Forbes apologises for laughing to domestic abuse 'jest'

SOUTH Andros MP Picewell Forbes offered a public apology in the House of Assembly yesterday for his laughter after Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller joked in Parliament about abusing an ex-girlfriend on February 20 of this year.

Mr Forbes, who was sitting next to Mr Miller at the time of his communication, had previously told the media that he had “nothing” to apologise for, as the comments made by Mr Miller were said in “jest”.

Mr Forbes has now gone on record to express his objection to the physical abuse of women. “I take full responsibilty for my behaviour. It was never my intent to offend anyone,” Mr Forbes said.


nassaudaddy says...

Picewell Forbes along with all the other knuckleheads who thought Leslie Miller was funny in his remarks about beating women, would never have apologized if there wasn't such a backlash from the women and the wider population who thought it was a horrible statement from and elected official. Miller only apologized because of the backlash outrage and out pouring of anger and disgust from the public. I guarantee that Leslie Miller is guilty of the offenses that he described, because he told the speaker that he doesn't lie especially about something as serious as that. Let these clowns know how offensive they are and let them walk the plank.

Posted 27 March 2014, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Agree with nassaudaddy. Too little and much too late from Forbes.

Posted 27 March 2014, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

The only way these turkeys can be honourable is to do the closest to the right thing, step down from office, and maybe, just maybe, they could begin to restore faith in this government. And I mean step down altogether, from public life and become a private citizen that has to live in the society they created. They can never hope to repair the damage of their speeches and actions. Utterly disgusted.

Posted 27 March 2014, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Every single woman in the country should be up in arms that the PM and all other MPs (whether PLP or FNM) have not taken quick forceful steps to have Miller removed from every appointed position he holds (with the blessing of the PM) with the matter then being referred to the police for investigation.

Posted 27 March 2014, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Picewell's exploits while at UWI in Jamaica must be still on his conscience......... good Chancellor Lion.

Go to a shrink or a Rev and release your sex-demons............. apology accepted

Posted 27 March 2014, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's a good thing he has apologized and a good thing Leslie Miller went on his media campaign. It shows they at least realize the degree of upset in the populace. Or maybe they remained tone deaf to the public but listened to a single concerned colleague, who knows. I am happy that Alfred Grey did not show up once again to defend the indefensible. The big problem for me Is that many men, the majority of men believe they did nothing wrong because "woman is provoke you and *cause you* to do these things". I don't know where that logic comes from but it's frighteningly prevalent in this country even among educated men who fancy themselves leaders.

Posted 28 March 2014, 5:31 a.m. Suggest removal

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