Miller showed no respect for women

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Leslie Miller has crossed the line of parliamentary decency and should be made to step down.

He has disrespected every Bahamian woman with his sick statement that he beat a former girlfriend to the point where his hand hurt.

“When I didn’t beat her she used to tell me I ain’t love her no more cause I don’t hit her.”

Mr Miller insisted he wasn’t joking and was telling the truth. His about-face is lame.

Mr Miller’s behaviour was unparliamentary, to say the least, and I am shocked that the Speaker did not suspend him.

We live in a violent society where domestic abuse against women is a real problem and our parliament cannot be used as a platform to advance this type of socially retarded thinking. Mr Miller’s apology at the following session is not enough to undo the damage wrought in the very place where laws are made.

He needs to remember that he was elected to serve both women and men and it is the women as well as the men who pay his salary. What is even more shameful is the laughter from other MPs during Mr Miller’s disgraceful performance.

By remaining silent during this discourse, Minister of Social Services Melanie Griffin let down every Bahamian woman, including herself.



March 7, 2014.


ArtOvation says...

Concerned citizens please sign the petition <BR>

Posted 19 March 2014, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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