FNM: Govt not protecting Bimini's natural resources


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Free National Movement accused the government yesterday of not adequately protecting Bimini’s natural resources and expressed worry about the “mounting local and international concern” that the Bimini dredging is having on the country’s reputation.

The FNM’s response follows a plea from attorney and environmental activist Fred Smith, who on Tuesday urged the opposition to break its silence on the controversial dredging in Bimini.

Despite mounting concerns about the issue, Environment Minister Kenred Dorsett refused to answer questions from reporters yesterday. He later released a statement saying that the Bimini project adheres to environmental standards and that all relevant documents have been posted on the Bahamas Environment Science and Technology Commission (BEST) website.

In his statement, the FNM’s Shadow Minister of Environment Kwasi Thompson called on the government to be “transparent, fair and balanced” in its review of the concerns.

Mr Thompson said the government must be held accountable for any environmental degradation that results from the project.

He said: “The Free National Movement is very disturbed by the government’s apparent lack of concern for the permanent and irreparable environmental damage, which will be suffered in Bimini by the continued dredging to make provision for (the) pier by Resorts World.”

“While the Free National Movement encourages economic activity, which may create business and employment opportunities for Bahamians, it should not be at the expense of our natural resources. These resources, when damaged, threaten the very foundation of Bimini’s present economic activities, which have sustained the island for decades.

“The government has failed to adequately protect Bimini’s precious resources, which has attracted the attention of local environmental experts and well-respected international environmental experts who have all called for a stop and review of the dredging project.

“Furthermore, the government must insist that all the requirements for such a project are met inclusive of submission of applications for permits and consultations with relevant stakeholders.”

The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) has also weighed in on the controversy. Executive Director Eric Carey has urged the government to review the project and to provide the public with an amended Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environment Management Plan (EMP) in view of this week’s revelation that the government has given Resorts World Bimini permission to dredge three times the amount of material than previously disclosed.

Mr Carey said that after seeing aerial photos of the project, which reportedly show silt spreading across the water, he has concerns about the project’s environmental standards.

“Their EMP described siltation curtains and ways of managing the spoil,” he said. “It appears they need to amend the procedures and it warrants action because it has (allegedly) failed to adhere to the parameters agreed by the management plan. If they are not dredging in the agreed parameters of the EMP, they are outside their permits and the government should stop the activity until they’ve put in the protective and preventative measures which everyone is expressing concern about.”

Mr Carey said he wants an amended EMP and expressed confidence that Mr Dorsett will comply with his request.

In a statement released late yesterday Mr Dorsett said that to ensure compliance with best environmental standards, the government insisted that the developers engage an environmental compliance manager to oversee the project.

“D & E Partners, a company owned by the former Minister of the Environment, Earl Deveaux, has been retained to act the Environmental Compliance Manager for the project,” he said.

He added that the government also required that an independent environmental consultant be engaged to oversee the project.

“In that regard, the company of Ardaman & Associates was retained as an independent environmental consultant on this project,” he said. “This company is based in Orlando, Florida and has worked on projects in the Bahamas before, including the Paradise Island Bridge and the dredging of the Nassau Harbour. The BEST Commission as it is mandated is also monitoring this project to ensure compliance with the laws of the Bahamas and best environmental practices.”

He said: “I maintain that the EIA and the EMP documents for this and other projects, past and present, are available for perusal by the general public at the BEST Commission or on their website. We are a developing nation and as such the government works to ensure that the environment is kept in high regard while providing our citizens with opportunities for investment, entrepreneurship and gainful employment.”

When contacted yesterday, Mr Deveaux declined to comment.

Dredging began in North Bimini last Thursday as part of Resorts World Bimini’s controversial construction of a cruise ship terminal, 1,000 ft pier and man-made island.

The government believes that when completed, the project will bring significant economic benefits to the country. However environmentalists, concerned residents and some foreign experts say the project may inflict catastrophic damage on Bimini’s marine ecosystem and said it has been shrouded in secrecy.

The Tribune understands that Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister Alfred Gray is expected to hold a town meeting in Bimini tonight.


John says...

