Abaco airport not fully functional


Tribune Staff Reporter


DESPITE its official opening more than two weeks ago, the new airport at Marsh Harbour is not fully functional, Transport and Aviation Minister Glenys-Hanna Martin revealed yesterday.

Completed over budget and well beyond deadline, Mrs Hanna-Martin said the Leonard M Thompson International Airport continues to cause logistical and operational issues. “There are some unpragmatic and irrational features,” she said, “which continue to pose challenges.

“An example is the automated parking lot, which is usually in the world of airports a significant source of revenue but in this case may pose a serious financial burden as it will require maintenance contracts which are cost prohibitive.

“There is no fire escape for the upper floors, which have therefore had to be sealed off, and the second floor, which was intended to be a major commercial space has no restrooms. This completely undermines the commercial viability of the space and therefore the airport in general. We continue to seek a solution to these issues. That area for the time being remains sealed off from public access.

“Another feature is the design of the area for security screening. The design is such that it will likely lead to a significant delay during peak times in the processing of passengers.”

The previous Free National Movement government broke ground for the airport in September 2011. At that time, officials said the facility was estimated for completion in 10 months. It was later determined that the airport would not open until July 2013, but that date was abandoned and December 2013 was eyed as the official deadline.

Initially the airport was budgeted to cost $27 million. However, the Christie administration in December 2012 allotted an additional $11.9 million for the facility, meaning the total cost is nearly $40 million.


Sickened says...

No surprise that the airport is useless. How else could it turn out when government is involved. No bathrooms or fire escape on the second floor, really? No one noticed this in the "plans"? But, will there be an investigation to see who in government reviewed and approved these "plans"? What a great opportunity for the PLP to publicly investigate this and shame the FNM... but will they? No, of course not. Why? Because they do the same crap! $27 million budget. That's $6 million for material, $6 million for labour, $6 million for the contractors profit, $2 million for the FNM party's re-election campaign, $1 million for my personal residence, and $6 million for me!

Posted 17 June 2014, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...


Posted 17 June 2014, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

They don't mention that there were no electrical outlets in the tower!

Posted 17 June 2014, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

LMAO...really? OMG...that is outrageous!!

Posted 17 June 2014, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Fitmiss says...

They have to be making this stuff up! To add onto your home you have to submit plans which are carefully scrutinized. How did this over budget train wreck pass inspection and was permitted. This is a crying shame and really shows us as a bumbling third world banana republic. I pray they can rectify this quickly and cheaply. By the way, where is the contractor in all of this?

Posted 17 June 2014, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Typical incompetent, wasteful and slow-moving government project .............. SMDH

Posted 17 June 2014, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Of course the foreign designers in Canada will NOT be sued in Canadian court or any other court because they know where all the money actually went.

As for the parking lot maintenance issue - and it being used as a source of revenue collection - I MYSELF would be happy to take the contract to operate and maintain that airport under the following distribution. 50% for me and maintenance costs, 50% to Government without any other deductions. A clear 50% profit for Govt.

Will they give me the contract ? NO. Of course not. I'm just a regular Bahamian. The kind that are going extinct.


Posted 17 June 2014, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

In any real world country there would be an investigation and someone would be headed to jail. This is the Bahamas, they will rehire the same people, pay them to rip out what they did wrong, pay them to redesign the thing, pay them to DO IT WRONG AGAIN, get their KICKBACK on all the phases, AND STILL HAVE A JOB WHEN IT IS REVEALED TO BE DEAD WRONG AGAIN! CRIMINAL!!!!!! And these dumbass poltirickans wonder why the people KNOW they are THIEVES! Hey Mr. regular Bahamian, bend over so Mr. Poltrickan can BUNGGIE you one more time!

Posted 18 June 2014, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...


Posted 18 June 2014, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

We as a people to march to cabinet and throw every one of these utterly useless politicians out on their asses and start again. Having no MP's for a month or two, while we clean this mess up, will be better and more cost effective than keeping these jokers in power!!!

Posted 18 June 2014, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

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