Deputy PM: Media delight in nation's discontent


Tribune Staff Reporter

DEPUTY Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said yesterday that the media appears to “take delight in flaming the fire of discontent” in the Bahamas.

Speaking during an urban renewal commission of a crime fighting initiative, his comment came as he decried the devolution of the Bahamian society.

“Anyone visiting New Providence cannot but come away with the impression that there is an incipient sense of anger, rage, intolerance and impatience in our midst,” he said.

“It is evident everywhere. We see it as we drive on our streets.

“We see it in our relations with one another. We see it in our homes.”

“Sadly, there is an (abundance) of these tendencies in our communities. We are an angry society. We need to calm our most vicious tendencies to lash out at everything and everyone. This type of behaviour has not been made easier by the fact that we have a media and other forms of social communications which seem to take delight in flaming this fire of discontent.”

While the Deputy Prime Minister did not go into details about how the media “flames the fire of discontent” in the Bahamas, his comment comes as criticism of the Christie administration’s performance since taking office in 2012 continues to be publicised.

In media stories in the last several weeks both the Free National Movement (FNM) and the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) have accused the government of having an “unfocused legislative agenda” following the postponement of important national events, including the anticipated constitutional referendum, the presentation of webshop laws before the House of Assembly and the implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT).

More recently the media has highlighted calls from Bahamians for greater transparency in government actions and for a Freedom of Information Act to be implemented amid environmental concerns over a government-sanctioned development in Bimini, the government’s pursuit of fiscal reform, and the government’s awarding – through selective bidding – of a $20 million contract to a company expected to soon begin constructing a new office for the Ministry of National Security on John F Kennedy Drive.

The media also continues to highlight the country’s murder rate, which some residents say the government has failed to address properly, especially in view of its 2012 election campaign promise that it could address the issue better than the FNM. In fact, while defending the PLP’s decision to erect large billboards around New Providence highlighting the murder rate under the former FNM administration, Mr Davis said: “I do not know why they would take down the signs with the murder count on them. That’s a fact. The fact is there were more than 490 murders in this country. We cannot run away from that. We cannot hide the truth and we cannot suppress the facts, we have to address the issues of crime.”


Brenard says...

So, the issue is, the media is taking a "delight" in the "truth"? So, are they misguiding the public? How can I as a person make promises, take on tasks or cry out when it is I or my counterparts whom fail to satisfy or deliver to appropriate standards?

The media has done nothing wrong. As citizens they are entitled to report facts as raw and accurate as possible. Now, sugar coating would then be tampering with facts and the truth. It's amazing how psychology is used to fool persons.

It's always easier to be sitting up and looking down while talking. -SIGHS-

Not once have I seen to my knowledge, the media "lied" or "stretched" the "truth". I see nothing wrong.

How about using the media as motivation by doing better, while showcasing an example for young bahamians such as myself?

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

> “We cannot hide the truth,” said Davis on April 26, 2012 when asked about backlash over the murder billboards.

> “Are we about hiding the truth? Are we going to be concerned about the impression that the truth gives? The only way we can get rid of these things is to address the issue. The fact is that there were more than 490 murders in this country (since 2007). We cannot run away from that.”

The Deputy Prime Minister is a hypocritical douchebag of the highest order. His own party erected billboards islandwide to 'flame the fires of discontent', and he defended his party's disgraceful actions with vigor.

Don't give what you can't take.

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

More of the same PLP bull. It goes like this - "Don't believe what your eyes are telling you -- believe what we are telling you". The PLP and the truth are complete strangers. There is not an honest, upright man among them. There is not a patriot among them. It would be anathema to them to put the good of country ahead of good for themselves. They are rotten to the core and totally corrupt. There moral compass is gone astray. If they had a real leader they wouldn't have even let that criminal Shame Gibson stand for nomination. The same goes for the inept Mitchell, and the odoriferous Obie, MoneyBags Brainless Gray and that Putz Pinder, just to name a few. Christie is their leader because the rabble can manipulate him. The country suffers and they just don't care.

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal


WOW...those some strong words, you lie not!

