Super Value owner backs D.N.A.

THE owner of the Super Value chain of grocery stores is throwing his support behind the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) after becoming disillusioned with two-party politics. Rupert Roberts, the veteran businessman, said “it was time to try something else” after growing tired of the same two parties with little difference between them.

Mr Roberts has spoken out on a number of issues, including Value Added Tax and the New Providence Road Improvement Project, which he said “destroyed a lot of lives and the livelihood of a lot of people”. “The FNM wouldn’t listen,” he said. “The PLP marched and prayed with us and came to power and did nothing.”

Mr Roberts has been a supporter of the PLP, both as a voter and “heavily financially”. At a press conference to announce his joining on Friday, Branville McCartney, the DNA leader, said the party was “privileged and honoured” to have such a person be a part of the organisation.

The DNA has no representation in the House after the 2012 election but won the most votes – over 13,000 – ever by a third party in the Bahamas. “I intimated a few months back that persons have joined and will be joining – persons who are significant in the Bahamas,” Mr McCartney said.


242in404 says...

Bravo. It think it's time more people give something new a chance. I doubt anything could get worse.

Posted 5 May 2014, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Fascinating...................... the tangled weave is becoming a bit straighter

Posted 5 May 2014, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades Rupert cannot trick this Comrade, cause he smart and is not a man known to suffer fools gladly. But is it really a, give something new a chance decision or more of a tangled web, with a much wider political game plan? I think I know what's a foot's, but I need to consult with some of my inner circle political Comrades, before you will know's, what's on my mind right about now?

Posted 5 May 2014, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Why not support the green party, I doubt they can be any worse than what we have had for the last forty years. I am leaning green myself!

Posted 5 May 2014, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

So am I. Enough is enough. We should at least give Brandville a chance. Not only will placing the DNA party in power send a clear message to the FNM and PLP that Bahamians are fed-up with them both... but it will also allow both parties to regroup and initiate newer, younger members with innovative ideas that can propel the Bahamas into the 21st century. These current leaders are obviously old, have failed the Bahamas, and seem to only be interested in passing the blame while trying to align their own pockets. It's time to place the FNM and PLP both on the shelf for now.

Posted 5 May 2014, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

In my opinion, it is not necessarily "trying something new" or "tired of the same old two party regime". It is more of persons seeing the truth within bahamian politics, the police/defense force and social grounds. A person can only be fooled and blinded by foolishness a limited amount of times before that desire for common sense and understanding kicks in.

Sadly, a vast majority of bahamian voters are mindless zombies who lack reasoning and understanding. ***"MY GRAMMY THEM IS PLP, SO THAT'S WHAT I IS".*** ***"HE's MY PAPA, BUT I CAN'T SAY HOW".*** Point proven.

I think, that once the DNA introduces legitimate candidates and present a comprehensive declaration, they can then move on to doing a lot of good in this country. Possibly, in ways never seen before. My grandmother always told me, "show people you're different". That along with vision and a heart of fire for this country, is all it takes.

Posted 5 May 2014, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Thank you Brenard! I'm so glad to see that we at least have some sensible people left in this country. I was really beginning to loose hope. Our country has become so saturated with fools that voices echoing common-sense are rarely heard. We need more people like you to speak up.

Posted 5 May 2014, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

If Bran is serious about being a force in the next election he has to start assembling a team now and build some real momentum in the lead up to the polls. The electorate are totally sickened by the deceit and cluelessness of this administration. Even the gullible who voted these jokers back into power are now realizing they were duped. The time is right for a new party with new ideas and a leader who understands the importance of integrity and freedom of information.

Posted 5 May 2014, 8:49 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Exactly, I'm not going Bran just because he's not PLP or FNM. he was clearly not ready in 2012, I don't know if he will be ready in 2017. I want someone who isn't simply a marketing product. He hasn't proven to me that he can think on his feet, he can deliver a prepared speech and he know how to get in the paper"but that's all packaged there substance?

