Agriculture school to cost at least $7m more


Tribune Staff Reporter

AT least $7m in additional funding has already been requested for infrastructure works at the Agriculture and Marine Sciences school in North Andros.

Works Minister “Brave” Davis confirmed yesterday that his ministry will be seeking increased allocations in the upcoming budget debate to finance the completion of the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Research Institute (BAMSRI), and associated projects such as road works.

Construction already commenced thus far is 30 per cent complete, according to Mr Davis, who said continuing works are on time and within budget. Mr Davis said: “Whatever is necessary to have this project up and running by September, the government will find the funding for it.”

“We’ve already requested (additional funds) and as you recall the Prime Minister expects to spend $100 million in Andros.”

During a tour of the site yesterday, Livingston Forbes, chief architect within the Ministry of Works, said additional funding is needed for the construction of the school’s packing house, processing plant, residences for farm managers, security buildings and a tuckshop for the students.

“Along with the civil and site lightings, which we have not yet commenced and is a major part of the project, ” Mr Forbes added. “There are going to be quite a few more million dollars that the government will need to spend in order to get things up to the standard required so that the students can perform and go to school in a very comfortable environment.”

Mr Davis said his ministry was “aggressively pursuing” options for road works in North Andros, which are critical to the school’s opening.

The government also awaits a report from the school’s consultants on the cost and timeline to integrate satellite farms and associate farmers on other islands.

Mr Davis said the site’s topography and the project’s fast-approaching deadline presented challenges for the team; however, all obstacles have been met.

He said: “The topography of the grounds we uncovered ... the ground is not as solid as we expected it to be. There were some sinkholes in areas where we didn’t expect them to be, where buildings would have been so we had to move them around.

“The other challenge is the timeline. The pressure under which we have put the chief architect and the other engineers to meet the deadline, sometimes there have been some hiccups there but they have all been worked out and the works have been progressing despite these challenges.”

During yesterday’s tour, Minister of Agriculture V Alfred Gray said there was no room for criticisms by the opposition over the BAMSRI development due to its social and economic benefits.

Mr Davis said that the island’s economy had exploded as a result of construction work that was awarded to 22 local firms, totalling more than $22 million.

Last year, Prime Minister Perry Christie announced that just over $4 million had been allocated in the 2013/2014 national budget to establish the new school.

In September, Mr Gray said the government hoped to cap costs for the school at $20 million, but noted that the government was committed to completing the project at whatever cost.

Yesterday, Mr Davis said: “(Construction) is on time, BEC is on site attempting to put in temporary lighting so that work can be accelerated. All of the contractors are ready to go to the second phase of works where there will be two to three shifts. We are working around the clock.”

Some 12 security guards have been hired to patrol the site, and are expected to start next week. Mr Davis said that there has been no thefts at the site, to his knowledge.

He added that media coverage of the site’s progress was critical to informing the public of the government’s commitment to ensuring job growth and enhanced quality of life for citizens throughout the country.


proudloudandfnm says...

Man this project just STARTED?!?!? How the hell can it possibly be over budget already? So friggin tired of amateurs in government man....

Posted 13 May 2014, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

What kind of project is this???? You can't be over budget ....if you look at what you've spent and you think *gee a real A$$ put together this plan, the numbers are way off*, you then look,at the requirements and determine is there anyway that I can come in on budget with quality? Is there anything I've planned that I don't absolutely need.PGC...stop this project now...this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Posted 13 May 2014, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

They are not amateurs. They are thieves.

Posted 13 May 2014, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

Mr Davis said the site’s topography and the project’s fast-approaching deadline presented challenges for the team; however, all obstacles have been met.

He said: “The topography of the grounds we uncovered ... the ground is not as solid as we expected it to be. There were some sinkholes in areas where we didn’t expect them to be, where buildings would have been so we had to move them around.

It's amazing how they can now see the difficulties wit such a project, but could not understand the issues the former government had with the road works, when all kinds of pipes were running cross the streets that the road plan that MOW gave the contractor did not reflect it. All I say is what goes around comes around.

During yesterday’s tour, Minister of Agriculture V Alfred Gray said there was no room for criticisms by the opposition over the BAMSRI development due to its social and economic benefits.

So why all the criticism from them when they was in opposition. Brave Davis commented on the benefits he is enjoying from the new roads. Jokes for days.

