P.S.A. lawyer drafting letter to government asking for payment


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Police Staff Association is asking the government for $16.4m in overtime pay for officers who worked the extended 12-hour shift in late 2013 and early 2014, The Tribune has learned.

PSA lawyer Wayne Munroe said yesterday he is drafting a letter to the government, which will be delivered tomorrow, asking them to pay the officers the money they are owed.

The 12-hour shift system was adopted in September 2013 to arrest a surge in crime. While there were rumours that the controversial shift was phased out in late November, Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade and Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage, both refused to give an exact date for when the shift ended.

The 12-hour shift was reinstated in February, according to PSA President Dwight Smith, which led the group to hire Mr Munroe to represent their interests. Normal shifts are eight hours.

Mr Munroe said he has now been given the go-ahead to get the money from the government, which is in line with police policy.

“We are asking for $16m for the first time they began the shifts last year and then $400,000 for the shorter period this year. The officers worked these shifts and should be paid. They had road blocks all over the island, they gave out a massive amount of traffic tickets. If they say they don’t have the money, then they could use that money they got from all those tickets,” he said.

“Let’s just say you give out one traffic ticket, that is between $200 to $300 per infraction and that multiplies. About 80 per cent of people who get tickets pay them without having to go to court, so they can use all the money that they made from those stops, that were done by the officers on 12-hour shifts, to pay for them shifts. So I got the instructions last week and now I am in the process of drafting that letter.”

Mr Munroe said the government has 28 days after receiving the letter to respond before they take further action.

“We will give them some time, we think 21 to 28 days is sufficient. We aren’t talking about suing yet, we just want them to agree to pay the money and then pay it. The PSA isn’t unreasonable, so if the government says ‘we will pay you the money over a period of time’ they are okay with that. So as long as they respond appropriately, we will not sue. But if they do not respond reasonably, or within a reasonable time, then we will take further action.”

Earlier this year,  Commissioner Greenslade said that he reserves the right to enact the 12-hour shift system at his discretion and that compensation for officers is a “moot point”.

Speaking with The Tribune, Mr Greenslade insisted that he was slow to respond to calls from Police Staff Association (PSA) President Dwight Smith over restitution for officers working long hours because it was a non-issue. He said the law was very clear concerning the PSA’s role in RBPF matters.

“While I respond to you now,” Mr Greenslade said, “respectfully its a moot point. All of the officers who are members of the Association are first and foremost police officers. The law is very clear in terms of what they should be saying and what they should represent. I have been very lenient in allowing them quite a bit of latitude because again I subscribe to a spirit of openness with a willingness to collaborate and to be respectful.

“I reserve the right as Commissioner to deploy officers in accordance with the law as I determine appropriate and to keep our communities safe. So it’s a non-issue.”


BahamianAway says...

Stupid people in places of power that can't tell heads from tails. I have long said place these policemen on 12 hour shifts with a max of 40hrs per week. This can be done by having rotating shifts. If you work 3 full days a week with an on-call option for 4 hours it can be done. There are enough of these silly policemen running around anyway to more than make this work. Or they can do a 2 days on 2 days off with rotating weekends...so many ways they can make 12 hour shifts work and maximize police usage and not worry about 16million in overtime.

But as usual heads in arses can't see nothing but shiite...

Posted 13 May 2014, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

16 million and zero impact on crime....

Posted 13 May 2014, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

Well they did have an impact on crime alright, i'm sure they gave out many tickets for traffic offenses. Bahamian crime fighting at its best.

Posted 13 May 2014, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

If they sent many of the politically connected cops out on the street where they belong there would be minimal need for overtime. Them and the ones sitting on made up jobs working bankers hours who got those assignments by kissing butt. But i don't know if that would be a good or bad thing for the Bahamian people. Unless the culture of this agency changes to that of professionalism, ignorance and brutality will be all the public can exspect. If they want the public to support them stop abusing their authority.

Posted 13 May 2014, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Hey .. bankers work 40 hours per week. What is this banker's hours shiite? That went out in the 1960's.

Posted 13 May 2014, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

LOL Banker, i'm talking about bank branch hours, working monday-friday 9-3 or 9-5. Some Police Officers through various methods some good, most bad, have figured out ways to avoid working shift work or ever working the streets again. RBPF after cleaning up its act have to consider re-assignment of these individuals to the streets to reduce cost, and help tackle this crime.

Posted 14 May 2014, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This Police Staff Association is quickly sounding like a union ....... the government has to draw the line in the sand before it loses control over this para military entity that was designed to provide public safety not be a public relations organization for UR 2.0 and the politicians.

This is what happens when politicians get in bed with policemen and women

Posted 13 May 2014, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

The Bahamas government is like Game of Thrones...everyone feels entitled to the throne but no one really has shown any worth or potential as to why they deserve it.

Posted 13 May 2014, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Wayne Munroe is a real free agent...................... if the price is right he will be your advocate. Nuttin like a good payday......................... SMDH

Posted 13 May 2014, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

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