Posted 6 May 2014, 1:35 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Has either of the previous governments shown that they can think on their feet? The only thing they have been good at is spending more money than we have. Waiting around for a 'perfect' replacement just means that nothing will ever change in this country.

Posted 6 May 2014, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

To be honest a good leader doesn't necessarily have to be able to think quickly on his feet. He needs to be the man (or woman) that considers the big issues carefully and makes the right decision for the country. He also populates his cabinet with true Bahamians not those who are in politics for all they can get.

Posted 6 May 2014, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Rupert I am so proud to call you a good, fellow Bahamalander. The problem is, Bran never did get around to learn that, politics and selling meats and groceries have one thing in common, both require a solid, forward thinking leader, along with high level of consumer confidence and loyalty to successfully remain in business.

Posted 5 May 2014, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I m sorry to see him go

Posted 5 May 2014, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The problem with both the PLP and FNM in recent times is they seem to don't want to listen to local Bahamians or are not responding to their cries. So many local businesses suffered under the FNM"S road development project so many that no longer exists now, and some that have still not yet recovered. So many are suffering the lost of loved ones and precious possessions under this unprecedented crime monster that has existed in this country for four generations and neither government seems to know how to harness it. AND now to attempt to burden more taxes on the backs of Bahamians while one sector of the economy (a non essential 'luxury" gaming business) and foreign companies appear to be getting all the concessions (and natural resources) seems unconscionable...

Posted 6 May 2014, 3:34 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I really do hope that the DNA, or some other party can come up with a serious enough challenge to the old guard. I don't want to vote for either PLP or FNM in the next election, but I am not about to just vote for the DNA if that is the next best choice if they are not ready. 2017 is going to be a serious conflict for Bahamians when it comes time to vote.

Posted 6 May 2014, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

IMHO, This is the perfect time for the DNA or another 3rd party to become the Governing party of The Bahamas; that said, They need to start hammering there platform now! they need not wait for the last minute and it need not be a carbon copy in any way of the two other major parties. It must be progressive, but common sense, it should heavily favor growth, young people and a rehabilitation of our struggling one sided economy that has always favored the rich, foreign investors and those who are family and cronies of those with 'special' or famous (in The Bahamas) surnames, who after almost 40 years STILL have their kids running the Bahamas government, who's next? their great grand and grand kids?. It's good to attack your opponents or the opposition, however what is your platform?? We (Bahamians) need to know this! Am not usually partial to party politics, however what we have been experiencing over the past 30 + years is the same regardless of which party win (PLP or FNM) it's exasperating!. This was sad then, but it's because we really did not have much of a choice, we always vote in the other or sometimes the same, WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS... My grandmother loved the PLP more than anything! It was God, Family, Farming, PLP. She would not even allow the FNM candidate to even walk on her property! simply because of Pindling and Company and Independence, My Mother is FNM and ideology is the same. We thank our former leaders dead and alive, but we must move on to compete with this globalized economy. We need more information on the DNA party if they planned on being a force to be reckoned with come next election and with crime and frustration in The Bahamas, this is the perfect opportunity! However, you need to be serious Sir, You need to assemble a smart young progressive political team now! And as our next leader you cannot be making dumb, backwards comments, being something new, a third party, Bahamians will tune you out very quickly! Am excited and look forward to a qualified, progressive third party GOVERNING Our Bahamas.

Posted 6 May 2014, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Amen to all that Pastor!

Posted 6 May 2014, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

PastorTroy, u summed it u. Ideas are badly needed from Bran. I saw him go back & forth in parliament with other politicians & saw arrogance not an articulate planned return from a lawyer. Along with the ideas u need young, new, qaulified, innovative, respectable people, to lead. But with Mr. Roberts on board the DNA is now a force..

Posted 6 May 2014, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

McCartney doesn't think Bahamians should be allowed to gamble in casinos and wants floggings in Parliament Square.

Sounds like just another jackass to me!

Posted 7 May 2014, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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