taxes..kick them out!

Posted 5 June 2014, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...


You are fishing and while you throw out unwanted bait Marsh Harbor is not the drop where RED SHIRTS are waiting for HAI's line. He lost credibility and the fish aint looking for his hook. If my contact in Abaco is correct HAI aint fishing anywhere Perry done mess things up so bad he will not ever consider getting Perry and the PLP out of this mess. He was heard recently in Coopers Town to say, "Perry screwed up let him fix it I'm going to collect my well earned pension and go fishing for real."

Posted 5 June 2014, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Oh trust me.... nobody wants HAI back. He probably caused the FNM the next two general elections!

Posted 6 June 2014, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

You are joking! This is a one term administration - even long term PLP voters have had enough.

Posted 6 June 2014, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Fa true??? Boy.... I don't know about that. From what I heard, as long as HAI is alive and has considerable influence over the FNM, not many people are willing to vote for them.

Posted 6 June 2014, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Talking fool is very serious thing......Mr. Cash went from outspoken to mute relatively quickly.

"Mr. Cash has been outspoken over the past few months about his concerns over management practices at the bank."

"Mr Cash also refused to speak on the matter when contacted by The Tribune yesterday."

Now we can concentrate on finding a way to shut up the self proclaimed highest educated & biggest HATER of Bahamians Loretta the fast food slayer!

Posted 9 June 2014, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I'm working hard at learning what the colloquialism means for the red shirts as a party when they say it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Some are free to blog their childish silly jokes of what it means but to many of us it means there have been no official police statements coming from anyone to be presuming to know the final outcome of an still in progress.police investigation on the leaking of info about lending practices at BOB? Let us not forget it was the reds who had in fact demanded that the Bank of The Bahamas needed to call in the police to investigate the lending practices of the BOB. So, how in the hell could they jump to the political conclusion that the raid was a political interference of the police by the PLP government?

It Ain't Over Til The Fat Lady Sings - EnVogue Funky Diva's CD


Posted 9 June 2014, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

As much as Darron Cash can talk a NAY or YEA will do. was she or was she not fired.?

Posted 9 June 2014, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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