While the government is allowing a foreign company to dredge and dig up the Bimini shores, it is trying to make the shores around South Eleuthera a marine protected area. This will mean that residents in South Eleuthera will no longer be able to fish off the rocks or dive conchs to feed their families. They will need a boat to go out in the deep for sea food. So the same areas they are allowing Resorts World to dig up up and destroy in Bimini, they are now trying to prevent Bahamians from fishing in Eleuthera. South Eleuthera has not recovered from hard times in over 20 years so most of the residents cannot afford a boat and depend on fishing on the rocks as a means of survival.. What a tangled web we weave!

Posted 22 May 2014, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal

MajorTom says...

I think it important to note that the BEST Commission, whilst once a quasi-governmental organization meant to serve the government in some kind of regulatory capacity, has now been fully incorporated into the Department of The Environment, and is in no way independent from the government. As such, putting any issue before it serves no purpose, other than to give Bahamians the impression that some outside regulator has vetted some government undertaking, and has no issue with it.

Posted 22 May 2014, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The FNM needs to shut the hell up as they are the same as the PLP. You nasty, greedy politrickans need to understand that Bahamians know that you are ALL rotten to the core and only care about you and yours. We are sick of getting ripped off by the few that are in the click or connected to the click.

Posted 22 May 2014, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The FNM jumped on this ban wagon because Fred Smith told them to do so. as far as this photo goes. we have rocks very much like these on the beach just after you pass. The Our Lucaya Hotel. I do love the beauty of the Bahamas. But the FNM is the party that wanted to sell Clifton and they and BNT allowed the dredging in the Exuma Sea Park. where Bahamians were not even able to take a fish. But their Papa said he and his Grand Children had some kind of lunch with the man who wanted to do the dredging so I guess that made it all right as far as they were concerned.

Posted 22 May 2014, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Look, two wrongs do not make a right. Stop with your "they did wrong so it is OK for us too do wrong". It is not a valid or acceptable position to take! Tribal politics have destroyed this country just as much as the corrupt politrickan. Anyone who votes blindly one way or another is a traitor to the Bahamas. Your country deserves better, your children deserve better, and you should know better!

Posted 23 May 2014, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

According to some sources from Bimini, Resorts World is only concerned about the CASINO part of their operation. They could not get a casino license in Florida so they got one here and plan to bring the people here by ship to GAMBLE. They have to dig up the sea bed and remove tons and tons of sand and rock to make that happen. Then when they have made their millions they will leave Bimini forever scarred, like a woman raped.

Posted 23 May 2014, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Friend says...

Do you think so John? Well, there is a saying that says, it is something to come and not something gone, so if you are correct we will see John.

Posted 23 May 2014, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This sounds like Emerald Bay, Exuma all over again.......................... and look how that ended. The FNM government gave it away to Sandals for less than $20 Million.

The PLP always talking about Out Island development............. but its not appropriate development.

On top of that.............. the PLP government seems to be in some secret sweetheart deal. There is no public access to the information on this development. No Freedom of Information................. Obie seems to be at the heart of this clandestine deal again.

Posted 23 May 2014, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Friend says...

Sheeprunner12, I wish we could get Port Authority out of Lucaya, Grand Bahama, then give Butch Stewart some properties so he could bring good hotel jobs to that island. Have you found out how Sandals Emerald Bay is working out for Exuma and the Bahamas on a whole?Butch Stewart provides the best hotel jobs including benefits in the Bahamas. You give some Bahamian rich guys the same property and they would have sugar plantation wages, thus strikes upon strikes then a closure of the property. I don't think Butch would invest in Lucaya, Grand Bahama because of the economic destabilizer that is known as The Grand Bahama Port Authority. Bahamians should have been petitioning their government to chase them out of the country years ago. I love My Bahamas! Ask the minister of tourism how good Butch Stewart, the Jamaican born and raised foreigner and hotelier is to the Bahamas. Did you read this newspaper some days ago and see where the minister heaped praises on Butch for what he is doing for the Bahamas. He just opened one hotel each in Grenada and TCI in less than a month, and another will soon be opened in Barbados. Walk good my son until.

Posted 23 May 2014, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Friend......... do you listen to the News for the past ten years and hear the issues surrounding labour/wage levels/foreign workers & mgmt at Sandals??????. yes Sandals bailed out the Bahamian government because rich Bahamians dont want to invest in hotel infrastructure....... but that doesnt mean that Sandals is always above board

Posted 23 May 2014, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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