Teacher cut by knife while trying to stop fight


Tribune Staff Reporter


A FEMALE teacher was cut by a knife after attempting to part a fight between two students at the CH Reeves junior school yesterday, forcing the campus into a temporary “lock down,” a school official said.

School Principal Gretta Brown confirmed yesterday that two ninth grade boys got into an argument when one of them drew a knife on the other. The teacher intervened and was cut on her hand.

Ms Brown said the school remains on high alert and explained that it was usual at the end of each term for students to feel inclined to “settle the score” before school closes for the summer break. But she said precautions were being taken to prevent similar incidents.

“Two children were involved in a fight,” Ms Brown said, “and in pushing them apart, the teacher was cut on her hand. We went into lock down and checked everyone for weapons. We are so sorry that this happened to a teacher who was trying to help students. It was over something silly.”

Ms Brown said while there is not a general concern among teachers that more students will turn up with weapons, school administration will ensure frequent security checks until school closes.

The instructor was taken to hospital for treatment, but returned to the school yesterday to resume teaching.

A police officer was on duty at the school when the incident happened.


BahamianAway says...

I say charge the student with criminal possession of a weapon, intent to cause harm with a deadly object, and for assault. Lock him a juvenile detention facility for a year during which time he will receive anger management classes and learn ways to diffuse situations without violence. And once he has completed the sentence providing he behaved and had not other incidents he would be released and made to complete mandatory community service (ie volunteer at Ranfurly Home, Salvation Army, clean the prison etc) until his 18th birthday. At which point if he has successfully graduated school with no more incidents his record will be sealed and he would be considered rehabilitated.

HOWEVER, if he continues to act out and refused to follow rules then I say lock him up because more than likely he will become a career criminal.

This is what they need to start doing with these young people...show them that crime will not be tolerated at any age and you will be held responsible for your actions if they are criminal. If this boy had killed the teacher or another student this outcry would have been different. The way this situation is handle can determine a lot in terms of other students and for the boy himself.

I pray the school and the system does not fail him now....he needs direction more than ever at this point.

Posted 28 May 2014, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

This is so ridiculous. AND to top it off a police official was on the premises. These little children arent even afraid of the police or what will happen to them. I agree wholeheartedly with your statement

Posted 28 May 2014, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

What "outcry"? Ms Brown said what happened, a few weeks ago a teenager killed a man over a dollar, and the whole nation thought "a dollar"? That was *silly*. She made a correct statement and now has no other say in the matter. Her jurisdiction is ended, this is in the hands of the police and will be looked at as a serious crime since he in fact had a deadly weapon and did "act like a criminal", irrespective of his "nicely pressed uniform".

Posted 29 May 2014, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

@BahamianAway-You really assert yourself as someone who thinks he knows the answer to the crime problem. You are obviously the one who lives in la, la land. This problem did not just spring upon us. This is the product of a past corrupt government that promoted drug dealers as good role models, a society where the home is broken and where the politicians steal, lie and cheat constantly. So what do you expect from our young people? They are only emulating what they see coming from you hypocrites. There is no short fix to this problem. Beat em, scold em, lock em away and that will not solve the problem. This whole society needs to be revamped and good moral standards need to be instilled in our children from an early age.

Posted 29 May 2014, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

I never claimed to know the answer, however common sense (which you so clearly lack) dictates that harsher punishment is needed when crime is committed. Yes the problem of crime did not just spring upon us and while your point has some validity as to the origin, the situation is not being helped by stacking these criminals up in HMP and just leaving them there to run appeal after appeal.

It may not solve the crime issue but I can bet it would help to deter some who feel crime does pay and there is no punishment for offenses committed.

What do you propose be done EMAC...teach them the way to go and hope the don't stray from the path and when they do pat them and tell them everyone makes mistakes. WISE UP man we aren't dealing with stealing cookies out of your mom's kitchen. This is murder, rape, and robbery which requires a sterner hand. Maybe a sterner hand coupled with some morals might have at minimum curb some of these violent activities.

But hey....you continue to be one of the many Bahamians with their head buried in the sand looking to rope in horses that have been running free and get them to stay in a barn with no doors. Good luck with that...

Posted 29 May 2014, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

These children suppose to be doing their BJC exams not fighting!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 28 May 2014, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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Posted 29 May 2014, 3:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Sure…Can I get a loan to start a business that will focus on eradicating spam mail and businesses that use community posts to solicit questionable loans???

Posted 29 May 2014, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

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