'Use education as a weapon for change'

Dr Hubert Minnis, MP and Leader of the Opposition, was the guest speaker at Government High School’s Commonwealth Day observances, held on Monday.

Using a quote from Nelson Mandela that “education is the most powerful weapon to change the world,” Dr Minnis challenged the more than 800 students to use education as a weapon for change.

Dr Minnis told the students that “the time is now” to restore the spirit of the Commonwealth – to all things common. Dr Minnis said the Bahamas must recommit to the principles of a Commonwealth nation where there is equal say and equal opportunity for all, regardless of size and economic structure.


The_Oracle says...

Education HAS been used as a weapon for change, AGAINST the youth of this nation and for decades!
Bahamian kids have not been taught to think for themselves, rather have been taught by rote with no questioning allowed.
Getting slapped down and kept down at every turn by parents, teachers, and principals has taught the exact opposite of what is needed.

Posted 12 March 2014, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Education and moral decay in this country are the reason why we are where we are today. The concept of keeping the populace stupid and ignorant, makes the politicians jobs easier to sway the masses into their favour. The people do not have the tools to know right from wrong, to think for themselves, to understand the bigger picture so to speak, all they will hear is the chatter of a mouth up on a stage promising them this and that...and giving them free food and drink and parties. Terrible system of governance and campaigning. Education MUST be a priority...top notch education...not just the baby sitting service we have going on at most government school these days granting kids 'leaving certificates' that can't even read or write properly.

Posted 12 March 2014, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Agree with both statements, proper Education is the gateway to freedom and prosperity.. Poor education & Ignorance breeds poverty, crime and mental imprisonment. If you look around the world to where the masses of people are worse off, u will find that poor education is one of the key factors in keeping them in that condition.

Posted 12 March 2014, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If Dr. Minnis was speaking during the time this photo was taken, only the 2nd boy in front from the left and the 4th girl In the second row from the right was listening. Oh and 5th boy in front from the right is a maybe listening or sleeping.

Posted 12 March 2014, 11:43 p.m. Suggest removal

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