Darron Cash’s wife ‘put on leave’ by bank


Tribune Staff Reporter


ANNETTE Cash, wife of Free National Movement Chairman Darron Cash was reportedly placed on administrative leave from the Bank of the Bahamas last week, The Tribune understands.

According to well-placed sources, Mrs Cash was reportedly suspended pending the outcome of an investigation into the alleged leak of confidential information from BOB. Mrs Cash works in the bank’s human resources department.

When contacted for comment, BOB’s Managing Director Paul McWeeney said it was not the bank’s policy to speak about “those type of matters.” Mr Cash also refused to speak on the matter when contacted by The Tribune.

Earlier this month, police officers seized two laptops and a smartphone belonging to Mr Cash during a search of his home. The search was reportedly in connection with an investigation into the alleged leak of files from the bank.

Mr Cash’s lawyer Carl Bethel later filed a constitutional motion in the Supreme Court arguing that his client’s rights had been violated.

However, last week Mr Bethel said the parties involved reached an “amicable” agreement on the matter.

Yesterday Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Leader Branville McCartney criticized Mr Cash for his “silence” since leaving court.

Mr McCartney said he found it “curious” that Mr Cash has been as “silent as a lamb” and has made no public statements since last week.

“No one has heard from Darron Cash since then,” Mr McCartney said. “After all the evidence, the claim they had and after all the noise they made, now nothing. All (his) equipment is (presumably) still with the police and his wife has (reportedly) been put on leave. The chairman and the party gave everyone the impression that the government was setting them up and going after him and his family, but now he is quiet.”

When asked to respond to Mr McCartney, Mr Cash would only say that the DNA leader needs to “stay out of FNM business.”


proudloudandfnm says...

The Bank is alleged to have given away free money to PLP bigwigs. Obie and Pleasant did in fact run a business in GB for two years, they did in fact pay $65,000.00 a month rent. When the business failed BOB did in fact send a liquidator in to close the company down and recoup what he could.

As a tax paying citizen whose money was used to subsidize Obie and Pleasant's scam of a business I could care lees about the leak. I know it happened. I want the damned BANK INVESTIGATED.......

Posted 21 May 2014, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Ditto.......... were the Punch revelations ever investigated????????? Or was it dismissed by the Government as tabloid sensationalism ?????????????

Posted 21 May 2014, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

As much mouth as Mr. Cash has his only response to Mr. McCartney. "Stay out of FNM Business" It is the whole wide world business now and he Cash made it so.

It does seem Fishy that his wife works for BOB and he has so much information about BOB does he have information about other banks in the Bahamas. He will learn well "When you dig ditches did two. He was so busy playing dirty politic and it back fired on him. But he did not care what damage it could cause the Bank and the employees.

Posted 21 May 2014, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Can you ever make a sensible comment? We should be looking at protections for people who actually reveal instances of fraud and misconduct...whoever this person was they brought to light some serious misconduct at that bank...with OUR MONEY!! If they need a subsidy guess where it'll come from? Your NIB payment, money that you work hard for these people pulling up to the front door in their Lexus and asking the chauffeur to load right in their back trunk

Posted 21 May 2014, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

So after all the fuss that Darron Cash made.... After all the claiming that he was a victim of the police and had his constitutional rights violated, it turns out that the police were justified in confiscating his electronic items??? I guess he and his wife didn't realize that the NIA was illegally, and secretly listening to their phone calls as they leaked sensitive information on the affairs of the BOB. But because the police force's means of acquiring this information was illegal, they could not charge Darron Cash or his wife with any wrong doing. However, this breech in privacy revealed that his wife's actions were in violation of banking confidentiality laws. Thus, I'm guessing that she will eventually be fired. Very intriguing. Bahamian scandal at its best.

