FNM name Michael Pintard as new senator


Tribune Staff Reporter


MICHAEL Pintard has officially been announced as the new Free National Movement (FNM) senator.

Mr Pintard served as a senator during the previous FNM administration.

The announcement came Thursday morning from FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, who said the decision came after a long process of selecting from a “wide tent” of potential senators.

“We have had quite a number of individuals to select from,” the FNM leader said. “We have a wide tent of men and women who would fit the mould of being an FNM senator. I believe in building an equal opportunity based society where young people share within companies. I also believe that we should elevate our young people so that they can become our future leaders and owners in this country. Today, we have with us our new senator, who fits that mould.”

Dr Minnis said Mr Pintard will help the party in fighting discrimination and victimisation as well as help make a better Bahamas.

The FNM’s senate seat became vacant after John Bostwick had his appointment revoked because of a pending ammunition possession trial.

In May Mr Bostwick was arrested in the domestic section of the Grand Bahama International Airport. He was later arraigned before Chief Magistrate

Joyann Ferguson-Pratt for alleged possession of 10 live rounds of .22 ammunition which were found on Saturday, May 17.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released on $9,000 bail.

Mr Bostwick was the replacement for Zhivargo Laing, who resigned from the Upper Chamber last year to focus on business ventures.

In his remarks, Mr Pintard promised to be diligent, meticulous and fearless in the discharge of his duties.

The new senator-designate wasted no time in lashing out at the government and said the Christie administration has shown tribalism towards Bahamians of different political persuasions since taking office.

“This appointment comes at a time when our civil liberties are under assault and some members of the police and other uniformed branches have permitted the executive branch of the government to use them to violate the rights of the government’s political opponents, evidenced by the invasion of the home of our Chairman Darron Cash,” he said.

Last month police searched Mr Cash’s home and seized two laptops and a smartphone belonging to Mr Cash. The search and seizure was reportedly connection to an investigation into leaks of sensitive information about the Bank of The Bahamas (BOB).

“Not once did the police seize the computers or cell phones of bank officials who work under a continuous cloud, nor have they dared to challenge media houses that provide details on financial transactions, which may or may not be true,” Mr Pintard said. “Instead, they targeted a private citizen who asked questions that if truthfully answered would serve the public interests.”

Mr Pintard said whether he remains in this position for one month or three years it is his intention in concert with the FNM’s parliamentary team to fight for what is in the best interest of the Bahamian people.

He also bashed the government for its heightened attention on regulating web shops, despite the results of the 2013 gaming referendum.

Mr Pintard will join Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate Carl Bethel and other FNM Senators Heather Hunt and Kwasi Thompson in the Upper Chamber.

According to sources within the party, former Senator Dr Duane Sands was said to be the favourite for the Senate appointment by the party’s council.

However sources said Dr Minnis preferred Mr Pintard.

The FNM Leader refused to comment when asked about this.

When contacted after the announcement, Dr Sands told The Tribune that he thinks Mr Pintard’s previous experience as a senator will bring a lot to the FNM’s bench.

“I wish him well,” Dr Sands said. “I think he will do a tremendous amount of good in the Senate and I look forward to working with him as an extended arm of the FNM’s parliamentary team.”

Dr Sands is also vice-chairman of the FNM.


Cobalt says...

Congratulations Mr. Pintard.

Posted 5 June 2014, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades this story reads more like a Police Blotter on recent alleged activities of red shirts. The reds will hold their customary food and beverages get together with all the normal social actors at Government House when Comrade Sir Arthur as Governor-General performs the swearing-in ceremony and hands the recycled Senator Pintard his instruments of appointment. He will be quickly reminded by Carl B, the leader of the red shirts business in the Senate that the leader Minnis didn't put him in the Red Chamber under the illusion that he hold deep personal thoughts or will display adherence for real transparency or focus on the poor and God forbid display any favoritism on any bills sent up by the lower House by the PLP government. OK, I get it, I think replied Comrade Pintard but what is gong to be my position on the Bill PM Christie will be sending up on "normalizing the numbers rackets?" Yeah Comrade said the confused looking point man for Senate Opposition Business Carl B, let me get back to you about your expected allegiance, obedience and adherence on that one.

Posted 5 June 2014, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

hurricane says...

Still spouting your old tired "comrade" bs I see...do you ever bore yourself with this daily nonsense?

Posted 5 June 2014, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

***"I believe in building an equal opportunity based society where young people share within companies..."***

Are this gentleman and the Prime Minister first cousins? Because they both speak as though their elevators do not travel to the top floor.

Posted 5 June 2014, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Publius.... what's wrong with what Dr Minnis said???

Posted 6 June 2014, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

@ Publius Please be a little more distinctive with your statements so we can get the picture.

It might be totally unfair to compare Prime Minister Christie's elevator to Mr. MICHAEL Pintards escalator.

One thing for sure...Both need serious repairs!

Posted 6 June 2014, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade should I criticize you for being a red shirts Hurricane who leaves a trail of devastation behind? I appreciate you reds likes slice your critics as thin as you can. Regardless, even a bony Comrade is allowed to have a voice. Read your Bible, it is mentioned 7 different times when it talks about manning your posts to protect the poor.

Posted 6 June 2014, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

Tal, you're an ass. What's with the "comrade" talk man? I mean, seriously? Where do you think we are? Are you a character in 'Animal Farm'?

Posted 6 June 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Yeah... He sounds like Boxer. A tired old horse talking nonsense. Don't worry... the PLP is sending him to the glue factory soon. Straight to the knackers.

Posted 6 June 2014, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Curious Abaconian coming from a name handle that reeks of a 1974 group who had emerged overnight in Marsh Harbour with the financial backing of wealthy foreigners, who called themselves "The 20th Century Revolutionaries, whose focus were to declare all of Abaco an Independent State away from Bahamaland. Comrade I'll leave it up to Tribune readers to judge how bad is someone being just a little loyal to all of Bahamaland Comrade?


Posted 6 June 2014, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Pintard is a good choice ..................... he will add a new cerebral dimension to the Senate. .............Good leadership material for the future as well ............................

Posted 8 June 2014, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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