Posted 6 May 2014, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

it's not just "PLP bull"'s Bahamian politician bull....regardless of the party! It's politicians, politics and bahamian acceptance of this type of action/BS that is the issue...hold these buffoons accountable for what they say and do & don't do, THEN see what happens....regardless if it's social media or papers....or protests......aren't Bahamians tired of this game of musical chairs?

Posted 6 May 2014, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Awwww...does the poor wee politician seem overwhelmed by heart bleeds for you...NOT, you hypocritical incompetent idiots. The statement at the end as stated above by Harry sums it up in a nutshell. Not that I am supporting the FNM in any way here, but I think we need an LBT slapping procession line, we can hire her in a professional capacity to be the official idiot slapper...when they come out with statements like this, they need to go the headmasters office for their LBT slap. Sadly, I think her hands would get rather sore from the repeated punishments!! I'm thinking the penny is finally dropping for the politicians, on both sides of the fence, that the masses ARE NOT HAPPY AT ALL and they better do something RIGHT and QUICK...the pressure is NOT going to subside until they do.

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

IMHO, 'Head in the sand' comments like this, from a leader in our current governing party, the DPM, who was recently ROBBED by these same criminals that" don't exist" is troubling! This is what would be considered as putting party over REALITY! How can someone with this mentality govern the 'cries' or important issues of Bahamians; when even himself, with all his money, luxury accommodations and bodyguards, came face to face with a criminal element that 'ordinary' Bahamians experience on a daily basis, REFUSED to except the fact that he himself could of been murdered, but choose to deny for the sake of defending party? The Bahamas is so ripe right now for a third party, but many is really questioning the readiness of the DNA party leader, The party sounds great, great name, colors etc, GREEN+GROWTH+YOUNG PEOPLE+FUTURE, what not to love about it?? However, getting into all this back and forth and pointing fingers, we're tired of that! It's the same 'slash and burn' politics of the past 30+ years! Sir Bran, Respectively, keep this up and YOU WILL FAIL!! Bahamians, are looking for something different! If you are not up to the task, kindly remove yourself as leader, but remain in the party after all it was your idea? Please look at the bigger picture, you will never have this chance again if you do not start hammering your platform so we (Bahamians) know what YOU'RE GOING TO DO DIFFERENTLY! We don't want temporary handouts, which seem to be the strategy politician take 1 month before election day,

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...

DON'T GIVE US A FISH, BUT CREATE INSTITUTIONS THAT TEACHES EVERY BAHAMIAN TO FISH, (((GOOD EDUCATION)) We need solutions that work and change from the bottom to the top to better our Bahamaland and prepare our young people for this globalized economy,THIS IS THE HEIGHT OF OUR FRUSTRATION MR. DPM and stop this foreign invasion and cronyism, this is an matter of National Security! Anger??? you have not seen real Bahamian anger, if next election come around after 5 years and no improvement to our economy or crime and cronyism by our current government, and as usual, Bahamians have to vote for more of the same AGAIN (FNM/PLP), simply because what we had in the back of our minds hoped to be a party of change for everyday Bahamians (DNA) turned out to be a one man party of arrogance and bickering with no platform, Anger??? after our next election if PLP or FNM are again the governing party, catering to the same, you will really start seeing anger, hopelessness, frustration! We can sometimes take the easy road and blame uninformed voters, but what choices do they have? The lesser of two evils is still evil and now what look like the possibility of a third more arrogant evil???.. Mr. DNA leader, it's time for you to stop all this nonsense bickering and start putting forth your ideas, if you wait too late, Bahamians are not going to even be interested in reading your platform simply because the DNA is something new, that have NEVER been successful in The Bahamas. A THIRD PARTY. Stop wasting precious time, we're counting on you, something different, and if this is all you have to offer? You're wasting your time! Bold, New, Progressive, Fresh ideas not more of this same nonsense! Respectively, Bahamians are smarter than you think even though we have only voted for more of the same the past 30+ years it's because what was the alternative? WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Sadly, we HAVE created institutions...institutions that teach us that crime does pay, that being deceitful is to your benefit, that it is all about what you can do for yourself, that laws are created for OTHER people but not you, so don't worry about it. So long as you know someone on the inside, it's all good and can be fixed or overlooked to your benefit. The Bahamian version of pride and respect is truly warped. Bahamian pride is more about protecting yourself and doing what you have to to survive. That's not pride or respect for me...pride or respect is earned through doing the right thing for your community, abiding by the laws, being an honest and upright person, not some thug that is pounding his chest defending his pride because someone may have said something about his mother...if you get my drift.