Posted 13 May 2014, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I beleive the money is disappearing down into the blueholes over there............ this is going to be another white elephant project .... ...please go get some Israelis who know about farming in desert

Posted 13 May 2014, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

How can you start a project with $1 mil and then find out you under budget by $7 mil . I smell a huge rat

Posted 13 May 2014, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

discouragedBahamian says...

Help me out if you can Tribune News Network and fellow readers. A few years ago the was a multi million dollar gift to COB to help fund such a school. I think it was the largest gift ever to an educational institute in the West Indies / Caribbean, **$10 Million dollars** I think. Some years later (Five plus) there is still no such school! Is that being used to fund BAMSI or has that money too JUST disappeared?

Posted 13 May 2014, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Down the blueholes my boy................... SMH

Which is worse??????? Perry as PM, V.Alfred Gray as MAMR or COB Chairman ............... Hon. Dr. HE Sears?????????? LOL

Posted 13 May 2014, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

three parts of the same coin

Posted 13 May 2014, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

EDITOR: Please send a team down to Andros to see for yourself what is going on, and what the project looks like so far. Be sure to take tons of photos and talk with people who are supposed to be working there. For all we know, this could be an overgrown piece of untouched land.

Posted 13 May 2014, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

katy says...…

Sansoucireader you are so correct, this photo was taken in March 2014 at the exact location of the Andros Agriculture Institute or BAMSI project according to the government.

As you noted "this could be an overgrown piece of untouched land." That is exactly what it is!

Posted 13 May 2014, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Agriculture4Scheme says...

Good day everyone including Ava Turnquest (the writer of this article/story),

Firstly, let me say that this present administration PLP government is stealing money from this project -BAMSI or BAMSRI as they (PLP administration) called it.

Initially sometime last year 2013, they allocated $4 million dollars to this BAMSRI/BAMSI project, then this government announced that they need $20 million. Soon after that announcement, this government just had a $20 million dollar ceremony contract in North Andros for this agricultural school.

Now DPM-Philip 'Brave' Davis is saying an additional $7 million is now needed again to complete this school, which in my opinion will never open and function.

Everyone, hear this, according to this article, Brave said construction is 30% completed, however this BAMSI/BAMSRI is slated to open in September 2014.

There are no photos of this project site in North Andros showing us (the Bahamian people) developments of this project.

Moreover, Philip 'Brave' Davis mentioned that the PM Christie expects to spend $100 million dollars in Andros, so when you do the math, they had $4 million, then requested $20 million and the latest which is $7 million ($4mil. + 20mil.+ 7mil. ) = $31 million dollars or so. They took from the public purse to thief and use some in this so call BAMSI/BAMSRI.

Therefore, this government is 30% completed of taking $100 million dollars. So, on average this PLP administration have another $70 million dollars to steal and say they need it for this agricultural school (BAMSI/BAMSRI) in North Andros.

People expect more millions of dollars to be needed to complete this school- which they will thief.

People if you studied geography, the way in which Brave uses topograpghy only indicates that land of the project site has been cleared, which was being clear since November 2013 and yet up to now, no foundation on the land is set.

Question: How can construction be on time, according to Brave statement???

While and I quoted: "Livingston Forbes, chief architect within the Ministry of Works, said additional funding is needed for the construction of the school’s packing house, processing plant, residences for farm manners, security buildings and a tuckshop for the students."

So the PLP administration say need additional funding for:

1) construction of the school’s packing house
2) processing plant
3) residences for farm manners
4) security buildings
5) tuckshop for the students

People, $7 million additional is DEFINITELY not going to be enough. That won't cut it.

Moreover, no construction has started to date on those 5 things listed, so this means, none of those things have been build as yet, no foundation and yet the PLP administration say this BAMSI/BAMSRI is going to open in September 2014. It will not open!


Posted 13 May 2014, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said

Posted 14 May 2014, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

This project was never meant to be a success and it wont be. It is just another Scheme by the wicked PLP to siphon funds to their supporters and the PLP war chest for 2017. The PLP must be the most brazen gangsters in the region.

Posted 13 May 2014, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Sooooooooooooo, the $100 million dollar question is: What we ga do???????????

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Agriculture4Scheme says...

