R.B.D.F. marine explores new horizons with art show


Tribune Features Writer


EMERGING artist Abrian Rankine is looking to take his place in the local art world with his first exhibition, “Something On The Horizon”, which opens tomorrow.

The 21 expressionistic paintings featured in the show are part of a collection of scenes Abrian said he has witnessed during his time at sea serving as a Royal Bahamas Defence Force marine.

The show will be held at the John Watlings Distillery on Delancey Street from 6pm-10pm.

“Over past ten years, I have proudly served my country as a member of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. Being a member of RBDF has awarded me the opportunity to travel throughout the Bahamas and abroad, which has allowed me to express my artistic abilities through visual art,” he said.

As a child growing up in Eleuthera, Abrian discovered that he had the ability to capture two-dimensional imagery of his surroundings. This revelation of his artistic ability led to him develop his skills through various classes and practice sessions.
Despite having been fully aware of his artistic abilities at an early age, the 31-year-old believes that now is the time to share what he has done with others.

“My work is a collection of realistic sceneries painted in my own abstract way. I have incorporated a skilled full technique known as drip art into my paintings, creating a unique, visually appealing and textured style,” he said.

“My art in this exhibition is inspired by a spectrum of colours, ecosystems and habitats, and a few things the average Bahamian takes for granted – our seas, sceneries and sunsets,” he told Tribune Arts and Entertainment.

Abrian hopes that art enthusiasts embrace his style and feel enlightened by his exhibit.

“There are a few sub themes I wanted to express with “My Pride” (painting), which depicts a man shouting. I want to bring to life the struggle of a young Bahamian male wanting to speak up or out, because for me it is an area the Bahamas really lacks – strong vocal males. With the majority of my work I wanted to bring to life the natural beauty of a simple sunset and horizon, each day can show a different and equally beautiful sunset. I also want to showcase the splendid beauty in our marine environment,” he said.

And Abrian hopes his paintings will make people think.

“I would like the viewers to think outside the box of regular scenery, to see the fun, passion and warmth that my paintings depict. I want them to look at a painting and create their own perception of what they see and to have a new definition for Bahamian art and consider investing in more visual art styles here in the Bahamas,” he said.

For Abrian, art offers him an escape and relief from the pressures of everyday life.

The marine said his painting process is like being in a different world, where he gets wrapped up in his imagination and something “magnificent” takes place.

“It is like an epic explosion of two worlds, the world everyone sees and the world where the paint meets the canvas and something beautiful is created. It usually starts with a thought or a picture in my head. I create a comfortable environment with music and I paint usually in sets to allow one painting to dry as I paint the other,” he said.

Describing his artistic self, Abrian said:

“I would say I am a laid-back artist. I love to learn and develop myself, but I have a love for calm sceneries that can leave the viewer free to imagine their own scene within mine. I like to call my work beautiful chaos and I love to paint multi-dimensional. I enjoy the art of ‘paint, then think’ as opposed to ‘think’ then paint’.”

Abrian said he has been inspired by a number of Bahamian artists, including his high school teacher Steve Burrows, who specialised in sculpture, and Eddie Minnis, who told Abrian he had a unique eye for colour.

“I am inspired to stand out from the rest and illustrate my vision on canvas of Bahamian abstract expressions and scenery,” he said.


ArtOvation says...

Good stuff Abe!

Posted 19 March 2014, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

very nice work. would be interesting in purchasing some!

Posted 20 March 2014, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

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