Posted 6 May 2014, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Brave is showing himself to be an idiot... Dumb statement Brave, seriously dumb.....

Posted 6 May 2014, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Yep................ dumb and crooked........ definitely not Brave........... thats his voodoo or lodge alias................... LOL

Posted 6 May 2014, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I give him the benefit if the doubt, he's correct, the media is fanning the flames. I would like to see Mr Davis address, the robbery and shooting of his chauffeur, the armed invasion of his house, the illegal and unregulated banking activity being conducted by the webshops flying in the face if every international banking compliance treaty we've signed on to the almost daily murders over the past three weeks, the theft from BOB, the millions missing from the PHA, the seabed dredging about to start in Bimini of all places BIMINI???? If he can address those items, the questionable VAT Tax czar appointment, is the secret trial of the Cuban detainees completed yet ?.. And maybe dust off those billboards from 2012 so that every citizen is aware of the social improvements since the government handover.

Posted 6 May 2014, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Not only the media, you posters are also fanning the flames.
All these problems just a figment of radio talk show callers.

(Ohdrap filling in for birdie who did not buy the tribune today)

Posted 6 May 2014, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

As my mother used to say. If you have nothing useful to say, sit down and STFU.

Posted 6 May 2014, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The media are no more than the ghosts of many defeated red shirt MP's. Comrades just because the DPM's words could have been better packaged, it is it not to say the media (all corporate owned and controlled) have not been acting mysteriously bias against PM Christie from the "get go," after soundly defeating the reds, despite the media's known alliance with the red shirts. Had the reds paid for all the FREE media coverage in 2012, they'd have raise millions of dollars to settle their accounts with over-friendly media outlets. Comrade DPM the reds corporate media tried defeating you in 2012 and it didn't
work out so well. Buckle down and do the job you were elected to do and stop all these unnecessary press conferences and releases.

Posted 6 May 2014, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

Tal, what is wrong with you. You're always defending what you admitt is wrong. This is not an issue of shirt color, save that foolishness for primary school. We are all bahamians. Your mind set is that of the old and should die out with the negative properties of the old. You are always quick to defend these persons as if you are so relevant to them. ***WAKE UP!***

We have no right in this country to be politically divided. Yet we the people cry, when it is us who contribute to our oppression.

You should develop your mentality and also, ***we are not in Russia comrade. Keep it bahamian.***

Posted 6 May 2014, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Brenard are you aware that none other than your leader Minnis has referred to the FNM as the reds at least 3 times in past 4 days alone? The corporate media does lie on the PM and DPM ... right? I am simply reminding the PM and his DPM that they have stop talking, for talk sake. I too will remind you that at least the PM and DPM ain't arrogantly-ballsy enough to be cruising all over Bahamaland, calling themselves ... ya Papa. Again, what was that overly-played theme song of the Hubert regime? Oh yeah.... "Better than the Rest."

Posted 6 May 2014, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

Listen, I do not represent shirt color. I am a ***Bahamian***. You may fall fool for such psychological childs play, but not me.

***I represent my people, not the people who "claim" to represent them.***

Posted 6 May 2014, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Brenard I accept you are a good Bahamalander but one with deep a red psychological tendency to try me on for size.

Posted 6 May 2014, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

Tal, why do you continue to make this issue about party color? Do you even jist how mediocre that is? You are set in your ways. I won't bother anymore, it's wasted energy.

Posted 6 May 2014, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Brenard she is irrelevant a young man put her in her place in another forum a real dinosaur.

Posted 7 May 2014, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

Tal, you are a pathetic apologist, not better than this administration, and the one previous.

You will always blame someone else, always scrabble for some reason it's not your fault.

