Ethics in service

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The firestorm over the revelations of Mr Ishmael Lightbourne not paying his property taxes has caused a number of MP’s to confess that they might be, or might have been in a similar position.

We’ve been told it would be a shock if who owes taxes and in what gargantuan amounts was revealed.

This in itself is a sorry admission that our laws are not being upheld by the civil servants responsible for the various Acts.

But, in the absence of a formal code of conduct signed by consultants, MP’s or Senators, or an Act of Parliament, the prime minister, a man that says he is above repute, has lost a fabulous teaching moment for the nation and tax dodgers in particular.

Instead of making excuses for this behaviour, even though we can all fall on hard times, the nation, at least the taxpayers among us, would have applauded had the prime minister quietly pulled Mr Lightbourne aside and had him resign, even if he and his other cronies would have had to help him pay the back taxes off.

But alas this will go down as yet one more instance where our country chose to support wrongdoing and unethical behaviour over doing the right thing.

What a sorry example we are sometimes to the younger generation and even the world at large.

Yours in Liberty,



March 2, 2014.


Honestman says...

Well said. To make matters worse, Michael Halkitis enters the debate with the ridiculous comment that politicians shouldn't be compelled to disclose their status on payment of taxes since they deserve privacy.WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Has Halkitis not heard of the Public Disclosure Act? Politicians are supposed to be leading us not bleeding us! Simply put if you don't want your financial affairs to be put up for public scrutiny then you should stay out of politics - it's that simple. No wonder the cabinets of both administrations have been unwilling to enforce the Act. No one wants to stop the gravy train. What an absolute disgrace and what a sad reflection on this country. Respect for the laws of this country MUST begin at the top. If politicians don't lead by example how can you expect the average Joe to do what is right. Michael Halkitis should hang his head in shame over that comment.

Posted 3 March 2014, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

242smt says...

Well said, Rick Lowe and Honestman!

Posted 3 March 2014, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I add my kudos to the above........... just one question: Who do the young (under 50) politicians look to for good role models??????????????? Am disappointed in Mikey H. We need them to break the mold of the Pingdomites

Posted 3 March 2014, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It would be a cold day in hell when the likes of Rick Lowe would applaud Prime Minister Christie. And I doubt Mr. Christie expects him to.

Posted 4 March 2014, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Birdie, ur a blind Pingdomite... i expect u to say dat

Posted 4 March 2014, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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