Posted 21 May 2014, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

The problem I find is we are killing the messenger whilst the message is buried.The elephant in the room is the bank's lending practices that are not being addressed. guess who pays when the bank fails "THE TAX PAYERS"

Posted 21 May 2014, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

AMEN...................... Old Man Politics at work again

Posted 21 May 2014, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Many of the banks' shareholders and potential investors were 'saved' from further losses by who ever leaked the irregularities that were going on at BoB. Some knew that bank had started to lose money over the past two years but many did not know the reasons behind it. Now many are stuck with shares that can be worthless in short order if the bank collapses, and even in the long term they will not see dividends until the scandal is cleaned up and the bank regains the confidence of its customers and persons willing to buy shares. One director has already resigned and if half of what was leaked is true Paul McSweeny should be placed on administrative leave until a full investigation of the banks operations is carried out. Who authorized the 'loans' that were improperly secured that caused the bank so much loss? Were loans intentionally written off that could have been paid?

Posted 21 May 2014, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

But what is been done to satisfy the public that the "losses" will be investigated and reversed within a reasonable (one year) timeline.......... or are they waiting for the media storm to blow over??????????

Posted 21 May 2014, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Hoping that if they muzzle enough whistleblowers that yes, the media storm will die down, people will forget all about it, and they can carry on with their bad ways...only because we do not pay them enough of course...otherwise they wouldn't have to do it. *sigh*

Posted 21 May 2014, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The Bahamian people are the only losers here as always. The politrickans win once again. And then you have the idiots that have BLIND party faith that will excuse anything their party does. As long as we have those sort (birdie) The Bahamas and it's PEOPLE will always be under the thumb of corrupt, selfish, stealing, politrickans. WAKE UP BAHAMAS!

Posted 21 May 2014, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

goodread says...


Posted 21 May 2014, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Oh, you mean, you, me and the rest of the Bahamian people get swing again?

Posted 21 May 2014, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Obviously, there is a lot of truth in the Punch Expose. No one has a bigger mouth in Parliament than Obie and Leslie. Isn't it curious that they have not denied the allegations against them by the Punch?

Posted 21 May 2014, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

242orgetslu says...

This is the link where the full story is:http://si.com/vault/article/magazine…
Across the inky-blue Gulf Stream from Florida, near the sheer edge of the Great Bahama Bank, a new island is emerging from the sea. Although it bears the appealing name Ocean Cay, this new island is not, and never will be, a palm-fringed paradise of the sort the Bahamian government promotes in travel ads. No brace of love doves would ever choose Ocean Cay for a honeymoon; no beauty in a brief bikini would waste her sweetness on such desert air. Of all the 3,000 islands and islets and cays in the Bahamas, Ocean Cay is the least lovely. It is a flat, roughly rectangular island which, when completed, will be 200 acres and will resemble a barren swatch of the Sahara. Ocean Cay does not need allure. It is being dredged up from the seabed by the Dillingham Corporation of Hawaii for an explicit purpose that will surely repel more tourists than it will attract. In simplest terms, Ocean Cay is a big sandpile on which the Dillingham Corporation will pile more sand that it will subsequently sell on the U.S. mainland. The sand that Dillingham is dredging is a specific form of calcium carbonate called aragonite, which is used primarily in the manufacture of cement and as a soil neutralizer. For the past 5,000 years or so, with the flood of the tide, waters from the deep have moved over the Bahamian shallows, usually warming them in the process so that some of the calcium carbonate in solution precipitated out. As a consequence, today along edges of the Great Bahama Bank there are broad drifts, long bars and curving barchans of pure aragonite. Limestone, the prime source of calcium carbonate, must be quarried, crushed and recrushed, and in some instances refined before it can be utilized. By contrast, the aragonite of the Bahamian shallows is loose and shifty stuff, easily sucked up by a hydraulic dredge from a depth of one or two fathoms. The largest granules in the Bahamian drifts are little more than a millimeter in diameter. Because of its fineness and purity, the Bahamian aragonite can be used, agriculturally or industrially, without much fuss and bother. It is a unique endowment. There are similar aragonite drifts scattered here and there in the warm shallows of the world, but nowhere as abundantly as in the Bahamas. In exchange for royalties, the Dillingham Corporation has exclusive rights in four Bahamian areas totaling 8,235 square miles. In these areas there are about four billion cubic yards—roughly 7.5 billion long tons—of aragonite. At rock-bottom price the whole deposit is worth more than $15 billion. An experienced dredging company like Dillingham should be able to suck up 10 million tons a year, which will net the Bahamian government an annual royalty of about $600,000.

Posted 22 May 2014, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

We get ur point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 22 May 2014, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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