Guess what - no one cares who's fault it is, all they care about is that the people we **currently** have voted in power show **some** sign they intend to at least **try* and help things.

This party is a disgrace. the last party is was a disgrace, but the current one takes this to a whole new level of corruption, lies and deceit.

They have absolutely no interest in the people of the Bahamas.

They have no interest in the betterment of The Bahamas

No interest in honour.

No interest in morals.

No interests in scruples.

No interest in anything other than lining their pockets and blaming someone else.

Very similar to yourself.

You deserve the same respect due to the very party you are whoreishly dedicated to defending.

I hope they pay you well, and and also hope your children will one day look at you with the disgust and contempt you oh so justly deserve.

Posted 6 May 2014, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

I don’t get some people and their blindness. But since I am not a journalist or work for the media, let me list a few words that come to mind when I think of the PLP government; Corruption, victimizing, incompetence, stealing, nepotism, lying, conspiring, ducking, dodging, cheating, manipulating, stalling, wasting, just to name a few. NOW I CHALLENGE ALL THOSE WHO THINK THE MEDIA IS BEING UNFAIR OR THOSE WHO THINK THAT THE WORDS I USED DO NOT PROVIDE A TRUE PICTURE OF THIS GOVERNMENT TO LIST SOME WORDS THAT CAN POSITIVELY DESCRIBE THIS GOVERNMENT!

Posted 6 May 2014, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Positive words...that's a tough one...I'd like to say something like optimistic or something along those lines, for having the belief that they can get away with what they are getting away with, but I think that is more like delusional.

Posted 6 May 2014, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

They are excellent at story telling..if only they could get PGC to keep quiet about his calls to bank managers and million dollar outlays for lime trees

Posted 6 May 2014, 10:15 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Can you imagine Philip Davis whining about media mistreatment of the PLP........ after what they (PLP) have done with ZNS since 1967????????????

He must be drinking from the same kool-aid fountain as Perry............ I thought better of him


HE IS A DANGEROUS MAN...................... BEWARE OF LIL BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 6 May 2014, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

why do people support this man in the first place?if you made millions off defending the biggest drug trafficker in the region,now you are in government?you wonder where the crime originated from?the same drugs which were placed on our streets by the same type of people you defended.

Posted 6 May 2014, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Exactly..he is not fit to be PM

Posted 6 May 2014, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

So, for clarity what's he "brave" about anyway? Sure isn't criticism or accountability....

Posted 6 May 2014, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Alltoomuch says...

At least we don't get to watch "ROOTS" anymore!!

Posted 6 May 2014, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

“Anyone visiting New Providence cannot but come away with the impression that there is an incipient sense of anger, rage, intolerance and impatience in our midst,” he said.

“It is evident everywhere. We see it as we drive on our streets.

“We see it in our relations with one another. We see it in our homes.”

YES JACKASS! They are pissed off that they fell for all your campaign BS, lies and promises.

Posted 6 May 2014, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Brave was describing all them people politicians like him hoodwinked in 2012.............. LOL.

LBT needs to bitch-slap dat big fat bald head............. den he wont have to choke on his words when he talks again......... LOL

Posted 6 May 2014, 7:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

She should definitely bitch slap ur stupid azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted 6 May 2014, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Maybe LBT is the wrong person to use in this scenario...anyone in general capable of hitting these people, PLP, FNM or DNA over the head with an idiot stick when they talk stupidness.

Posted 6 May 2014, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

It's not just the Tribune...mind you they are definitely more biased...the other major tabloid which is typically more neutral or leaning 'Yella' has been called out for being overly critical.

Posted 6 May 2014, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I wonder if Brave still has his stable of Jamaican Sweethearts who sell front. Talk dat, Brave!

Posted 6 May 2014, 9:54 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker what is front? can it be defined, packaged and sold? What's its self-life?

Posted 6 May 2014, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Mr. Davis the Bahamas has many problems .The one that concerns most is all of those persons who have been killed. But the FNM had the same problems or worse. they did not have the answers then, and they do not have the answers now.

Some in the print media has constantly campaign for the FNM . according to them and a few mean spirited FNM's the FNM party can do no wrong, and the PLP can do no right . people with common sense know this can not be true.

