Crisis Centre says no to $1,000 from Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter

ANNOUNCING that Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller was not their spokesman, The Bahamas Crisis Centre has declined the $1,000 donation he made to the organisation last week.

It said the acceptance of money at this time would be contrary to the principles that guide their work for victims of domestic violence.

However, Mr Miller told The Tribune that he had not received any indication from Crisis Centre Director Dr Sandra Dean-Patterson that she would not accept the donation which was made by cheque.

Mr Miller explained that in an hour and half meeting between himself and Mrs Dean-Patterson, he was only made to understand that the Centre did not physically accept money. An alternative, said Mr Miller, was for the money to be given to two safe houses at New Providence for battered and abused women.

“I just walked out of that door just now,” he said, “and she told me that the Crisis centre don’t accept money, but that I could just go and give it to one of the places where women who are victims of abuse stay. They are supposed to call me on Monday to let me know where I can take the money.

“In the meeting she told me of all of the problems they are having and I remain committed to helping abused women and the Crisis Centre. So I told her that I have some other cheques as well from other corporate sponsors.”

In a press statement on Sunday, the Crisis Centre acknowledged that a cheque was delivered to its office, but that they were not in the position to accept it.  Mrs Dean-Patterson said to accept the donation would be contrary the organisation’s principles.

The statement said: “We see this as a teachable moment for our nation. So often when a victim is battered, this explosion is followed by a ‘honeymoon period’ which is to shower the victim with gifts, money, jewellery, flowers and other niceties.

“Although the Crisis Centre is a non-profit organization, which depends on donations from the public, the acceptance of this donation at this time would be contrary to the principles that guide our work on behalf of the victims of domestic violence.

“While the Crisis Centre is encouraging men to become volunteers with the organization, it has confirmed that Mr Miller, who has supported activities such as the annual fun/run walk, is not a spokesperson for the organization.”


Thinker says...

Good. Now has he resigned yet? Why not? Why does the PM think what he said is acceptable?

Posted 17 March 2014, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Thinker says...

A teachable moment would have been the part where he was made to resign.

Posted 17 March 2014, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

How many Bahamian politicians resign over personal convictions such as domestic violence? Several Cabinet Ministers resigned based on political intent eg Tenny Wells and a few were fired by PM eg. Pierre Dupuch, but how many resigned based on personal convictions????????????
Leslie saw nothing wrong with his HOA comments. Perry has stated no public position. So where is the grounds for a resignation???????? Leslie apologized. Silence means consent

Posted 17 March 2014, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is all about the politics, When a man says he is sorry and means it , The great God Almighty forgives that man. I disagree with what Mr. Miller said. It was the wrong thing to say. Perhaps some other charity will accept his donation. Mr. Miller is not the problem. The problem is the abuser and the enabler.

In the Bahamas it is all politics, here we go again politics, politics.

Posted 17 March 2014, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

Congrats to the crisis centre for refusing the cheque. At least it shows that not everything in this country is for sale. Mr.Mller acted as a typical Bahamian politician. He feels entitled to do and say as he pleases and when things get tough,he is trying to buy his way out of the situation.

Posted 17 March 2014, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Potcake's lucky day cause, if the look on Abaco's "independent" House MP Edison face could kill he'd be a goner. Comrades get your checkbooks and pennies out to make a donation to replace The Crisis Centre having announced they're rejecting Potcake's $1000 "niceties joking only" check, stating that " so often when a victim is battered, this explosion is followed by a honeymoon period, which is to shower the victim with gifts, money, jewelry, flowers and other niceties."
Amen for an organization with common sense.

Posted 17 March 2014, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

It is a sad day in this country when people do not seem to see the reason why this minister should resign because of his statement. It is a shame for people to downplay comments that Mr. Miller made in the HOA as just being the norm. ONLY in the Bahamas is this considered to be the norm. Sure he apologized and perhaps he may very well be remorseful. The big question is when are we gonna hold our leaders to a higher level? Sure everyone makes mistakes. We are all human right? And to err is human. Nevertheless, people who run for public office cannot afford to make these kinds of grave mistakes. They should know that when they run for such positions that they are bound by the highest standards of the land. If we as a people do not start to speak out and hold them accountable then they will always feel that they can get by with the same bullshit over and over again. This problem is far reaching in the Bahamas-Not only do politicians feel that they could do anything without consequences: Pastors, senior office workers, police officers and many more feel that they are untouchable. Some politicians even get mad when they are put on blast for their blatant abuse of power or corruption. Say what ya like but thank God for the fourth estate of the Bahamas. Without newspapers and tabloids like the Tribune and yes the Punch, watching their movements, these clowns would have ruined the Bahamas completely by now.

Posted 17 March 2014, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

KUDOS Crisis Centre. Mr. Miller would do well to show a contrite heart, and maybe his apology would be more believable.

Posted 17 March 2014, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent an injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. - Elie Wiesel

Posted 17 March 2014, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

242in404 says...

Not accepting the apology or the check is just silly. However un-tasteful his comments, he did just JOKE about it...ppl acting like he actually slapped a woman in Parliament. Accept the apology & check and MOVE ON.

Posted 17 March 2014, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

Now I see why the country is in the condition it is now... Who cares if it was a "joke". People are being abused everyday and to make a damn "joke" of it is distasteful. How can you say people should move on? What if someone beat your sister or your mother and told you to just "MOVE ON". C'mon man. Use some common sense before you post.

Posted 17 March 2014, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

242in404 says...

Well, show this much outrage at the person who ACTUALLY beat someone. Not some politician who apologized and tried to make good on it. Continuing this rhetoric about Leslie Miller is not actually helping anyone.

If you can't see that logic--you lack the common sense.

Didn't they just arrest the guy who murdered that young girl and buried her body. I hardly think as much outrage is actually showed towards the actual offenders against women! Why no protesters outside while HE was being arraigned?

Come on, man. Don't get caught up in this political hype.

Posted 17 March 2014, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

If you see logic in this, you are a part of the problem

Posted 17 March 2014, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

C'mon man... He's only apologizing because how people reacted. Using Leslie Miller could help other people. He's a public figure and uses abuse as a "joke".

That guy was actually arrested. Imagine how many other abuse stories are out there without any one thinking or knowing about it. I get caught up in the political hype because these politicians represent me and you. I don't want some idiot making a "joke" about how he had to beat his girlfriend. This mess starts at the top.

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

If they don't want it, he could put it in my name and drop in the mail.

Posted 17 March 2014, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

We lose track of the fact that our politicians are good sweet mouth SOBs. Leslie is a classic case, just like the majority of MPs in the House. If you dont think it was said in "jest" think again........... its as if Leslie was in the barroom with his boys slamming dominos, drinking Kaliks and talking SH#@*%TTTTTTTTTTTT. Watch da tape "thomas".. no doubt!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 17 March 2014, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

$1,000 is allot must not need maybe drug an number house $$ will be better. This is a bad message to send when you beg for donations an then turn it down.

Posted 17 March 2014, 9:48 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

And that is why the cycle continues...throw some money and all is forgotten

Posted 17 March 2014, 11:01 p.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

So 242in404, what does this statement below means to you even after he say he was only joking.

“I will never stop as long as breath is in my body and I assure them of that and they know that. It’s just couple of them out there who like to hit me for no reason – them highfalutin ones. I deal with the potcakes like myself and they love me just like I love them.”

This sound like any one apologizing and sorry for what he said.

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ArtOvation says...

Concerned citizens please sign the petition <BR> and join the peaceful protest at Rawson Square tomorrow 9-11am.…

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

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