'Bahamians not being kept informed over BEC future'


Tribune Staff Reporter


Democratic National Alliance (DNA) leader Branville McCartney yesterday criticised the government for failing to keep Bahamians informed about what is happening with the country’s energy sector.

He added that the lack of transparency over the Bahamas Electrical Corporation’s (BEC) future is “further proof that the country is in dire need of a Freedom of Information Act”.

He said: “In August of 2013, PM Perry Christie made grand pronouncements on his government’s intent to completely revamp the country’s energy sector.

“In a statement, Mr Christie pledged his government’s commitment to creating efficiencies which would facilitate significant reductions in the cost of energy, increased energy security, environmental responsibility, reliability, and increased competitiveness within the sector.

“The government further announced its intent to create two new entities; the first of which would be wholly owned by BEC and a second designed to operate under confines of a power purchase agreement with the government.

“Both entities, according to the PM, would be operated by financially and operationally credible parties or consortium governed by a series of management agreements.

“Now, seven months later, despite commencing negotiations with a number of potential companies, the government seems no closer to achieving those goals than they were at the time of the announcement.

“What’s more, the public has been left virtually in the dark about key aspects of the proposed reforms.

“While Mr Christie’s initial statement hinted at an air of transparency, the government has since reverted to the practice of executing clandestine deals without the consultation or approval of the voting public. Bahamians have instead been forced to speculate about the future of yet another of the country’s assets.

“Outside of sporadic and disjointed statements from the Deputy Prime Minister promising a final decision on the talks, we have been told nothing.”

Mr McCartney said in light of the lack of transparency over this issue, the DNA is wondering what the government is hiding.

He asked: “What exactly is being sold and to whom? Are the companies involved reputable leaders in the sector? And what about ownership opportunities for Bahamians?”

Mr McCartney said the lack of transparency over energy plans is ironic considering that in 2011, the PLP, as the opposition party, demanded from the FNM that the public be made aware of the government’s intentions for BTC, which was later sold.


JohnDoes says...

No citizen will ever know what is exactly happening in this country. We are continuously lied to in order to keep the 'peace' lol. The information on BEC will continue to be pinned up just like Mr. Davis' mouth when ever he tries to open it.

Posted 6 March 2014, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

transparency? Where? where? you see it?

Posted 6 March 2014, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

B.E.C is already sold

Posted 6 March 2014, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

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