Murder is 52nd of the year


Tribune Staff Reporter

A MAN collapsed and died in a public bathroom early yesterday morning after he was shot in the head attempting to escape his attackers off Carmichael Road.

Police say they received a call that a man was found dead in the public restroom around 1am at a park in the area of Mermaid Boulevard.

This latest killing brings the country’s murder count this year to 52, according to police sources.

When police arrived they found the lifeless body of a man with multiple gunshot wounds. Officer in Charge of the Central Detective Unit, Superintendent Paul Rolle said police are unsure of the motive.

“The man, who appears to be in his 30s, had no identification on him. From the way the body was positioned and the fact that he was shot to the back and the back of his head, it leads us to believe he ran into the bathroom to escape his attacker or attackers,” he said.

Supt Rolle is asking members of the public who may have been in the area and heard or seen anything to call police immediately.

Meanwhile police still have no one in custody in connection with the murder of a couple last weekend. Latheria Moss, 19, and 42-year-old Fred Dames, who were dating, were killed hours apart.

Dames was found shot to death in the driveway of a residence on Haven and Sea Roads. He had two gunshot wounds in his head and died at the scene. About three hours later, the body of Moss was discovered off Cowpen Road, about a quarter of a mile along Farm Road.

She was slumped over the passenger seat of a Honda Accord that was left abandoned on the road. Police said the teen girl had multiple gunshot wounds in her body.

According to police sources, the vehicle was owned by Dames, who was “well known” to police and has been “in and out of the system” for years.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson said police are following significant leads and hope to have someone in custody “very soon”.

He also said police are on the hunt for a man they believe to be responsible for the murder of Romeo Lymes. Lymes was shot and killed last Friday in Kings Bar off Washington Street.

Anyone with information on any of these murders is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


carlh57 says...

Guess if we just keep killing the criminals (aka Dames, others) we'll eventually irradiate the crime problem?....

Posted 22 May 2014, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This is an ugly way to clean up the community because it will involve a lot of collateral damage (like the young girlfriend)............ but at least "known criminals" are being eradicated ............. for what its worth............ SMH

Posted 22 May 2014, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

THE S O L U T I O N TO MURDER. Christ admonishes us to search the scriptures to find answers for our problems and the truth. And so on searching for a solution to the murders in this country here is what the bible says. !.Murder does not happen when someone's life is taken, by a gun a knife or some other means, but it begins in the heart of a person. Once you start to hold hatred, and jealousy and contempt for your brother, you are well on your way to committing murder. Once anger builds up so strongly in a person's heart he will kill over trivial matters: a plate of food, a dollar in a gambling game, if someone looks at him the wrong way or steps on his shoe by mistake ".The source of murder comes from the heart (mind, the core of an individual's character) where hate and anger are festered by Satan. If we have these evil traits in our hearts, we are fostering the spirit of murder. Thought precedes action and hatred precedes murder. If we hate someone, we break the sixth commandment." .

Christ informs us that murderers are of their father, the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and they will do his work..they will kill! The bible further tells us that to stop a murder you must convert them. You must take the anger and hatred and jealousy and all the negative forces in a persons heart and replace it with things positive. Love, affection, the desire to serving God.

John 3:11

For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another; 12not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother. And for what reason did he slay him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother's were righteous

Posted 22 May 2014, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...


Is the MONS and COP overwhelmed to the point where they cannot keep crime statistics .............. or its another political gimmick?????????

Posted 23 May 2014, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

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