Former Christian Council president accuses leaders


Tribune Staff Reporter

FORMER Grand Bahama Christian Council president Rev Keith Meadows has accused “leaders in the Christian church” of disregarding Jesus Christ’s teachings to gain power by spreading homosexual rumours about him.

He made his comments during a Grand Bahama Christian Council (GBCC) meeting Tuesday night when the executive council was dissolved when 28 of its 32 financial member churches supported a motion to dissolve the council amid the homosexuality controversy.

According to reports, a young man came forward claiming that he and Pastor Meadows were involved in a relationship.

In his speech Tuesday night, the pastor said: “I wish to apologise for the most recent events that played out in public over the last two weeks. And what is regrettable about this whole event is that it’s been done during the most sacred time of the church, during Lent. It is so sad, when we have leaders in the Christian Church, who have no regard or respect for the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

“I wish to make a brief statement concerning these rumours and allegations levied against myself. This is unfortunate and pathetic to see how people would stoop to any extent to destroy another brother’s character in the name of holiness and righteousness.”

“I have served the Grand Bahama Christian Council for more than 10 years, from membership to commissioner to vice president and now as president, and never once was any allegation or rumour levied against me.”

“My family and I,” he said, “have endured so much pain and heartache over the last two weeks. Just to listen to the many lies and untruths being spoken against us and was motivated by just a few executives of this council. You may call it taking a stand for holiness, but God calls it wickedness and ungodliness in high places. It is so sad when folks would do anything to acquire power. It is unfortunate how believers would join forces with darkness to help pull down another brother.”

“For false witnesses,” he said, “have risen up against me, and such breathe out cruelty. But as I sit here tonight I can assure that I will do everything in my power to clear my name.”

“And those of you who felt that it was right to drag my name through the mud by calling many public meetings without going through the right process of the Commission of Inquiry; and for the record, let me read into the minutes the function of such a commission: ‘to investigate matters of moral conduct or misdemeanour of pastors and representatives of member churches of the council, when such matters have been brought to the council’.”

He said: “There were a few executives who made themselves judges, jurors and executioners due to rumours and allegations about myself that were unproven.”

“But I believed with all my heart, that if God brings you to it, he will take you through it and so I wish to thank all who supported my ascension to the office of president of the GBCC. I am forever grateful for your vote of confidence in my leadership.”

A committee appointed to conduct an inquiry into the allegations against Rev Meadows is headed by Pastor Napthali Cooper.

The Grand Bahama Christian Council is a part of the Bahamas Christian Council.

However, Bahamas Christian Council executive officers have not publicly commented on the inquiry or allegations against Rev Meadows.

After making his statement, former Council President Bishop Arnold Pinder put a motion to the floor that the entire executive council be dissolved.

It was seconded and a vote was taken. Of the 32 financial member churches that were eligible to vote, 28 voted in favour of the motion, while six voted against it.

This is the first time that the entire board was vacated. It was then suggested that five past presidents act on behalf of the council until elections are held.


sheeprunner12 says...

Revelation being fulilled right in the front of our eyes........................ the beast, false prophet, Babylon, the whore............. and the sodomites and the false teachers

Now the Sanhedrin is in charge in GB................... just as bad as Perry's Cabinet

Posted 20 March 2014, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

steplight says...

When Keith Meadows was elected to office it was so that which is written would come to pass at the time appointed. Handwriting on the wall says order, justice and the fear that shall ripple through-out the ends of the earth from the Bahamas is less than a blink away.

Posted 20 March 2014, 11:28 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

This is one of the funniest articles i,ve ever read , including the above comments ., but what a sales pitch these religious fanatics have ,"the promise of everlasting life ' or if your muslim a heaven full of virgins ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 21 March 2014, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

The Christian Council has to be the most scandal riddin organization in the country.

Posted 21 March 2014, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

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