Memories of 41 years in the printing business

THE Government Printing Department celebrates its 41st anniversary on Friday - having grown from an apprenticeship programme at The Nassau Technical Centre.

Today, that centre is now the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI), whose manager, Dr Iva Dahl, said she was proud that the department originated on the BTVI campus.

“It is with a depth of pride that we recognise the role the training and production printing department at NTC played in the apprenticeship programme. The initial six apprentices became fully-trained printers and were instrumental in the advancement of the Government Printing Department,” she said.

The department is responsible for the stationery and printing for all government ministries and departments.

Dr Dahl acknowledged the “legacy of craftsmanship” the department has built, saying: “That craftsmanship has become the benchmark of their success, from the printing of programmes to the Acts and Statutory Instruments.

“Entrusted with the printing of all government documents over these four decades of distinction, the organisation has positioned itself as a leader in printing, evolving with technological advances.”

From the initial correspondence on December 9, 1968, between the Bahamas government and New York print industry consultant Carl Auerhach to conduct a survey for government printing, to the apprenticeship programme at the NTC’s Soldier Road campus, there were intense deliberations.

Among key players then were Deputy Prime Minister Arthur D Hanna; Hugh Frazer, Establishment Secretary; JR Flint, NTC Principal and a Mr Fletcher, an experienced printing instructor at NTC.

The initial six apprentices who were part of the transition included: Teddy Simmons, Brentley Ferguson, Ken Ferguson, Larry Vanderpool, Ruby Hepburn and Burdina Taylor.

As a result of increased volumes of printing, it was recommended on March 13, 1970, that the apprenticeship programme become a full-blown government printing press with an official superintendent and by 1972, it was moved to quarters outside of NTC. Today, it is located across the street from BTVI on Soldier Road.

Shirley Walker-Ferguson joined the team on January 14, 1974, and for the past 40 years has watched the department’s growth.

She said: “I saw us move from the press to the printer stage. We still use the press, but also have modern equipment. From forms, booklets and official funeral programmes and all the business of parliament, the government saves a lot of money in terms of printing. It’s done here.”

Beginning as a printing press composer and rising to supervisor of the department, Ms Walker-Ferguson said there were many long nights.

“We had to pull all-nighters, especially with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting where one night went into the other night. The printer was set up at the hotel,” she recalled.

“But what keeps us going is we want to see the final product,” she added.

Veteran printer Philip Major agreed, adding that he has enjoyed the printing business over the past 38 years. “Sometimes,” said Mr Major, “there are long nights, but I continue because I love working with the machinery. I love the trade.”


BillGates says...

The printing business has come a long way since it was first introduce to us. Now we have many kinds of printer. There are 3D printers and other awesome printers. But what I used is one of a kind. Its a [canon mp560][1] develop by canon and prints a lot better than most of the printers.


Posted 10 March 2015, 2:33 a.m. Suggest removal

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