The answer to the $100 million dollar question is: We expose them. Lets call in to the live talk radio shows, such as the Bodie show, Morning Blend show, Coffee Break with Teej show, Chrissy Love show, etc etc.

We can also each use social media to start the conversation up on this project, so journalist may take the led and investigate it!

Check out katy comment, a photo was included-Like I said lets expose them....

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:38 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Hey, send Darold Miller down to his beloved Andros!!!!!!!! ........ LOL

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:42 p.m. Suggest removal

katy says...

What kind of journalism is this?!? You would think that media houses would use this opportunity to expose the government on their BS!! Unless they are getting some kickbacks for not exposing the truth and to report "whatever" the Ministers are dishing out!

How hard is it to send a reporter over to Andros to take some pictures and show the people what 30 million dollars bought and a so called 30% completed project looks like?!?!

If there is sooooooooo much progress, where are the PICTURES?!? Why isn't the government showing pictures? BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING BEING BUILT!!!! The project site is empty, and will remain empty while they funnel the money to somewhere else aka their bank accounts.

For example, you can clearly see the Bahamas Agricultural & Industrial Corporation (BAIC) progress through pictures on Facebook -…

So let me answer, we are not seeing pictures from the government because their pictures will look like this....

1. May pictures - empty piece of land,
2. June Pictures - empty piece of land,
3. July Pictures - land still empty, no buildings ...AND we need more millions of dollars
Blah BLAH BLAH....
till September - We need even more money because we aint finish de project yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Journalists need to step up their game, because just reporting what the Ministers tell you to report isn't helping the Bahamas and its people.

Here's what, seeing that journalists aren't doing their jobs, how about us citizens do it for them? Do you have friends or family in Andros? Let them go over to the project site and take pictures and post them on social media. This project is a scam!

Let me post the first picture, let's keep the ball rolling,…

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Do you really expect Andros people to speak against this???? They getting the sweetness........ even if it is the crumbs of the millions

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

wearedone says...

This guy is the biggest piece of crap in all of this government. IT'S TIME FOR A PUBLIC UPRISING. At least once a month there are articles like this. We are constantly being robbed by our own government. Until when? We have people dying, being raped, and starving all over this country and these assholes keep on getting richer. Bahamas we must revolt against this government. We must take action now.

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I bet Katy is right...I bet the 20 million is already paid out and there is no money to do anything. The 7million requested is the cost to start "something". It's ridiculous putting additional money into a project this early. 30% complete means you've spent have 14 million left...given even distribution of the costs of course..this is silly and for the DPM to even bring this argument is frightening...

Posted 13 May 2014, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Correction: I said above that I bet the 20million is already paid out, I really meant to say "misappropriated". I bet they already *THIEF all the money* and now they need 7 extra to start "something". Remember upwards of 40 million disappeared from PHA. One or more of these ministers has an insatiable appetite. They need to go, they will not stop until there is no money in the treasury (completed) or our credit line is cut off. They need to go. Also be very weary of recycled politicians who jump to another side for no other reason than the perception that the other side is winning.

Posted 14 May 2014, 4:59 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

For all we know 7 million may be the true cost of the entire project

Posted 14 May 2014, 5:54 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

You are right.... V Alfred Gray provided no cost analysis for BAMSI, neither did Forbes (BAIC). He just talked and used vague and colourful "pie-in-the-sky" language and then Perry said $100 million and off his merry men go!!!!!!!!!!! NO ACCOUNTABILITY AT ALL.

Posted 14 May 2014, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Purcell says...

Down a black hole is more fitting. An agricultural school makes as much sense in the Bahamas as a mountaineering school would.

Posted 14 May 2014, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hey Purcell, that's a great idea!!! It would be a really big boost to our tourism product. We could attract climbers from the world over to climb our mountains. Would be great if you could propose it, ask Phillip Bethel if he has any more land that could be bought for millions..I think 60 million sounds like a nice round figure. They could kick off the project next week if you got everything together quickly. No time to waste.

Posted 14 May 2014, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

Bottom line is that the Government of this country is not serious about agriculture because if they were they would be subsidizing the existing farms and the government can run farms on its own to create jobs. This government is a joke and this subject will never be taken seriously. Land development is not cheap at all.

Posted 16 May 2014, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

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