Former church of Randy Fraser more than $1m in arrears and facing lawsuit

PILGRIM Baptist Temple, former church of convicted sex offender Randy Fraser, is facing a major financial crisis amid rising debt which threatens to have the edifice seized, The Tribune can reveal.

Trustee board chairman Renee Glinton confirmed to this newspaper yesterday that the church’s account for the facility worth more than $1 million fell into arrears following Fraser’s incarceration.

The church’s trustee board is also embroiled in a $40,000 civil suit, claimed Ms Glinton, lodged by Fraser’s wife.

It was lodged over allegations of unlawful termination from the church where she served as director of women’s affairs and received a $3,000 per month salary.

The arrears have come about as a great deal of the church’s supporters have joined other churches, or simply failied to pay tithes and offering, leaving the Board struggling to make monthly mortgage payments.

Mrs Fraser resorted to court action on the advice of the Labour Board, sources close to the matter said, after the church failed to adhere to labour laws.

Ms Glinton said: Court proceedings were postponed last week because the bank, who had last year given us a 30-day notice to get out, is now working with us.

“In January, the Chief Justice ordered that we work out a strategy. We have met with the bank since the court hearing and we are scheduled to go back to court this week.

“It is a real challenge to pay the amount due which stands at a million dollars plus.

“As it stands now, the deadline I think is in 2016 or 2017 is when the note becomes due we have three years to repay the amount.”

Ms Glinton said the Board of Trustees is now in the process of strategising an efficient plan to raise the funds over the next few years.

“We are having a lot of fundraising initiatives with a building fund as the main one. The way it is set up is if we can get 100 members to commit to $3,000 for the year, another 100 to give $3000 over a two year period and another 100 persons to pledge $3,000 over three years, we believe we will reach the mark.

“The future looks good for Pilgrim because we are a people willing to forgive and forget and impact the lives of those in the surrounding Kemp Road community.”

The matter is expected to resume in the Supreme court later this week.


Bahamianpride says...

Profits, loses, Deficits, scandals, Lawsuits, perversions, no mention of Jesus or the teachings of Christ, Wow.. Religion is the Opiate of the Masses..Carl Marx

Posted 4 March 2014, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

bettyann says...

the churchres are a business we all know that through all of that they never once mentioned god wat is this world or the bahamas coming too.

Posted 4 March 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

Admitting to having sex in the church should be enough cause for termination. These people need JESUS.

Posted 4 March 2014, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

bettyann says...

people like him shoulld never be in da church for wat just for money cause it sure ien't for the love of christ

Posted 4 March 2014, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

bettyann says...

he just didn't had sex in the church he carry it further into his wife house what they shared together where they slept,where they eat drink and made love to he is a big disgrace he should not show his face anywhere and those members of his they r just alike most of them r the same,just like him

Posted 4 March 2014, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

bettyann says...

it seems like they do not fear god,to me they need more than jesus

Posted 4 March 2014, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

The crazy thing is thw wife now suing for money despite that she had a job I am sure he created for her and overpaid her. I would been shame and would have stuck my tail between my legs and slip away quietly. PIMPS IN THE PULPIT

Posted 4 March 2014, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This story is the poster child of what is wrong with the Bahamian institutional church ... no Jesus in those FOUR walls....... just business

Posted 4 March 2014, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Fraser dun do his time.......... da wounded family dun get justice........ Fraser get a new gig. Pilgrim gatta move on with its BUSINESS ................. nuff said

Posted 4 March 2014, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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