Gibson threat in contract row


Tribune Staff Reporter

LABOUR Minister Shane Gibson yesterday warned FNM members to exercise caution when they criticise the PLP government because he knows “where all their bodies are buried”.

One of those “bodies”, according to Mr Gibson is the fact that the former Ingraham administration terminated MalJack Construction for their “faulty” work at Garvin Tynes Primary School, but then gave them another contract at C H Reeves High School for $1.8m.

His comments came after the FNM criticised the government for awarding Holiday Industrial Builders International (HIBI) a contract for $5.8m to build what is now the Office of the Attorney General, when they were terminated by the Ingraham administration in 2008.

The difference between the two, according to Mr Gibson, is that MalJack Construction was terminated with cause because they were unable to complete the job while Holiday Industrial Builders was terminated without cause because they were perceived to be PLP.

“They terminated MalJack for shoddy work, faulty work. They have a whole report on Garvin Tynes school where they show that this man did bad work and then recommended that they should not be given a contract again. He was terminated for cause and that is why I cannot understand the members opposite. This is a contractor who was fired by them who could not fix Garvin Tynes school. All the independent reports show that he could not finish it. He then tried to attack the employees at the Ministry of Works, talking all kinds of nonsense,” he said.

“So because he couldn’t do his work, he couldn’t finish it; he did terrible work, he tried to place the blame on the Ministry of Works. But, Mr Speaker, what you think the FNM decided to do when they came back in office? The same man they terminated for lousy work they did at Garvin Tynes, who they terminated for cause? He was given a contract at C H Reeves school for $1.8 million.

“How is it that you can fire a man for cause, and the evidence of his work is still at the Garvin Tynes School, and then give him a contract for $1.8 million? Then you come into office and try to victimise someone else and tell us to fire them because you fire him without cause. Something is desperately wrong and then they have the nerve to act like none of these things happened.”

Mr Gibson also said the FNM is “making noise” about their chairman Darron Cash’s house being raided, when the FNM set up a special team at Police Headquarters – just to investigate him.

“They talking about Cash? Man, they summoned me down to police headquarters, SIB. You hear them, the member for Long Island talk about this special team. They set up a special investigation team and their only job was to investigate me. That was their only job and the man tell me every time he call the Prime Minister and say he don’t have nothing on me, the Prime Minister tell them ‘go back again’.

“So the reason why they think that Darron Cash was politically motivated was because that is what they did to me. The day I was about to walk on stage in Golden Gates and be nominated they went to all my friends and said ‘tell Gibson we coming to get him now’.

“So when I walked on the stage, they tell me don’t go because they coming to lock me up right now. All of the corrupt things they talk about they created the mould. So when they talk, I listen and I say ‘check right there, the body is buried right there.’”

The home of Mr Cash was raided last week by Central Detective Unit officers who said they were in possession of an ex-parte search warrant issued by a Magistrate, as part of the ongoing investigation of the finances of the Bank of the Bahamas.


newcitizen says...

This is a joke of a government. Is he really trying to blackmail the former government into going along with the current governments corruption and stating it publicly?

If he knows where these 'bodies are buried' then why hasn't he let the police know, and why aren't people going to jail for corruption.

The government always has an excuse that the people before them did it. So what, the government before was corrupt and so is the current one. One does not excuse the other. We have to hold these politicians accountable. They are taking our money and wasting it, lining their pockets, lining their friends pockets, while so many are in need of social programs and better education. This is really a joke.

Posted 8 May 2014, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I get physically sick when I see this ex-Radio Shack clerk who stole millions during his last tenure as Minister of Housing get up to speak. He is the most odious of the PLP right now.

Posted 8 May 2014, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...


Posted 8 May 2014, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

So what? Look dummy, All Bahamians know that all governments of the Bahamas for the last 40 years have been and are corrupt. One day this will come back to bite the politrickan, mark my words!

Posted 8 May 2014, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

YES Mr Gibson. Finally!!! an honest politician who is putting ALL Bahamians before his personal
financial gain. One who will work to weed out corruption in government. PLEASE tell us all of the FNM politicians with bodies buried, we don't want them or any likewise PLP politicians with their hands on our money again. let's get all the crooks out now. They have had 40 years of 8th, 9th and 10th chances. They have crippled us...get them out...we need to move on.

Posted 8 May 2014, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

is one of the bodies Anna Nicole Smith

Posted 8 May 2014, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

HA!! Not funny...but funny...I'm leaving now...LOL

Posted 8 May 2014, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal



Posted 8 May 2014, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

The only time a politician tells the truth is when he is calling another politician a liar!

This is ludicrous...Enough of the PLP & FNM.

Posted 8 May 2014, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Boy, if you're going to be a politician, you must not be as thin skinned as these fellas! Do they really not expect criticism just because they were chosen to govern! They get so angry, aggressive, threatening, and arrogant when faced with criticism ........and the criticism is true!!!!

Posted 8 May 2014, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

If the Bahamian people knew the truth there would be hell to pay. Shame will never call the truth because each and every politrickan has way too much hidden in their closet ($$$$$ remember). I call your bluff, you scum sucking politrickan, lets see one of you talk the TRUTH! It will never happen! The political class is all the same Bahamas, it is time to WAKE UP!

Posted 8 May 2014, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. I believe that former PM Hubert Ingraham, has damaging information on this slime ball. Apparently, Mr. Ingraham hesitated because of "collateral" damage to some "friends". It is never to late to do the right thing Mr. Ingraham. Your silence is undermining you legacy.

Posted 8 May 2014, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Hubert Ingraham has damaging information on slime ball? I bet 2 to 9 and box the 6 ball that slime ball has more damaging information on "One Man Jackass" after 5 years of unbridled political assiness!

His "legacy" is treason, stupidity and the worst leader of the region.

Good riddance Hubert Ingraham....Now take Perry Christie with you!

Posted 8 May 2014, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades even if Shane knows where the bodies are, I'll give you better than numbers odds, the contracts to carry the red shirts bodies to they burial sites. were not tendered out by either the PLP or the former red regime. Wait for Minnis, Loretta, Daron or Dr. Duane ti fire back how the PLP got's the nerve to be talk'in where dead bodies are buried. Oh yeah, each will issue their own PR version, and they's never photostat'able.

Posted 8 May 2014, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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