There will be many editorial and many twist and turns to what you have said. You can rest assured. they will milk this one to death. The standards they hold the PLP to is a whole lot different from what they hold the FNM to.

Posted 6 May 2014, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

This is a standard we are holding for the government. Doesn't matter which three letter party are running it. Just because the FNM was bad does not excuse the PLP from being bad. This isn't about FNM versus PLP, this is about bettering the Bahamas. Stop being petty, and have a look at the big picture. We need to do something to turn this country around. It doesn't matter who is in charge, as long as the Bahamas is becoming a better place, and right now it is definitely not. It's going downhill. We need to change that.

Posted 7 May 2014, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

vgutyio says...

- I am not surprised at how base and pathetic some of the comments are on this site. It makes complete sense. Let us not get ahead of ourselves, the Bahamas deserves *every* single ounce of pain and misery it is currently experiencing. I can say this with sure *certainty*.

- The mentality here is so simplistic and base, almost every comment here drips with party affiliation. Too bad if many here were to sit down and think, you would realize that your government or “governments” produce less than jack squat. Only fools look at government as some kind of piñata that two sides fight over.

If I asked you what came first, the government or the people, I would hope to God you say the people. But many do not even grasp that simple reality. No government forms without the people giving it its power and duty. You are the ones who pay and hire the government to run your country. You hire them to say and do whatever you might see reported here in this news article.

In essence, the people of a country will hire a government that best matches the *mentality* of the general population. The folly of this government and the general populace does not marvel me anymore. Like that old proverb says “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.”

Posted 7 May 2014, 1:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

It doesn’t matter what party one is affiliated with. The fact remains, the PLP is in power, not the FNM or DNA. As far as I am concerned, that’s the only party that should be held accountable. Whenever anther party is elected they too should be held by the same accountability.

Posted 7 May 2014, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Quote from Guardian story above, "Mr Davis said: “I do not know why they would take down the signs with the murder count on them. That’s a fact. The fact is there were more than 490 murders in this country. We cannot run away from that. We cannot hide the truth and we cannot suppress the facts, we have to address the issues of crime.”

***When you throw stones, you should not live in glass houses***

Posted 7 May 2014, 7:19 a.m. Suggest removal

KRS1 says...

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Not a Brave move on his part to make such a statement about the media. These are not the good ole days when the PLP had total control of broadcasting in the Bahamas. Nothing can no longer be swept under a rug.

Posted 7 May 2014, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

The PLP & FNM politicians have major roles in fueling this discontent & have received the rewards of keeping the masses ignorant & government dependant. Ignorant uneducated people are easy to control, so major investment was never made in ensuring all Bahamian Children received proper education. Nor was serious measures put in place to deal with issues of family planning or illegal immigration. They all made deals with foreign investors or criminals so there families prospered @ the expense of the nation. What we see on the street is the result of a history of selfish criminal minded politicians, so i'm shocked at his comments but I should not be. He has told so many lies & manipulated so many that he has become delusion, therefore in his head he believes he and his colleagues are victims. We now have to contend with the dysfunction that originates from corruption, bad financial decisions, poor education, drugs, family planning, illegal immigration etc. Stop bitching u made your money of the dysfunctional environment but what u never figured was that in the future crime would be at your door step.

Posted 7 May 2014, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

PastorTroy says...


Posted 7 May 2014, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Buggaboo says...

why u gottu dis Bahamains

Why not crack down on these damn foreign crooks.

Rich Schumacher ripped off Valdez Campbell, for over a million dollars. He took Valdez money in a phoney financing scheme, told Campbell he's take deposit money and loan 100 million dollars to fund Valdez's project.

Embarassed the heck out of Valdez, now Valdez looks like an idiot. Valdez borrow the money from some white night, and the white night screwed too

Schumacher living large , drivn new Jaguar and big house in Canada.

Someone better sort this out cause I hear Schumacher about to sell his properties here and run away with that money too.

Police need to do something bout this cause we can't affort no more foreign criminals

Talk all over the street but nobody doing nothin

Posted 8 May 2014, 12:03 a.m. Suggest removal

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