Unions: We will not be silenced


Tribune Staff Reporter


LEADERS of the country’s major unions are planning a mass rally to inform the public of all their issues as well as send a message to the government that “they will not be silenced.”

Trade Union Congress President Obie Ferguson said over the past few years, the government has grown increasingly disrespectful and dismissive of the unions, completely neglecting their concerns and issues. He said the unions of this country will not stand for it any more and despite not confirming a date or venue, Mr Ferguson said he hopes all working Bahamians will join them in their march.

“I am asking the workers of this country to join us. We are organising a workers’ rally. I don’t care if you are in a union or not, there are some things we have to say and we are going to say it public and we are going to demonstrate to the public that this country is pretty much gone,” he said.

“This country has taken a turn for the worst that is not in the best interest of workers of this country. We do not know our history. That is our problem and we don’t teach it properly. One man, one vote came as a result of the 1958 strike, the right to sue the employer for negligence came as a result of the 1958 strike, the change in  the electoral process came as a result of the labour movement and today look where we are. This is not where I want to be and the government just saying anything they want to say about trade unions, what are they trying to prove? Black Tuesday may be necessary again. I say this, we have to have a change in our approach because we will not sit around and let people come in and dictate to us and what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. We will organise a massive rally to deal specifically with employment issues, VAT, immigration issues and all issues that affect workers of this country. We want you all to come, we cannot allow this country to go the way it is going.”

Mr Ferguson is also demanding an investigation be conducted by Prime Minister Perry Christie to determine who gave police officers permission to remove Customs and Immigration workers off their jobs earlier this week.

“These officers,” he said, “are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Public Service Commission. They are not appointed by a Minister in the government nor by the Prime Minster of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. We are a country of laws and we are mandated to follow the law. Police officers cannot take dictation from a Minister of the government to interfere with a public officer in the form of Customs and/or Immigration. I want to make that clear, Immigration and public officers are government by article 108 of the constitution.

“This is a serious matter and we call on the Prime Minister to do an investigation to determine if the allegations are true because if that is so we have a problem in this country. Since when do police officers carry instructions from a Minister with respect to the Customs and Immigration officers? So we ask the Prime Minister to please investigate and let us know if that occurred and if so what corrective measures they are implementing to help solve the issue.”


carlh57 says...

"Unions" just another outdated, antiquated, old thinking, money grabbing entity trying to maintain existence by living off the back of it's members....best thing for this Bahamian workers is to rid the country of unions and start standing up for themselves.....

Posted 22 March 2014, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The unions have made their own bed, they fell in line with a bunch of corrupt, no good, do-nothingers. What can they expect from them other than a tide of corruption along with inaction on serious matters. Stop playing politics with union dues, start fighting for workers rights, stop defending bad behaving, unruly, thieving employees and maybe then the country would stand with you.

Posted 23 March 2014, 5:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

ThisisOurs, I totally agree.. I am not able to get all of the facts about what's going on many times because i spend so much time abroad but when i do interact with persons belonging to certain government employee unions its always a political conversation full with foolishness.. Government politics and the performance of your job should be 2 separate issues, but many Government workers get them mixed up.. U go to work to work, which political party you are affiliated with or political connections, entitlements, or who's in office should be a non factor for the average worker.. Unions have always been political but the intrenched political nature of all its members who see political favor or affiliation as there bread and butter is disturbing.. Most of the nasty, discourtious, thieving employees tend to be those that where put there by political favor with that untouchable feeling, if u discipline me i'll call Minister so & so... I don't think the public will be sympathetic to the call for support when they have been provided with such poor service for so many years & they themselves have it 10 times worse..

Posted 23 March 2014, 7:29 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Oh shut up...'nuff said!

Posted 23 March 2014, 8:43 p.m. Suggest removal

countryfirst says...

get rid of all unions and this country would be better off

Posted 23 March 2014, 11:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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